[PWW] Prestige World Wide

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Website: boatsnhoes.shivtr.com • Created: 2014-04-10

67,369 / 113,000

589h 13m
We're a group of friends that are frustrated with the useless randoms that end up on our team. This is especially true for game modes such as Conquest and Domination, where teamwork is crucial. Most of us are active duty military or veterans, but we will accept mature, objective-focused players regardless of service. We are normal people with jobs and families that compete for our time.



This is a link to the video for the password to the new Phantom Initiate Phase Three. Click Leaderboards, then click General, then click the small icon in the bottom left-hand corner. http://youtu.be/Y5qW9mHNHIE [youtu.be]
10 years ago • 0 Like
There is only one PWW around me m8
8 years ago • 1 Like
fancy meeting you here
7 years ago
Sorry to be a stranger for so long, guys. Unfortunately, I'm done with Battlefield 4. Balancing a full school schedule with my apprenticeship leaves me very little free time. I was sacrificing sleep to play BF4, just so I could get disconnected from games. I've tried to give BF4 a fair chance, but I literally don't have time to waste. That's what my last few gaming sessions felt like. Time wasted. Half of it was spent staring at the Multiplayer menu. I'll miss you guys and I'm not writing you guys or Battlefield off forever. I am done with this installment of Battlefield, though. The game is still too rough and my free time is too precious. If we happen to catch each other online, I'd be happy to party chat or play other games like Forza. I hope that we can play together in the next big shooter, although I won't be assuming a leadership role. I feel bad for failing as a founder of this platoon, but life happens. Things are much different now than when I founded this platoon with Ken. I apologize for any issues that my absence has caused or will cause. What I'm saying is, "It's not you, it's me."
10 years ago • 0 Like
Looking to join. My stats are not all that great, but playing alone is no fun. I am still learning the ropes. I play almost every night and I am definitely looking to play as a part of a team. I will do whatever is assigned or what is needed to help complete objectives. Thanks.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Have you looked into our website bromosexual
10 years ago
OMG... i'm so bored without my Xbox... i've actually picked up on playing league of legends and world of tanks.. i fuckin miss you guys.
10 years ago • 2 likes
PLEASE READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Marking of an Objective plays a crucial role when playing with a squad ! Not only does this allow the individual to gain more points, but also gains the squad more points as a whole, allowing for the ACE SQUAD Medal to be achieved and possibly determining the outcome of the match ! ! !
If you want to be a SQUAD LEADER, YOU NEED TO BE ON TOP OF THINGS !!!!!!!!!!!
10 years ago • 1 Like
ALSO . . . We as a Platoon and Individually need to be following the Squad Leaders Commands !!! If you can't do that, you can just go play alone because at that point your a detriment to the Squad and your taking the place of someone who will follow Squad Leader Commands !!!!!!!!
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
its ya boy dub tap aka d nice aka muh fuckin' coon. i got something to say right quick, MLK. i have a dream, uhm i have a dream that all my dog tag snatchin' comrades can realize it ain't about a time zone. it ain't about a new game droppin' for next gen, ITS ABOUT PWW and i say its about time we squad up. i put my forza differences aside, i realize my lap times are slow as shit with traction control off but i know what isnt slow. whats that coon? my double tap, and my instincts to squad up.
10 years ago • 2 likes
If you run with me i pound the ground i dont have time failed vehicle antics. If you squad with me thats how it is. If you dont like it make your on squad.

10 years ago • 2 likes
Thanks Guys for the Leader Promotion ! MOLON LABE !
10 years ago • 0 Like
the asymmetry of the ribbon on the NEW new emblem, hurts.
also, i'll be back on monday. its been finals week, and i had to pack and crap to get out of my dorm,and now that i'm home, i have to UNPACK. yay......
10 years ago • 0 Like
Love the new Emblem !!!!
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
so last night (thursday may 1st into friday may 2nd) we had a game, on Lost Islands, where our platoon's K/D was 2.89, and our skill went up by 9.89. and as a whole, Our platoon's skill continues to go up, and so does the K/D (i know, not as important, but a good benchmark, nonetheless). Lookin good, boys. lookin good.
10 years ago • 2 likes
now we just need more active members, besides the main 6 to 8 of us it seems
10 years ago
been looking for a good group of guys to play with that PTFO and def tired of randoms. I seen you guys on the recruitment page and sounds good
10 years ago • 0 Like
You herd from anybody yet?
10 years ago
We sent you a few party invites the other day. You're welcome to get on with us this coming weekend. I'll look for you when I'm online.
10 years ago
10 years ago • 3 likes
Here's my idea for the platoon emblem. Let me know if you like the letters there or if they'd be better at the bottom of the ship. Click the link to check it out.

http://i61.tinypic.com/ftoebo.jpg [i61.tinypic.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Here's a link to the Platoon recruitment thread. Feel free to offer input.

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2955064777160066197/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like