[2ndE] 2nd MEU

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Website: 2ndmarinereconplatoon.enjin.com/home • Created: 2014-03-10

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5h 3m
Welcome to the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Unit for Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4!

2nd Marine Expeditionary Unit is a MILSIM unit and competitive online gaming unit. Our unit is based on the real United States Marine Corps standards, ranks, structure, organization and tactics. Though we are not officially supported or endorsed by the United States Marine Corps, we are supported and endorsed by many real Marines and members that aspire to honor the United States Marine Corps through gaming. We like to have fun and play together, but there are also times when we call for strict, mature and dedicated gaming. This is why our requirements are set so high and why only "The Few" will make it. If you believe you possess what it takes to join us, please apply to our site and come join our ranks. If you are interested in competing against us or participating in a MILSIM Op with us, please see our Public Relations page for the appropriate match. Also if you have any problems with any of our members or allies, please fill out a report under Public Relations.

Thank you for your interest and Semper Fi,
2nd MEU Command Staff


who here in this platoon is ACTUALLY from 2nd MEU, nobody ok, impersonation is frowned apoun, take it down, change it, get rid of it, you are not allowed nor endorsed by US Marine Corps, you may not portray yourselves as any type of sub-ordinate US Marine command structure, espically if NONE of you are even military AT ALL. It's called fake, impersonation, imposter, fraud, in some cases criminal, dirt under the dirt under the boot, you may stick with 2nd MEU but nothing of the US Marine Corps "NAME: or any affiliation with US Marine Corps, UNLESS at least 1 person in the platoon is ACTUAL-CURRENT-FORMER US Marine, if you are GOING to BE = DOESNT COUNT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT-oooraah
10 years ago • 0 Like
I was with 3/7 I was in their platoon but got out of it because of some idiot thinking he knew tactical warfare and didn't have a clue about terms we use and the fact that he couldn't have the squad clear a room/location correctly. When we inserted though air, couldn't properly setup a 360 circle and make sure the LZ was clear of any insurgents.
10 years ago
Hey guys. I am an owner of a platoon made up mostly of military veterans, people currently serving, or people who are looking to serve in the near future. One of my friends, Liam, is in this platoon (as well as mine) and I found this pretty cool. My platoon is looking for members right now (we currently stand at 13 members) and I was thinking that we could kind of "merge." We could become somewhat affiliated by joining each others' platoon and playing together. If one platoon ever has a platoon match, they could use the other platoon's players to help out. My platoon is Intl Armed Forces (we try to get people from around the world). So are you guys interested at all in merging? Just pop me a message when you can
10 years ago • 1 Like
We would really like to be affiliated with you. We love the Mil-Sim idea
10 years ago
they are using language portraying themselves as if they are US Marines, yet they are not, isn't that a federal crime to impersonate a federal employee?> even using lingo US Marine Expeditionary Unit, US Marine Corps not endorsed by the US Marine Corps, take this platoon down & all others that use lingo portraying themselves as US Military or I will check with lawyers how to get this site shut down for negligence. Good Day Respective People.
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 7 comments Read more
And there are plenty of platoons that use platoon names for milsim. And if impersonation were happening and it was as bad as "impersonating the president" a DICE or EA would've caught on to it and have banned all users in all milsim platoons.
10 years ago
And who endorsed it or in your words "threw it around"? 2nd used to own a server, that's all, 2nd is a name being used for the platoon due to milsim and tactic training purposes. And again, how would they know U.S. Marine tactics without a military background, I'm pretty sure the military isn't throwing all their information or training information over the internet. So try to think it through in a positive manner not a "oh my god they're using a military name they must be fakes and defacing the military" manner. You got to look at all sides of an idea before jumping into it.
10 years ago
Guys, you don't need to shut down 2nd. I'll talk with this guy. I'll be happy to rejoin 4 years later and after how many tours I'll do :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys incase you have not realized yet... I have posted it on the website and now on here to hopefully get yalls attention. I am starting my own USMC MILSIM Unit to do MILSIM and a realism unit the right way. I am not recruiting from 2nd, so that we can be allies. I have only mentioned and recruited to those talking about leaving or have left. I just wanted to make this clear before comments and rumors get tossed around with my name in it. I have enjoyed you guys and would love to play with yall more. But I want more and I feel I should do this so I am. Would love to talk of a merge or something, but that would have to be up to 2nd and its Command. Let me know if your interested. If not, SEMPER FI and OORAH!
10 years ago • 0 Like
gee you would be ALLOWED to say SEMPER FI-OORAH, IF IF IF IF you have EARNED THE TITLE OF UNITIED STATES MARINE- if you DIDNT- you fake-imposter-wannabe, espically if your joinging you DIDNT EARN THE TITLE- Your dust powder until you get your EAGLE, GLOBE, ROPE, ANCHOR- you kids must realize it's frowned apoun to impersonate US Marines, when they die defending this country, have earned the RIGHT OF PASSAGE to BE CALLED US MARINES- your on PS3 faking their name- possibly de-facing, de-lousing, pissing on dead soldiers graves by impersonating the name 2nd MEU US MARINE CORPS and saying SEMPER FI-OORAH= Having NEVER NEVER earned the TITLE-RIGHT to DO SO.
10 years ago
Glad I made the right decision
10 years ago • 0 Like
Ranger when is the next basic training
10 years ago • 0 Like
Or sop mod when is next bst
10 years ago
I know you guys got your own thing going here but I thought I would offer you a deal. The founders and leaders of this platoon come over to reapers along with a few of the other members and I will make make sure you get the position of leader within the REAPER platoon. If you have any questions just send me a FR and we can talk. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/8306348637180234158/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
I'd like to join.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to the BF4 side of 2nd MEU stay tuned for more info! 1Lt. RANGER_BOY55
11 years ago • 0 Like
Ready for combat sir!!!!!!!!!!
11 years ago
10 years ago
you guys want a 5v5 defuse match right now?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Your platoon and its stats are now listed in the forum "Platoon Recruitment (PS3 & PS4)" under the thread "Listing of PS3 Platoons." If you would like your stats updated, please post to the thread.
11 years ago • 0 Like
I don't have BF4.
11 years ago • 0 Like