[GaZ] GorillaZ

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Website: www.facebook.com/gorillazclan/ • Created: 2014-12-09

5,869,436 / 3,306,000

1679h 7m
Team GorillaZ {GaZ}
A team of players focused on having fun and fairplay. Feel free to leave us feedback about our members or our server. Only BF4 on PS3 and PS4!

Membership invite only! Do not apply, just play with us regularly and you might get an invite.


salut a tous je cherche un 5V5 en domi chaud? ajoutez moi sur skype absofuryemc2 a bientot
8 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry mate, we're not open for clan battles.
8 years ago
12v12 ?
8 years ago • 1 Like
Sorry mate, we're not open for clan battles.
8 years ago
cw 5v5 dom?add me
8 years ago • 0 Like
Kann ich mit euch spielen? Bin ein Hobby-spieler und fair
9 years ago • 0 Like
Can I join please, I go on your server a lot
9 years ago • 0 Like
Yes keep playing the server and we might invite you at some point.
9 years ago
can you invite me please?????????????????????????????????????????????????
9 years ago • 0 Like
Yes keep playing the server and we might invite you at some point.
9 years ago
We changed the rules on the server to NO SHOTGUNS, USAS-12 is allowed though. Unfortunately DICE changed the weapon models in such a way that shotguns became to overpowered. Until DICE changes the Shotgun weapon model back to normal we will keep this rule in effect.
9 years ago • 2 likes
ich finde euer server scheisse weil an dauernd gebannt werde obwohl ich fair spiele
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Kein stress, ich frage mal nach wer dich verbannt hat und wieso.
9 years ago
ok danke
9 years ago
reason for not being the server, last few times i have played i have got slaughter from players from Jap, bra, asia. there are lots of them on in the evening. also the usage of c4 and shotguns is doing my head in, where you have campers just in one spot c4 constantly. Just feed back on the type of players on, they are easy to spot from their dog tags and also the tag they where, jap, bra and asia players...
9 years ago • 0 Like
oh i would like to mention that this also happens when french players join, there internet connection speed is one of the fastest in europe as well, so they also cause issues on the server when playing
9 years ago
Any issues with the way i play, i hope not i would like to think i am a very fair player or though i tend not to stay in place for too long. According to the new rules on the server, are you allowed to flank bravo, i mean running behind the bravo flag to then surprise the other team by attacking from behind, so its not rushing to charlie but just trying to kill them from behind, is this allowed
9 years ago • 1 Like
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very welcome, yeah not everyone uses them but yes they can become annoying lol
9 years ago
No issues with you, as i'm concerned. Indeed a fair player with skills
9 years ago
its ok i found the emblem online and have put it on :o)
9 years ago • 0 Like
would you guys allow me to wear your emblem when i am on your server? if so i can apply for the platoon, wear the emblem but my own tag, as i am the leader of my own clan and i wouldnt feel right. But wearing the emblem allows others to see i am a friend of the clan, if that makes sense.
9 years ago • 0 Like
???Verbannt, wegen AdMiN KilL oder WiE???
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Ich habe mit alle admins geredet und keiner weiß was da vorgefallen ist. Ich habe dir wieder von die banliste geholt. Du kannst jetzt ruhig wieder auf den Server zocken. Ich möchte mich dafür entschuldigen, ich habe wirklich keine Ahnung wie das passiert ist.
9 years ago
OkI No PrObLeMo :-)
9 years ago
last nights game with sawtooth was a mental one, glad we won but it was a hard match playing on both sides hahaha.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Lately we have been trying out several different rules and game modes on our server. The main purpose of this was to find a way to avoid the never-ending baseraping, which Metro Conquest is particularly vulnerable to. Unfortunately we haven't been able to find a decent configuration that served this purpose.

So now we are back to where we started: Metro Conquest with our original rules.

