[AYYY] Ultimate Rush

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Created: 2016-01-09

103,445 / 113,000

571h 17m
Welcome all Rush players of the NA region!!!

We invite all active rush players to join and build our own community :)

Never camp always PTFO :)

See you all on the battlefield!


Ever since I met Bigboss I have wanted to be just like him. I adore him. He is my hero, and continues to be the only one I ever look up to. I have bought 14 different accounts in an effort to replicate his massive number of accounts. We have also recruited several cheaters into SNOW because we have realized that we cannot win without playing alongside cheaters. But I know that this will not be enough. In order to be even close to as skilled as bigboss I need as many reps as he has, not one repper, or two, or even three, I need more. I need 4 reppers licking my ass whilst still managing to die, only then will I possess the inmatchable tank skills that my lord posesses. After I died, I must yell at my team for not licking my ass enough, then I grab my glorious MBT law, just as master would, and fire at the enemy tank. But sometimes, the tank is already dead. Now it is time to SET BEACONS AND STINGER THE FUCKING MAV. Master has taught me will in this craft, and I would go as far to say I am very skilled at using stingers and setting up beacons for parachute C4/Airburst. Then my squadmates are able to take to the roofs with their FLIRs and mortars and rain cover fire down on all the infantry that even attempt to push up. Using my lord's strategy I have won the round, thanks to quad reps, several cheaters I recruited, FLIRs on the roof, stingers on their mav, the beacons I have set, and the MBT laws that have been spammed(I am very skilled at this too, I must add.) Now it is time for me to talk shit, but I am afraid I cannot talk more shit than bigboss, the entire world must know how skilled my master is, I only hope I can live up to his self proclaimed skills. But I still feel I'm only half way there. I am sorry to end this, but I must go spectate him now, as I have done for over 2000 hours now, in the hopes that I am able to further comprehend the elaborate strategies bigboss uses to win rounds. See you all on the Battlefield.

Always improving,

8 years ago • 3 likes
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Hello MyCatAteC4, I made a comment above about your statement.
I hope to see you on the battlefield.
With much Respect,
8 years ago
I've rep, reped, repped, rept, not sure how to spell it, for Bigboss. Then, I replicated his play for myself. Set my kill streak because of it. It stands at around 45. Not great yet, for me it's decent. Cheater or, not playing alongside Boss made me a better player. I play with 8 year old computer tech and carpal tunnel. My system lags often during play. Yet, the streak was set. Thanks to playing along side great players and learning from them. This includes you.
MycatAteC4, your an exceptional player as well. You've destroyed me countless times. Snow players stand among the best out there. Metal sharpens metal. May I battle the best.
Respect Always.
C U on the battlefield.
8 years ago
predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
BigBossss play from the other night.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL7Gbign_DY [youtube.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hello everyone,
Please don't get at me for saying this. Please forgive me in advance. I am not here to upset anyone. I am not that type of player.
Respect to anyone reading this:
In the comment below MyCatAteC4 claims BigBOssss cheats. Perhaps he does? Or, Not.
Why I say this is I've provided engineer support for his tank during many rounds of play. Players during this play complain he is cheating. Nope, he simply has an excellent engineer support following his tank during play and repairing it. Many times, his tank is almost destroyed and I will run up and repair it. I am a team player and if I play along side you, I will play the same for you. So, maybe he cheats or not. I don't know but, please believe me, when I team up with him, he has a full time engineer repairing his tank as he plays.

As I repair his tank during a game, players on the other team complain he is cheating because his tank isn't destroyed after many hits. His tank is actually severely damaged but, it is being repaired by multiple players at once.
P.s. I set my record kill streak, which isn't spectacular but, it is mine by, studying his play and replicating it. I don't cheat, I play honest and yet by watching his play, I've become much better in the tank. His style is simple, he designs the tank to take out infantry first and foremost. He uses thermal and kills from a distance. His reactions are lightening fast.

I have respect for your community please don't let this comment ruin your day. It's not intended to do so. Thank you for your time.
We r Jane......emotions guide us.
8 years ago • 0 Like
no, he himself doesnt cheat, however MGRA has hosted cheaters in the past. Such as, Mari_Al_Fer, Gabi_Madness, and AgesiIao
8 years ago
Hello MyCatAteC4,
That's a relief to know. I have been studying Bigbossss play and learning from it. He invited me onto one of his platoons and it has been a pleasure playing for it. Some of their players are very good.
When I go against Bigbossss he kills me 10 to 1. I don't get frustrated, I simply try again. It is a joy
being able to play against great players and learn from them. Learning is painful as we all know and yet, it allows us to improve. obviously, you don't need this advice, I just have a coach in me and that coach likes to coach.
Jane out.
8 years ago
The Goal of this platoon is to start our own server with a good balancing script and devoid of campers
9 years ago • 2 likes
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48p plz
9 years ago
"good balancing script" shehtazruslan March 2016
You Sure your talking about ayyy and not snow?
8 years ago
AYYY Best clan out! Great playin with these people!
8 years ago • 1 Like
Pro-at-Camping LAV NOOB
8 years ago • 0 Like
the name says it all
8 years ago
8 years ago
u guys sux
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago