[ZG] Zero Gravity

  • Founder
  • Founder

View all Members (7)

Created: 2015-10-19

2,477 / 16,000

82h 22m
Welcome to ZeroGravity. We are a new platoon, that aims to be competitive and have fun.

We established not too long ago, we came from another Platoon and left for known reasons, to make a platoon that will dedicate itself to being competitive and have of course have fun.

We are looking for dedicated players, Players that will follow orders when given, Players that will stick as a team and wont run off for that cheeky kill ;).

We do practices every week to better the team. For example revive training, communication etc. We hope this will grow in-time.

___▃ ▅ ▃ RULES & REQUIREMENTS ▃ ▅ ▃___

>Apply if your K/D is 1.0 or higher (K/D will increase overtime)
>Respect other members and players that you come across( casing any trouble within the group will result in a warning then a ban)
>Able to keep calm and follow orders in matches.
> Rage quitting or stealing vehicles will result in a warning then a kick.
>Own a Mic and speak English or fluent English. (Just be able to communicate with us in English even if your not that good at it).
>Be a TEAM PLAYER! Revive, Drop med-packs and ammo and spot the enemy.
>Must be active ( Yes we cant get on all the time, we all have lives).
>If you get on the team and decide to leave afterwards, and decide to come back, then you must have a valid reason, unless we see fit that you shouldn't be back.

___▃ ▅ ▃Founders ▃ ▅ ▃___

>Sike--ludicous-On Battlelog-On PSN-xLudafix
>MissChioga1-On Battlelog-On PSN-MissChioga

___▃ ▅ ▃ LEADERS ▃ ▅ ▃___

>chrononaut19-On Battlelog-On PSN-Warship19

___▃ ▅ ▃ Upcoming thangs and news ▃ ▅ ▃___

Will have a YouTube created in time.

Facebook will be created for the community shorty

Looking into Fraggnation as we speak (For ladders and tournaments).


Nothing posted in the Platoon Feed yet - why don’t you write the first message now?