[SCAD] Sqn Cuban Air Demons

  • Founder

View all Members (14)

Created: 2014-08-25

13,820 / 18,000

80h 8m
Squadron Cuban Air Demons, was formed out of the Platoon Black Hawk Down (HAWK) in the summer of 2014.

The hierarchical structure is as followed:

PoeticFool6: Comandante en Jefe
(Commander in Chief --> Platoon Founder)

WindChimesAreGay: General de Ejército
(Army General --> Leader)

Kuskeduske: General de Ejército
(Army General --> Leader)

XFusionTecX: General de Ejército
(Army General --> Leader)

~ Haste la victoria siempre, patria o muerte ~
(Ernesto Guevara de la Serne-Lynch)


Welcome everyone to the Platoon Squadron Cuban Air Demons (SCAD).
It’s me Poeticfool6, the founder of this Platoon (Comandante en Jefe or commander in Chief).

The leaders of the Platoon are:
- WindChimesAreGay (General de Ejército or Army General).
- Kuskeduske (General de Ejército or Army General).
- XFusionTecX (General de Ejército or Army General).

From now on the public page will be for official messages only. So only me and the leaders will post in this channel.. The private page is for all you members and for all non-official related stuff

About teamspeak: We would really like everyone who’s fighting with us in a battle to be on teamspeak. You don’t have to talk, but it’s just about you hearing everything that is said in the battle, especially the things said by the commander and/or squad leaders, who will be mostly the leaders of this platoon and myself..

Server address:
Password: michaeldurant
10 years ago • 3 likes
i cant accept ur request u have maximum amount of friend
10 years ago
Sorry about that, now you should be able to
10 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCF5aBvbqgs [youtube.com] how to get rich
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys we got our very own ventrilo server going now!

Ventrilo can be downloaded at: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php [ventrilo.com]

Information. Hostname/ip: dk.ventrilo.us
Port: 18311
Password: Scad

remember to create a user with the same name as you play with ingame!

if you have questions you can allways write to me guys and ill help out with problems regarding ventrilo.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I don't seem ti be able to connect what could I have done wrong?
10 years ago
nvm I found already out forgot a 1 in the port
10 years ago
wow 4 people show up for monday night gaming!
this is so dissapointing. why havent you guys sent a message if you couldnt come.
its very hard to build a platoon when only 4 of 23 people comes online to play.

i really hope that u guys take to consideration if you want this. if not feel free to leave...
10 years ago • 0 Like
monday is a really bad day for me Friday is better
10 years ago
I agree with you fusiontec.
10 years ago
A fighting day and teamplay

The idea of this Platoon is, that we can have some nice teamplay. I’m counting on you as members, that you joined us from out Platoon Black Hawk Down into this new Platoon, because you like the teamplay and missed it as well.

The thing that we are trying to eradicate is that there are for example twelve members online on one night and all playing in a different servers. We all wanted to be in a platoon for the teamplay right?

The leaders and I came up with the Monday as our regular fighting day. We would start at 8o clock P.m. and would just see where it ends in the evening or at night. We will meet up in teamspeak, so that’s why it is crucial for you to be on teamspeak if you have the chance.

If Monday isnt going to work for you, please respond to this message. If you can’t make it one time or so, please respond to the post I or one of the leaders places on the public page a day or so before each battle. So you can react directly to the specific day and battle.

If you were absent from the battle two times without any sign of life from your side on, we will treat you as inactive, and we will be forced to give you a strike. Two strikes mean you’re out of the Platoon..
10 years ago • 3 likes
will not be able to 8 oclock sharp, ill join a little later. Yaaargh!
10 years ago
I'll be there tonight,if nothing comes up IRL.
10 years ago