[VoV] Infidels United

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Website: www.facebook.com/groups/infidelsunited (iu) • Created: 2014-10-22

51,213 / 53,000

535h 58m
We are a East Coast based laid back crew.
Consisting primarily of Military but including civilian brothers, sisters and public servants, to get together and, blow off some steam.
We are a competitive clan.
Army, USAF, Marines, Navy.
Need a mic, and good communication skills. You choked on the dust, and kicked ass over there, then Obama, and ISIS took it away.
We don't pigeon hole players into one roll.
We prefer jack-of-all-trades players.
PTSD kicking in?
Not playing on a team that gets it?
Come on and get United!
Think you got a better way to take an MCOM station or flag?
Creative expression on missions are excepted.
I'm Silverback6 a 21 year (ret) vet.
We need leaders and operators.
New recruits are expected to wear the Emblem.
When you become an established player and its okay'd by leaders or founder you can wear a personal emblem but the clan tag stays.
Have pride in the Infidels.

Once in the Clan you will get:
Free clan tag that you will wear with pride and activate.
Free Facebook use of the web page Infidels United (IU)
IU clan server starting 3/18

Admins for PS4 Silverback6 and TheGreenLorax
Admin for PS3 is Kemxperiment
Admin for PC clan is crl1217

P.S. no crying. All admins are dads, 1 rule no base raping.
Other than that its fake war have fun!


Snap chat moquinrobert45 add me up
9 years ago • 0 Like
I hope to be on tonight, tomorrow, Sat got to work sun tho
9 years ago • 0 Like
So I've been promoted to Platoon Leader, ID is awsomeguy_15 and my play time is fluctuating due to college and social schedule right now, but I'm generally on and off from noon to midnight CST.
9 years ago • 1 Like
bitches always take away from game time hahaha
9 years ago
Ok Infidels we have 2 new clan members get them on your friends list and show them whats what. Cblake29 and tristaman.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Whats up you bunch of degenerates. I applied, i'm a 19k in the army at bliss. Lets snap some necks and cash some checks
9 years ago • 1 Like
Sorry about the Bliss part.
I'm generally online by 1530 eastern.
Add me on PSN (cjwbii)
9 years ago
Welcome brother Silverback6
9 years ago
Come get yourselves some hardcore action.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Alright we have a new team member Trisaman get him on your friends list get him under your wing show him what the Infidels are about
9 years ago • 1 Like
I just promoted Awsome to leader for his constant work with us online. If you see him offer congrats.
9 years ago • 0 Like
XBOX gang holding it down! Thanks guys for getting us to rank 17 and holding down the fort while the other platforms get caught up. Com on gentlemen lets get together and kick some ass. I hate playing loan wolf.
10 years ago • 3 likes
I would b happy to receive friend requests from everyone on the X1. Thanks guys.
10 years ago • 2 likes
Gentlemen please welcome S1LENTK1GHT33 to the XBOX1 teams
10 years ago • 0 Like
Lookin forward to playin with y'all
10 years ago
Also welcome aggit8ted to the XBOX teams. I'm very happy the Infidels are expanding beyond consoles and my thoughts of just haveing 5-6 guys on the teams. We are growing keep it up. Other clans are wanting to compete with us if your the founder of the team and are comfotable with the challenge go for it. PS4 teams have to get together and talk about a few challenges we have been asked.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Please Welcome jbcdtp to the teams.
10 years ago • 0 Like
How did you like the first night with the team?
10 years ago
One thing I just thought for the Founders get all your friends up on your list that are part of your console. I will try and get everyone on my list no matter what console until I can handle no more. GNARCLAPP you just get XBOX people, Lorax, crl you get the PS4 teams, and Kemxperiment you just get the PS3 team. Make sure you contact the people that are on the recruitment list and see if they are truly wanting of the right to become Infidels because the list is getting big. Lot of the people on the recruitment list have been on there since last year (Laughs) So lets clean it up and start working like a well managed machine.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Amazing time last night we had 5 guys on last night in a game. We also picked up a new guy OZ from the games he isn't on BL yet but I have friended him. Hope to see him soon on BL. We also jumped to 9 3/4 rank so as soon as we get to 10 we will be able to have 120 members. As we get bigger the admins and leaders are going to be brought in to help with things maybe even smaller teams or Divs or squads. let me know how you guys feel. Even though it will be broken down to teams it is just going to be administrative things.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Gentlemen. Thanks for taking control of the clan. It feels good to see our clan growing out of our control, and jumping up in ranks while I have been away.
My father was in the hospital for several days.
I hope to be on tonight to fake fight by you're sides.
We have also jumped over to another console XBOX 1, so all ya'll that have that console friend up on multiple consoles.
Finally don't be afraid to recruit friends and others you see online so that we can grow and become stronger as a whole.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Guys please welcome SOLA217 to the PS3 teams.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Well the riot shields were a fail but we sure did annihilate them with the tanks. I've never seen so many of our guys have such a positive KD in a round.
10 years ago • 1 Like
hell ya! that was fun
10 years ago
Just kicked Killerkush420 off the team. Tried to communicate with him and there was no response for a month or so. You will not get kicked if you get deployed, but you do have communicate with the group at some point in time.
10 years ago • 0 Like