[KAOS] Kick Ass Ops Soldiers

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Website: www.facebook.com/groups/715006905185586/ • Created: 2014-03-06

174,928 / 176,000

1279h 34m
Welcome all and sundry to the chaotic chaos that is KAOS. We are just a bunch of battlefield enthusiast who love to have fun, joke around, play as a team, yell at noobs, talk about battlefield, life, the universe and everything and enjoy the insanity and chaos that battlefield (version3 and 4) can, is and always will be.

Join us if you appreciate the above, and love playing as a team. A microphone isn't necessary but yelling out the window to people 100's of miles away can annoy the neighbours, so up to you. What is necessary though is a sense of humour, an ability to have fun, and not to take the game too seriously.

Our current leaderboard (all platforms): http://bf4stats.com/lb/KAOS [bf4stats.com]


Hey guys!

I'm just posting on here with regards to Battlefield Hardline. Now I've been asked to gauge the scope of platoons who would be interested in Ladder play for the new game before anything can be implemented. So if you guys are interested please comment on the thread below with your team name.

http://au.cybergamer.com/forums/thread/563772/Potential-BF:-Hardline-Ladders/ [au.cybergamer.com]
9 years ago • 2 likes
10 years ago • 1 Like
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/8103756050302097942/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] come sign up and rep your clan 2015 hardcore tourny
10 years ago • 0 Like
Please note that KAOS is doing a xmas clean up :-) We will be removing some Members from the platoon as there have been some issues raised as to the conduct of some KAOS members. As we do not have specific names at this time, we will be removing Members that have not played with Gaffa22, Alpharia or S-Chowny. No disrespect is meant for those that are removed. You are welcome to re-apply, but before people are added to the group from now on there will be a trial period where they must play with leaders of the group or be vouched for by a current member.
We are a relaxed friendly platoon, where we have limited rules, but fair play and etiquette should be a priority. Plus friendly ribbing never hurt anyone :-)
See you on the battlefield.
10 years ago • 1 Like