Dear all,
Kindly pls take note that Synarchy-Freek, Synarchy Xypher and forsakenblox are found guilty of performing DDOS. The affected servers are those in Singapore and Hongkong. They had also accused Ignite E sports of mass DDOSing the servers while they are the actual ones masterminding such disgraceful and illegal acts. Therefore Synarchy-Freek for forsakenblox had been expelled from LOFR. Recently they took revenge on us by reporting a mumber of LOFR members to BF4db for stat spading.
Please see the evidences in the following links.
http://moonradiance.imgur.com/ [moonradiance.imgur.com]
Read in the sequence
1) Confession of DDOS attacker on bf4 servers
2) Evidence of Synarchy insider on Synarchy-Freek
3) Other Evidences performed by the DDOSer
4) Interogation and conclusion of Synarchy-Freek
5) Verdict on Synarchy Freek by LOFR Council
Most of the communities in Asia are gathering together to boycott
Server Address:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/cff9d0c1-9411-43e2-a8b7-40cece287f04/Synarchy-DOMINATION-NO-SHOTGUN-C4/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Please do your part for the communities in BF4 arena and for standing up against such disgraceful and illegal acts.