[13TH] 13th Legionaries-XB1

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Website: 13thlegionaries.ihostinghq.com • Created: 2014-03-31

12,144,717 / 3,306,000

3491h 45m
*This is the Xbox One platoon page. The Xbox 360 page is linked at the bottom.*

First and foremost, we are a tactical platoon. Our platoon's structure revolves around our organized divisions. They have training sessions, SOP's, and follow a ranking structure to stay organized in-game. Keep in mind, we do not call ourselves a mil-sim. We do not roleplay, nor do we represent any one military in the real world. We mix and match effective real-world tactics with knowledge of the game to train potent units of all types.

We only play Hardcore, usually Conquest L.

We do not focus on skill in single combat; superior teamwork and tactical strength is how we defeat our enemy. Therefore, we don't care if you are a super-soldier or a complete newbie to the game- if you are mature and respectful, we welcome you with open arms.

We expect all of our members to be mature and respectful to one another at all times. Likewise, we obviously do our best to avoid recruiting people with poor sportsmanship, no matter their skill.

We also run mil-sim OPs every once in a while, for tactical practice and just for fun. These can be anything from HVT or VIP scenarios, to Convoy scenarios, to Trench Warfare scenarios(Don't ask.)

Once a member has been with us for a while, they may ask about entering testing for either Recon Squad(RS), Praetorians(PR), or special Adaptive Unit(AU). We are the creators of Adaptive Unit, and a couple other platoons have tried to adopt it in the past, but we take pride because no other platoons have been able to do it properly and make it work like we have. More info about this unit can be provided upon joining.

-Standard Infantry: 13T_ (Callsign: Dagger/Echo)
-Armored Cavalry: 13AC (Callsign: Saber/Lancer)
-Air Force: 13AF (Callsign: Razor/Falcon)
-Recon Squad: 13RS (Callsign: Spectre)
-Adaptive Unit: 13AU(Callsign: Joker)
-Scout Regiment: 13SC(Callsign: Jaeger)
-Praetorians: 13PR

XB1 Roster:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17g3ru-UbBYXMJKTYKFyy5yE1B6kS1AOLur0KODg_9-E/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]

http://13thlegionaries.ihostinghq.com/ [13thlegionaries.ihostinghq.com]

Xbox 360 Platoon Page:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5040236366864952836/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Dang it.. It says our skill is 595, apparently because the average HL skill is in the poor 200's, and it averages with our BF4 skill, which reads as a magnificent 976.
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
I have applied to your platoon and am waiting your response, sir.
8 years ago
Good playing with ya last night. You're in.
8 years ago
I just joined up with the 13th and completed the basic training. And I have to say The 13th is a damn good platoon, very tactical and the leaders know what they're doing. Plus they're patient with recruits and will teach you all that you need to know, provided that you follow along and don't disrupt. If you're looking for a good group that respects its members while dominating on the battlefield, stop right here. You've found your place.
9 years ago • 2 likes
For anyone wondering if this platoon is worth joining here is what i have to say after going through he joining process and now playing with my new found battlefield family. Before taking this step into the organized squad and platoon structure I was a lone wolf take no orders guy. But in the recent months ive been watching platoons and how they work and ive taken a great interest in team work. So I joined the 13th. Little did i know that I would be following my squad leaders into victory after victory at least 80% of the time. Ive also learned that you need to be able to follow basic orders and to stay on task while playing as a squad. Theres no need to be worried about the leaders being impatient or jerks, they are all understanding and are always willing to explain things or help new recruits with whatever they aren't understanding. One thing ive noticed is that the leaders or trainers are good about using positive reinforcement to let you know that youre doing good. So that about sums up what I have to say, the 13th is definitely worth your time joining because you'll find that it is both a fun and efficient platoon. -A1ec33
9 years ago • 2 likes
I have been getting quite a few questions lately about how realistic we are. Let me break this down a bit:

As our page explains, we are not a mil-sim. We don't actually strive for realism whatsoever. We strive for efficiency and professionalism on the battlefield, which means we do adopt some real-world tactics, but only those we feel make us more cohesive and potent. We provide training in all divisions, but nothing ridiculous- we don't make anyone run laps, or jump through hoops; it's all practical stuff we teach, and it is all to help our members work better together. A lot of it is even pretty fun, and the amount of training you do after the first session is entirely up to you.

