This is in the very early stages so you all may be wondering what our concept is as well as the plan. We're a gaming community. Everyone has a say as to what you want to play and how you want to play it. Right now we are gearing up for BF1. I've already been in talks with GameServers to lease a 64 Person Hardcore Server that will be centrally US located. We will also have a teamspeak server as well. Once we get settled down with that, we will then focus on a website. Right now we're just trying to get as many people who want to be a part of this and help get this thing taken off. Admin is very important to me. We feel if you are SSG, you should have admin rights. This is your house just as much as it is mine and everyone is equal. Whether you donate or not, if you're SSG, you will be granted admin. Tags are also not required. It's awesome if you have them but we understand you may be part of other groups and that's A-Ok. We just want this to be considered another "home". Welcome to Shell Shock Gamers! Get your friends to join! I'll keep everyone posted on when the server gets reserved. I'm on a waiting list and the funds are there just waiting for them to take it for our servers!
8 years ago • 0