This means that we will enforce the rules a little more strictly, especially concerning Baseraping. Please give the other team a change and don't push the limits. Stay well clear of the red area and don't go to far beyond the base flag.
9 years ago • 5 likes
I have tried added a few of you, nothing to worry about, i dont like playing against members i call friends, its a rule i have, why you will find i am trying to add some of you when i see you online. Its got nothing to do with being on the winning team as most of you know i am a fast player and rush very hard, but saying that i am rushing against friends and i dont enjoy playing like that. If some of you get a friends request, please do accept as i am only trying to be friendly. Reasons for not joining the clan, i have my own but i am in no competition with anyone..... Trying to build a clan which is tactical and very team based, who stick together. Lol its difficult.... as you guys would know.. anyway just saying hi as they tend to say lol
9 years ago • 3 likes
Thanx! Our clan basically grew by itself, no real drive behind it. Now it's more or less a group of friends from all over the world playing together.
9 years ago
Soldier Profile: Gaming for over 10years, married, 3 children another on the way :o). Love Battlefield for stress relief. 41 years old :o)

Fav Quote: "Law alone can not secure freedom of expression;
in order that every man present his views without penalty
there must be a spirit of tolerance"
- Albert Einstein

Background: grew up with a father who was a drill sarg in the airforce, (trainer, pt instructor)

Best Qualities: Clan Medic, I dont leave my team mate behind, if i can get to you and bring you back i will. Tank driver, with a good repairer, nothing will get by me.
9 years ago • 2 likes
- NO GLITCHING! There are several known glitches in Battlefield 4 and Operation Metro 2014. Do not abuse these for your own benefit. Penalty: Ban
- NO HACKING! There are ways to gain an unfair advantage in the game by using Mods or special controllers (Split Fish/Rapid Fire). We do not tolerate any of these, we actively check stats on BF4DB.com. Penalty: Ban
- NO CAMPING! Do not lie down on the floor all the time, behind cover or way behind you teammates. Metro is a fast map and there is no room for campers. Keep moving and keep rushing. Penalty: Kick
- NO BASERAPE! We also consider entering the Red Area Baseraping an already weakened team. Penalty: Kick
- NO SPANWTRAPPING! If you see a Enemy Spawn Beacon, destroy it immediately and don't trap it with Claymores, C4 or any other method. Penalty: Kick
- NO T-BAGGING! Some people make a sport out of it and its just disrespectful. Penalty: Kick


- We kick for friends and members.
- We kick to make room to switch people from one side to the other in order to achieve team-balance.
- We kick players with high ping values or which cause server lag in general.
- If you have a problem with a player in-game just send a message to an admin.
- We appreciate players who balance the game themselves by switching to the weaker side. (consider it a challenge)

If you're kicked just re-join the game, in general you should be able to join quickly.

Our server has 6 admins:
- the1isback (owner) (FR/LUX/GER)
- vkerkhofs (owner) (NL/ENG/GER)
- superwacksauce69 (ENG)
- Rokus-NL (NL/ENG)
- Kerumi-ne (SPA/ENG)
- Trueley (GER/ENG)

If you have any issues during game play, please address the admins.
9 years ago • 6 likes
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Thanks mate.
9 years ago
Its a fact my friend, why there is so demand to get on it, the server is also one of the fastest, just hate it when the japs and brazilians join, same with some of the french, hate members from the usa as well, connections speeds just so messed up when that happens.
9 years ago
Mahlzeit! Ich finde es ja ok wenn ihr leute switcht um die Team Balance zu halten! Was ich aber garnicht gut finde, und dies ist mir schon öfters bei euch aufgefallen! Das ihr die leute erst anfangt zu switchen wenn ihr alle flaggen habt! Entweder ihr switcht andere Clans von Anfang an oder lasst es am besten! Aber nicht mitten im Spiel nachdem ihr schön alle Flaggen habt!!! Dan steht bei euch geschrieben NO CAMPING! HMMMMMM.... fast euch selber erstmal an die eigene Nase bevor ihr Leute rausschmeißt die 1x C4 die Treppe runter werfen!!!

Naja was ich damit sagen will....... euer Server ist NICHT zu empfehlen!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like
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Wenn ihr unseren Server nicht empfehlen könnt braucht ihr ja auch nicht bei uns zu spielen oder?
9 years ago
you kicked me a lot of times from your server without any reason...
9 years ago
would you have locker and metro as a combo on your server, or would locker cause players to lag out?
9 years ago • 0 Like
We tried that for a white but people tended to leave when maps switched. So we would have a full server with metro and while locker loaded a lot of people would leave and we ended up with a half empty server running locker (and the other way around)
9 years ago