[FRS] Furious Multigaming

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Website: frs-clan.de • Created: 2014-04-09

63,745 / 83,000

712h 11m

we are a gaming clan and we play games like Battlefield, Minecraft and and much more! We also have a Battlefield 4 platoon and we want to play with a lot of team play and good internal communication.
At the moment, we aren't enough, but later we want to play in little leagues like DeSBL (Deutsche eSport Bundesliga) [desbl.de].

We've a Battlefield 4 server too! Here is the link to the Battlelog page:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/b1c3ea50-0d6a-4065-94ff-8ee11b0c691e [battlelog.battlefield.com]
(If you've questions about it or want to contact us because of other reasons, you can use our e-mail address - scroll down, there is it!)

Our requirements for recruiting you are:
- you can speak german
- you've TS³ with headset
- you are older than 18
- you are a team player and you're friendly :-)

If you're interested, join our Teamspeak³ server, contact a leader at Battlelog or contact us via e-mail.


On our website you get a lot of information about us and (later, actually the website is in development) you can join there too. The link is:
http://frs-clan.de/ [frs-clan.de]

Visit our Teamspeak³ server to communicate with us or to ask us something:
ts3.frs-clan.de - no password required

To get in contact with us without contacting us directly, you can use our e-mail address:

Thank you for reading.
Have fun and good luck!


(FRS) j0nn1b0y : Fuck Cheater & Hacker Platoon
7 years ago • 1 Like