[THC] Trust Honor Courage

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Website: www.thcgamers.enjin.com • Created: 2014-09-08

54,295 / 121,000

1528h 21m
(THC)Trust Honor Courage
Come join a Clan that always have a great time and laugh.
We listen to our members to try and make the best gaming experience we can, by asking you the members what maps, modes you like and how we set up the hardcore server ie mini map, hit markers, tickets etc so join our clan for all out war on the battlefield.
We only play hardcore but would consider normal mode servers if we have the members to do so.
Team work, trust, honor and courage is what we stand for. We all love to game and have a great time doing so, so come to our Discord and have a chat to us you are all welcome. https://discord.gg/7X2UxvX [discord.gg]
To join THC go to www.thcgamers.enjin.com [thcgamers.enjin.com]
18yrs+ only male or female.


Hi All new Hardcore server is up and running so please help and get it populated
!! HardCore CQ !!!Time For War!!!Vote Map!!
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/f2597168-3f8e-4a95-92a5-d75858edecbc/THC-HardCore-CQ-Time-For-War-Active-Admins-Vote-Map/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
4 years ago • 0 Like
All I have to say is 2142 is back and we have 4 servers in Australia not ours of course but it's back and I have downloaded and played already and it's just how I remember.
Link to Register and download here https://bl2142.co/downloads.php [bl2142.co] after that just get on and bring back some memories and for you that haven't played it you will find out what you have been missing in a FPS, the graphics mite not be as good as today but the gameplay is awesome.
Hope to see you on 2142

Kind Regards
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi All,
We busted 2 hackers in spec mode yesterday and I have uploaded the video's for you to watch, They are br4nchi3 and Ratchet13245. I will send this to EA through Battlelog so they get a total ban.

br4nchi3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxlQKUXBE7c [youtube.com]

Ratchet13243 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YZuQTMChag [youtube.com]

8 years ago • 0 Like
Ratchets13245 has changed there name to RescueRatchet23
8 years ago
Hi All,
Just a heads up, looks like there is maintenance at about 6pm our time today for the servers so expect some down time for the server. We will be back up as soon as we can after the maintenance.

8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi All,
Server is starting to do well, now wondering if people would like Night Operations on the server to spice things up a bit. Please comment below if you would like it added.

8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi All, The DLC's for BF4 are free until the 19th of Sep so if you don't have them go to your BF4 game in origin right click and show game details then scroll down to DLC's and add them to your library or just download.

8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi All in the Battlefield community,

Would just like to say thank you for gaming on THC's server, you all make it worth wild to have a server up and running, we would like to have more servers up for you to enjoy so go to www.thcgamers.enjin.com to donate and get your VIP slot.
Looking forward to some more epic moments on the battlefield with you all.

8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi all,
Battlefield 1 Beta is out, so check your email that is linked to your origin account and get your BF1 code (copy it) then go to origin, click on the origin tab at top left then click on Redeem Product Code, then paste it click the redeem button and away you go. Hope to see you on the battlefield.

8 years ago • 0 Like
good to see you guys back up with the server
8 years ago • 1 Like
Thanks mate and good to be back
Getting ready for BF1
8 years ago
As requested by mashedup, the following playlist contains an entire match that we played on Hangar 21 and man was it a good game. Both teams literally fought the entire way, neither getting much farther infront of the other in tickets, a very close match in all sense of the word. I wont spoil the ending as you will have to watch it for yourselves.

Its broken up into 6 parts, each 10 minutes long. Ive made the first part and the last part already available to view since they are probably the more interesting ones and the other parts will slowly finish uploading throughout the night since i will be leaving my PC on overnight to complete all parts.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFgj8T5yppmeqIhNfSFbR4wPLtDagnviv [youtube.com]

Leave some comments on what you thought about it as i certainly had a great time playing that hard, close match.

Awesome server, awesome games and all with great people :) To bad me and my team were only on our TS instead of with you THC boys that played.

Happy hunting fellas.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Server is working well again woot here is what they said to me after all the TRACERT's and MTR's I did for them.

Hi Glenn,

Can you check on the performance now? I've ended a high usage process.

Thank you,

Eric Hovis
PurePings Customer Service

So it looks good for now and they are working on a long term solution.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I want to play on your servers but today i got banned accusing me of hacking? But i did no such thing..?
10 years ago
you have had a previous ban with PBBans here is the link http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b1c5e7ac-vb379519.html [pbbans.com] and here is another http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/mpi-guid-search-ff69b12e-44.html&showLG=yes&showAT=yes&safeview=no [pbbans.com]
This is you is it not you can change your name and buy a new game but your IP stays the same.
So the answer is no sorry don't hack and you wont get banned.
10 years ago
Punk buster got a hacker last night on our 64 slot server, that is the 2nd one PB has busted on our server. Also have had 8 hackers kicked for other bans on other server that's why we run PBBans to keep them out.
10 years ago • 0 Like
This server got a new IP about 2 weeks ago and before the change of IP we had 48 kicked hackers from the server from bans on other servers by PBBans.
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thanks for all your donations we have enough for another month. And if you would like us to have another server keep the donations coming.
Thanks SnedDOG
10 years ago • 0 Like