As for our exclusiveness.. Pff, almost nonexistent. Gentlemen, it's as simple as this: If you are a mature, respectful player, and are willing to adopt our methods of teamwork, we'd love to have ya. We don't care whether you are a noob or a complete bad***. Even if you are a current or past lone-wolf, who wants to learn to be a team player, we will gladly help you out too.

I hope you will continue to consider the 13th Legion, as your new home on Battlefield.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Full time medic hardcore ptfo addme
6 years ago • 0 Like
are u guys still active?
6 years ago • 0 Like
Ya’ll still active? I’m intrested in joining....
6 years ago • 0 Like
Yessir, but you'll need to get ahold of us on console. I can help you out. Most of us aren't too active on Battlelog these days.
6 years ago
Add me on Xbox! Sentinal 9
6 years ago
Been playing with Pete for a good minute, just wanted to join the fun. I'm an excellent medic and will give my life to get you back up. If you need a medkit, I'll already have thrown you one before you can even request. I focus mainly on teamwork elements and the greater good of the squad. I'm also a damn good attack heli pilot.
7 years ago • 1 Like
Welcome aboard, brother.
7 years ago
I have just applied to join, I was invited yesterday by one of your members XIII Uknown74.
8 years ago • 0 Like
I have been with the 13th since the Battlefield 3 era. These guys are a good group. I love playing with them. I feel a sense of belonging, especially when I'm keeping up with Pete on the scoreboard, which is a major feat.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Anyone who has applied to the platoonsl its very important you message a leader on xbox live or in a private message on battlelog
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hey, it's fro bro56. I have applied to join your platoon.
8 years ago • 0 Like
I applied a while ago, and I kind of forgot that I had applied, could I still join? I'm best with sniping or flying the helicopters.
9 years ago • 0 Like
I forgot to mention that i am the best with anti-aircraft in bf4.
9 years ago
We still have a lot of pending applications, guys. So make sure that all interested folks are messaging me on XBL, and not just applying without making contact! Most are doing this fine, but some may find themselves waiting quite a while if they only apply.
10 years ago • 0 Like
This still applies.
9 years ago
All applicants, please be sure to change your tags to 13RE(Shows other members that you are a Recruit), and leave any other platoons here on BL(shows that you are serious about us), as this will help streamline the joining process, and help get you fighting alongside the 13th in no time! Also, please make sure to message me on XBL, or it might take a bit longer for you to be contacted. Thanks fellas!
9 years ago • 1 Like
Just applied, read Pete's post on recruitment, and you guys sound like folks I want to get to know. I'm a casual player, just getting back into BF4, looking for solid peeps to shoot the shit with, and have fun. XB1: x4b12Ratchetman
9 years ago • 0 Like
Just finished up the trainjng last night. Joined for Battlefront and 13T8 on Battlefield 4. RL I am a 12B at the current rank of SSG/E6. Only pointing that out because i do travel a bit, but I will inform you when I expect to be gone. Thanks for letting me join and thanks for being stand up guys.
9 years ago • 1 Like
hey guys sorry i havnt been active ill be on tonight and this weekend again! also i still need my training. cheers -Matt22x
9 years ago • 0 Like
I would love to join your guys, I am lvl 119 and i have logged in 500 + hours on battlefield. I use to be apart of another platoon called SSKM where i moved up to leader but unfortunately the platoon kind of fell apart so I left. Ever sense then I has been hard for me to just play battlefield by my self so I am looking for a group of good people that like to work together.
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
Yessir, if you go to that platoon page, it should be an option in the top-right corner, drop-down from one of the buttons.
9 years ago
Okay I have left my old platoon now what is the next step?
9 years ago
Can i get an invite? i am a medic that heals and revives everyone, my kd is 1.70 im a level 40 and i am a tactical player with good gun skill i can play tank, heli and jet to
9 years ago • 0 Like