[ACOM] ALPHA Company

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Website: www.gamers.spruz.com • Created: 2014-02-28

165,898 / 205,000

1282h 6m


any of you guys still play anymore?
2 years ago • 0 Like
Also, just noticed the time we have played together. Seems that we are almost to 1000hrs all together and that isn't counting before they added platoons to BF4. Congrats on putting up with each other. :P
10 years ago • 0 Like
If you cant get on TeamSpeak find someone that is on most of the time and ask them for the TeamSpeak info. GAMESERVERS_TS3_9158 this is the TS3 Ip as of right now. TeamSpeak has been shutting down servers and arranging us at whim it seems, so we are not trying to change all the time, but it's happening without our knowledge and consent. Warrior420elite has been keeping it up for us and he is pulling his hair out because they are not notifying him in advance of these issues.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience
Brig. Gen. Gemslee DIA
10 years ago • 0 Like
What happened to this clan? Where is everyone?
10 years ago • 0 Like
If you are looking for our TeamSpeak use Ts2.alphacompany.co this is our backup TS3 as we let our other one go, do to not wanting to keep a server with it. We are working on getting another TS3 up and running for the future, but until then this will be our main.
Enjoy and have a great rest of the Summer!!
If you need to contact V-man or myself you can leave messages with Warrior420Elite and or on our Webpage. Thanks again
10 years ago • 0 Like
The Esteemed ALPHA Company, lead by the JOINT CHIEFS of STAFF (J.C.ofS.), whom in turn are lead by the DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (D.I.A.). We are considered to be one of the most disciplined, organized, and respected groups in any game.

Our Goal, is to improve the experience of the game by adding a sense of teamwork, stratagem, and realism! If in the process we kick a lot of ass... well, sacrifices will be made! ;) So, when you see one of our patches in the game be respectful, because we are hard to kill and we don't back down. Where you see one there will soon be more, so don't sing it... bring it!


Enjoy! And don't forget to join us on TeamSpeak 3 @ IP Address ts.alphacompany.co. See you on the battlefield!

10 years ago • 3 likes
If you are trying to join ALPHA Company, you will also need to frequent our teamspeak 3 in order for us to get to know you. ts.alphacompany.co
10 years ago • 0 Like
Applied looking for some good squad play based on a suggestion by SuperNowhereDude...
Cheers from Canada!
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
Hey Guys My name is CPSPR3D4T0R. Just applied and I have a youtube channel that I plan on posting a whole lot more on. If this is something that interests anyone let me know and I'll be more than happy to make videos with you. Link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClq5uK3bUlSHaM3tE7nxiqg [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Need to register on our Webpage. www.gamersspruz.com then let me know. Make sure to read our Code of Conduct as well. you can join us on TeamSpeak 3 @ ts.alphacompany.co. feel free to jump into teamspeak anytime and let me know when you have registered and agree to code of conduct.
10 years ago
As some of you know, V-man, is in the process of moving his family and that is why he has not been on lately. With that in mind, he also has the original Alpha Company's Teamspeak I.P. on his server, along with Alpha Company's Arma3 server in tow. So, these will not be available for a short while. With this in mind, NotofthisWorld, has donated his Teamspeak to be used as Alpha Company's back up.

Thank you NotW for the use of your TS3.

Along other lines I am sending you all that are not in my friends category a friend request, so I can keep in better touch with you and if you have any questions you can get a hold of me as I check my messages every day.

We do have a webpage, www.gamers.spruz.com/members.htm, for all of you to sign up on. We are not asking for blood from you, just an acknowledgement that you are part of Alpha Company and you have read our Code Of Conduct. If you do not agree with our code feel free not to join, but feel free to jump in game anytime with us and jump on the TS3 channel, and chat it up.

As, AloeScratch mentioned we are trying to start up a Platoon for the purpose of Clan Matches. If you join you do not have to play in these as we are not all into competitions or have to many other obligations, but let us know if you are interested, so we can start moving forward with preparations.

Thanks for your time and have fun out there in game and in RL.

If you do not get a friends invite from me feel free to send one my way.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I signed up with Alpha Company to join the platoon. How does that happen? I'm also interested in getting the Alpha Company symbol. How do I go about that?
10 years ago
Gernaveist79 welcome to ACom Platoon. Sry for the delay I missed your comment. The tags auto set after being excepted along with your Emblem. if you have TeamSpeak 3 you can join us any time on ts.alphacompany.co TS3 Site. Much easier to communicate with TS3 than in game Voip, but your preference. again sorry for the delay in my response. I must have missed it. I check Platoon every night.
10 years ago
For those wanting to join Alpha Company, please read our Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct:

Members of ALPHA Company are expected to represent ALPHA Company to the best of their ability. This is accomplished by being respectful to all players in the game (whether or not they are respectful), having and demonstrating self-discipline, promoting teamwork and strategy, and following orders among other things.

We do these things to promote a fun and stress free gaming experience, while bringing a bit of realism to the game. In addition, it helps to influence some others to do the same. It is nice to be part of a respected group whom other groups enjoy meeting and gaming with. Therefore, we are all expected to help maintain that level of character and reputation.

After reading the Code Of Conduct visit our website @ http://www.gamers.spruz.com/ [gamers.spruz.com]
and I will except your request into Alpha Company. Our TeamSpeak 3 I.P. is

Have fun gaming out there!
10 years ago • 1 Like
ALPHA Company! HURA!!!
11 years ago • 3 likes
Alpha Company is now recruiting! If you are a member, recommend the clan to your friends. If you want to become a member or would like to get more information, simply apply to join the Platoon and/or ask us about Alpha Company.
11 years ago • 0 Like