[wte] WorstTeamEver

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Website: wte-clan.co.uk • Created: 2014-02-27

3,766,685 / 3,306,000

1353h 12m
This platoon is solely for full members of the WTE forum - http://wte-clan.co.uk. [wte-clan.co.uk.]
If you would like to join us then you can register on the forum - http://wte-clan.co.uk/index.cgi?action=register, [wte-clan.co.uk] say a bit about yourself and it will go from there.
We also have another platoon - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/2325936498093950771/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] - which is purely for WTE friends, which anyone can be.
You can always join that one with the intention of being a WTE member, but want to find out a bit about us first.


hp-down... directlink to the forum : http://worstteamever.proboards.com/ [worstteamever.proboards.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hello guys! :)

Everyone good? Did you have a good Xmas and new years eve?
Im soon moving to a new apartment with Fiber connection again so I think I will be more active then :) and get my ping low !

10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys hope you dont mind me posting this on your Platoon page:

Only if your interested in this a genuine opportunity purely on a voluntary basis: If you do apply please use my name as your referrer / referee you will be subject to a strict N.D.A. None Disclosure Act.
Let's face it: alpha/beta testing games these days is a joke! First, the publisher wants you to pay for access to a half-finished product only to have your awesome experience squashed by a bunch of snot-nosed 12yr olds. That's not how we run things here at Elite Testing Services (ETS). We have a team of dedicated software testers (that's right, we're not limited to just testing games!) with over 30 years combined testing & Q/A experience! We're talking some indie titles like War of the Roses, Gettysburg: Armored Warfare as well as major titles like Homefront, the Battlefield series, the Medal of Honor series, Cyrsis, and even the EA Downloader - better known as Origin!

While we're still in the beginning stages, we've decided to open the recruitment doors. Once we reach capacity, we'll stop accepting applications. You must be 18 or older to join, have not been banned from any game on any system, and pass a basic background check.
Please fill out ALL of the required application fields with correct information.

Many will try; will you make the cut?
Apply Today @ elitetestingservices.com

http://elitetestingservices.com/login.php?do=logout&logouthash=1412077657-0abf161335c08f2043813485e077017cc8dc2524 [elitetestingservices.com]
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hi all i will not be on for 3 months or so because of personal reasons
10 years ago • 0 Like
hello guys, we would like to challenge you in the running of hc BF4. if you are interested let me know. cw we do every Tuesday from 21:30 / 22:00, it will program one: Rules: Travel - Hard Core - only infantry - not even the means for "steps" - 8v8 or wanting more - TIKET 100 (if you can talk about ) - maps: you decide when all weapons and accessories allowed unless: automatic rifles single shot, pompali, RPG, grenade launchers, and the like airbust, if only M320 smoke, no clay, no c4. A maximum of two per team cecco cecchi clan. The cecco can use all the automatic weapons but only as a sniper rifle bolt action single-shot grenade gun and knife (all). Our ts: Website www.x-slay-clan.com Contacts: X-SLAY-Canemorto; X-SLAY-Devilmen88; X-SLAY-Bear; X-SLAY-Ironhide; X-SLAY-LordBax81; X-SLAY-Di @ Bolik
10 years ago • 0 Like
Yaaay platoons
11 years ago • 0 Like
hi, first message :)
11 years ago • 0 Like