[BUZN] Buzzin Platoon
Created: 2015-08-18
41,701,599 / 3,306,000
10852h 3m
Usually buzzin, but alway's shootin straight!
BUZN is accepting clan battle request if anyone want's to try their luck.
7 years ago • 1
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can you guys set a date so I can tell my members?
sorry not interested in a 3 vs 3
We are a friend based clan ….blah blah blah...…..we kick ass if you have the stats to back up any talk we would consider having you BUZN with us.
6 years ago • 0
Croottox the nigger is using Damagemod to 1 shot people with lmg in head.
1 year ago • 0
Yo i run with some memebers and have ran with some old members in the past. Currently looking for a new platoon. My old one (K1) has no last gen members except me. Ive been between many platoons recently but only one really has the players i like to roll with. I like players that play serious but can also mess about on shit maps like rougue transmission. Top of the scoreboard is my place to be, especially if im given a scout heli ;). Hope to be accepted into the platoon. Thanks
5 years ago • 0
Hey guys, i have been playing with a few of your members for awhile now and Shank dm 52 told me to apply, jus wondering if i can get accepted please?
6 years ago • 1
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your in bro. welcome and represent BUZN well. that means top of the score board, drop sack when needed, and you should be buzzin while playing. see ya in game bro.
6 years ago
Sent a request awhile back to join. Greasedup told me to apply. Nick ive tried accepting your friend invite but says you got too many friends
6 years ago • 0
DankySkull77 - I ran a few with you guys last night & I would like to join BUZN.
I've been running solo and need a clan in USA to run with & I only burn the dank buds!
I've been running solo and need a clan in USA to run with & I only burn the dank buds!
6 years ago • 0
get your K/D ratio up to 1.0 and we can work with ya.....but as of right now, your numbers don't show that you can kick ass on a regular basis. keep playin our server, squad up as much as possible. just running with us will improve your numbers. good luck dude, and hope to see you BUZN soon.
6 years ago
Ok thanks i'll keep working on it. I haven't been running very long. Trying to get better & run with good squads & learn the maps.
6 years ago
12v12? we will not play without rules though we will need to play ESL/ESB rules or we will not play. Now we are doing some 12v12's
7 years ago • 0
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NaNaNaNaRepMan = if you want a battle on the xbox 1.. let me know what day would work and what time (and time zone). Friday or Saturday would work for us...and preferably about 4pm pacific time zone would work best due to people working. it could be on your server or buzn server. 12 vs 12. conquest maps. NO RULES. if cool with that..let me know. thanks
7 years ago
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let me know what day and what time (and what time zone) would work. I personally don't know the whole esl rules but if its a 5 vs 5... I have a few members that could make that happen. let me know
7 years ago
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