[Soul] Soul Recon

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Website: www.facebook.com/soulrecon • Created: 2014-03-14

5,805,700 / 3,306,000

1883h 26m
Soul Recon
Recruitment : Open --- Read the RULES & REQUIREMENTS below!!

--If you want to have a clan match, please read our section below--
Click "View Full Presentation" Below.

(For a more organized and detailed information on the clan, join our private Facebook Group Page to read the files for a clearer and more organized text.)

~{ INDEX }~
1. Rules
2. Clan Match Information
3. About Us
4. Social Information
5. Title Ranks and Rooster
6. Events

-_______________________________~{ RULES }~_______________________________-

You must read this!
Rules are subjected to change.
If a member has been disobeying any of these rules, they may be subjected to warnings, and if they continue, they may be subjected to demotion, suspension from the clan for a month or more, or a complete kick and ban from the clan. If any of the rules are changed their will be an update on Battlelog and the Facebook group page, you are responsible to keep updated with these rules. The rules go in affect as soon as they are changed. By being a part of this clan, you accept these rules and responsibilities for the clan and by being in the clan, you will be expected to read and know all the following rules.

Rules for the clan:

2.Respect and be kind to ALL other members!
2. Use teamwork!
3. Listen to others.
5. Do not GLITCH on any games for any benefits that help in-game activity.
5. Do not HACK or MOD.
6. Do not Boost.
7. Have fun and enjoy the game(s) and clan!
8. No racism or sexism!
9. No discrimination of religious beliefs!
10. Have a sense of humor.
11. Do not harass members or players!
12. Behave appropriately (including in Party Chat).

-___________________________~{ CLAN MATCHES INFO }~___________________________-

If you would like to have a clan match/war with us, please contact any leader of Soul Recon. Also, this is our rules to it no matter what. You can add rules, but whatever is said here, we will not go around it.

12 v 12 : Conquest, Rush, or Obliteration
(13 v 13 : if we want commanders)

3 matches on 3 different maps (original maps for non-premium members if they join).

All weapons are allowed!!

No glitching, cheating, hacking, mods, etc.

No Jet and Helicopter ramming.

No spawn camping vehicles in the enemy base.

No stealing vehicles from the enemy base.

We will have clan matches on Saturday no earlier than 6:00 PM (Central time).
We also will have a week of preparation, so be sure to ask us during the week so I can get things ready.

-______________________________~{ ABOUT US }~______________________________-
Soul Recon was first founded by xD Final Leo Jx and his friends, SvvaggAssassin, STSS Trey, and his brother xM Minton Mx.

We play competitively and for fun; you are not required to play in any competitive matches such as clan matches. We do all kinds of events such as promotional events and server specials. We will start clan matches and wars to play against other clans. This will give you a chance to play against other great players. We may also do in-clan wars, meaning we'll have wars within our clan for some fun.

Common Game modes we play: Casual Conquest, Obliteration, and Rush.

-_______________________________~{ SOCIAL }~_______________________________-

Official Page : https://www.facebook.com/SoulRecon [facebook.com]
Group Page (Only for Members) : https://www.facebook.com/groups/SoulRecon/ [facebook.com]

We strongly advice you to join our Facebook pages for events, updates, and more information on the clan!
Do you not have a Facebook? It is very easy to make one, just register! :)

www.youtube.com/user/SoulReconPlatoon [youtube.com]

-_______________________~{ TITLE RANKS AND ROSTER }~_______________________-

|| Leaders and Co Leaders ||

Commander (CMD):
--xD Final Leo Jx

Commanding Advisor (CA):
-- SvvaggAssassin

Executive Officer (XO):
-- Philiment

|| Staff ||
S1-- Kat the Devil
S2-- dadrrk
S3-- Kryptic Defeat
S4-- Thane Wulfblitz
S5-- Mister Wubby

|| Staff Assistants (Co Leaders) ||
S1-A-- N/A
S2-A-- N/A
S3-A-- N/A
S4-A-- N/A
S5-A-- AtomiicFrogz

|| Members ||
((Highest Ranking Title to Lowest Ranking Title))

|| Elite ||

|| Veteran ||

|| Junior ||

|| Member ||

|| Newbie ||

|| Currently Unassigned Ranking Members ||

Racial Slurpies
GNTX Idle Ghost
th golden ace
VDean VentureV

Unavailable/Unassigned Members

-- D3adbyapr1l

-_______________________________~{ EVENTS }~_______________________________-

1. To participate in events, you must be a part of the Facebook Private Group Page.
2. Apply for the events when listed on the Facebook page.
3. Follow the instructions to the events!
(These rules are also for promotional events as well)

Clan wars/matches are considered an Event.


how about a match
8 years ago • 0 Like