[GS] Gunslingers 3

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Website: www.gunslingergaming.com • Created: 2014-02-27

3,902,967 / 3,306,000

1976h 10m


Are you interested in socializing with Battlefield 4 players your age but haven't been able to "weed out" all the
adolescent players? Have you been unable to join traditional, time-consuming clans because, being
responsible adult, you have had to juggle your free time with going to college, taking care of children, or being
employed in a full time job? In short, are you interested in an online experience akin to "shooting the bull" with
a group of drinking buddies? If so, then the Battlefield 4 Gunslingers is the right place for you!



We are fortunate to have over 4,000 adults registered on our homepage, and Master Lists of contacts that are
growing by the day.

We have the largest collection of parents. And we have the largest collection of the working men (and women)

If you would like to join the platoon, you need only to fulfill two things:

1. Be at least 18 years of age or older.
2. Register your membership at our FORUM

That's it! We don't ask for resumes, kill/death ratios, probation periods, or any other sort of silliness. You just
want to have fun, right? So do we! If you would like to learn more about membership with the Gunslingers, feel
free to visit our "How to Join" Page (http://www.gunslingergaming.com/html/howtojoin.html) [gunslingergaming.com] at our website.



We like to ascribe the Gunslinger experience akin to having drinks with some buds after work or partying with
them on the weekends. Nothing stops the music faster than a few knuckleheads, so we do have a few
guidelines we expect people to follow during their stay:

1. Pornographic and/or obscene material is prohibited.
2. Self promotion by new members will likely be treated as spam. This includes promotion of own
non-commercial websites.
3. No personal attacks on other members or various sorts of offensive behavior is allowed.
4. No glitching/hacking/cheating. We define such as purposefully accessing the game's programming or
abusing a flaw in the programming to achieve an act or status that is not intended or possible otherwise.



The Gunslingers experience is as simple and non intrusive as joining up with other adults your own age and
playing some Battlefield 4 at your convenience. For those of you who like to take part in activities, events, and
communications beyond that simple formula, we offer several popular, optional features as well:

* - We discuss everything under the sun within our extensive forums

* - We use our multiple chats to find out when members are playing, exchange contact information, or for some
friendly chit-chat

Frosty Pints:
* - Our infamous weekend get-togethers fueled by booze

* - Regularly scheduled events.

Event Calendar:
* - Our handy calendar that lets you view and sign up for Gunslinger Events

* - Play classic arcade games such as Frogger and Pac-Man with GS member exclusive leaderboards

* - Read interviews given exclusively to the Gunslingers

...and much, much more!

Thank you for taking the time to view our platoon/clan! We wish you the best in your Battlefield 4


I've rented out a few servers, if you guys wish to check them out... They are both titled, "Happy Good Times with Weapons". The first one, "Tanks 'n Things that go Boom!" is running a Battlefield mix of Sm. CQ, Rush, and Obliteration map types. 32 players max. The second, "CQB Fun!!!" is running the Close Quarters maps, TDM & Domination game types. 20 Players max. Both are offical, and normal settings. Be sure to check them out!!! GS gets priority
8 years ago • 1 Like
Not quite sure how platoons work -- but I recently joined GS and am looking for people who are playing BF4 on Xbox One.
8 years ago • 1 Like
Feel free to add me - GT: SAMK1EL
8 years ago
It's been awhile, but I ran into a few Gunslingers still ringing around in BF4 last night. Is there anyway I can be readmitted to the platoon? Team Warkatz in the master list.
8 years ago • 1 Like
I play sometimes. Feel free to add me - GT: SAMK1EL
8 years ago
Hey Fellow Gunslingers!... When i try to Join Chat it says "you are currently not a member of this chat"... how do i become a member of the chat...
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey. Its Four actual. Been on the forums for a bit, but dont think I ever applied to a platoon.
9 years ago • 0 Like
coolhandlewke here, although I'm danthechan on this site.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello. New to GS and recently added to the Master LIst. HIt me up.
9 years ago • 0 Like
I would like to join the BF4 Platoon.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Just joined the forums and posted to the master listss
9 years ago • 0 Like
You guys play hardcore ?
9 years ago • 0 Like
I just applied, my GS forum name is Creger007. Hit me up if I'm online.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi everyone, looking for some people to squad up with, i'm on the master list, feel free to add me GT is GunSlug i'm on most weekdays and weekends UTC time zone cheers! :)
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey everybody, just applied. I'm on the master list gamer tag is C1RCUSS.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Welcome to GS! I'm on PS4, too. I'll add you. ~stickler4dakilz
10 years ago
Joined on the website, would like to be in this platoon!
10 years ago • 1 Like
Ironlion316 . Recently applied to the master list.
10 years ago • 2 likes
Had a little troubling registering, but master listed now and looking forward to a few rounds with an actual squad
10 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to GS! ~GS stickler4dakilz
10 years ago
Hey, you guys interested in ascrim sometime?
10 years ago • 0 Like
Had a little troubling registering, but master listed now and looking forward to a few rounds with an actual squad
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey everyone.

Just joined GS, and I'm looking to join the platoon. I hope to hear from you soon.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Still looking for the invite. I'm master listed and ready to go. Looking forward to playing with y'all
10 years ago
hello, ive masterlisted/ signed up, and i hope to be able to play together
10 years ago • 0 Like