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View all Members (182)

Website: view full presentation for all details • Created: 2014-03-02

44,212,732 / 3,306,000

20109h 59m

All members are required to be in one of the two TeamSpeak3 servers while in game playing! All the information to the 3 servers can be found within & DONATION links are provided. ALL DONATIONS paid go DIRECTLY to the server you select to donate to! Please read the information below & help others get connected to make this platoon one to be even more proud of!
* * * * * NOTE * * * * *
PLEASE provide your IN-GAME player name to any donation, NOT your personal information! THANK YOU, GUNNY1966

There are 4 Servers Available for sP8z members-

KILLEM & CHILLEM #1 (U.S. & Canadian ONLY) -
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/a0cd12a8-950d-46ef-ac03-bad80018fe86/KILLEM-CHILLEM-#1-16 [battlelog.battlefield.com] SLOT-60Hz-READ-THE-RULES-VIEW-FULL-SERVER/

KILLEM & CHILLEM # 2 ( U.S. & Canadian ONLY ) - 32 SLOT 60 Hz-http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/f07eb2cf-feae-4a1a-9ff7-181afe39568a/KILLEM-CHILLEM-2/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/56910ea9-561e-4ea1-ae83-af4972e3a153/KILLEM-CHILLEM-32-Slot/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

KILLEM & CHILLEM #4- 60hz - (CQL LOCKER METRO ONLY)http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/218fd7b0-343a-4792-9913-4592e262fbb0/KILLEM-CHILLEM-4-60hz-CQL-LOCKER-METRO-ONLY/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

http://www.gameservers.com/clanpay/?clanid=5f80451c425e9041dc764bf52450dca2 [gameservers.com]

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."


Hadi, Hopefully everyone had a Great Christmas
2 years ago • 0 Like
Hey 2x!! long time no see. hope u get ur new pc soon
2 years ago
Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas
2 years ago • 0 Like
Er.....Hi? Is this still an active Platoon? Been a few years since I was around
2 years ago • 0 Like
so do yall still think i cheat or what
3 years ago • 0 Like
What are your procedures for banning members? Thanks!
3 years ago • 0 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
banned because of my stats??? is the bar set that low?
4 years ago • 0 Like
It's been so long since I have had time to post anything due to my work schedule & I've noticed there are so many in here complaining about being banned for numerous reasons. There are various reasons for bans & if you were banned for being disrespectful then I can tell you that I stand behind our admins in those decisions. If you feel you were banned & wish to appeal your ban you can directly contact me BUT all bans that have been implemented will result in a ADMIN VOTING FORUM as well as other members will be heard in order to give our members the given right to have their voice heard. The one most important thing you need to understand is WE DO NOT PLAY FOR STATS & in saying that we play as FRIENDS & the things we offer our community is things you simply DO NOT have ANYWHERE else! As friends we can share & do so many things to achieve what WE want as a community. In order to maintain our membership we have a OPEN DOOR POLICY to those whom join & follow the community guidelines. It goes without saying if your NOT HAPPY then maybe YOU need to change something in YOUR life & not blame others for your actions. "GOOD LUCK & BEST WISHES"
4 years ago • 0 Like
No need to unban me, its your server ofc do as you wish but please at least site a real reason to ban me. While its clear you dont want me there, at the very least please dont accuse legit players of cheating because you dont like them.
Someone named Gunny just banned me for being "a cheating asshole" and has given me no chance to prove myself or anything at all, and even cited a completely made up PBBan as a reason to ban me, which you can see by checking my PB and looking at this screenshot https://gyazo.com/710745b0e5e01c314d8a597639f65a1c [gyazo.com]
I can prove that im not cheating with handcam, monitor cam, whatever youd like, we even have our own 120hz server though i wont link it unless you ask me to.

For now here's this https://youtu.be/pajpaTmdy7Q [youtu.be] and i can upload all the gameplay from the round i got banned in if youd like.
Of course i would appreciate the unban and would like to play on your server, but i can imagine someone as rude as this Gunny person in the teamspeak wouldn't let that happen.
5 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 8 comments Read more
LMAO! It's punks like you who know nothing about just having fun! To you it's all about how much a bad ass you think you are when in fact your just a tearful whiney little snowflake! If it's such a big deal then why come into the forums & cry about your ban when you have so many of your own servers? LMFAO SERIOUSLY LMFAO You need to go pulll your pud elsewhere & stop wasting our time with your sob story! GROW UP & MAN UP!! Have a nice life!! LMFAO
5 years ago
p.s. Who gives a "ROYAL SHIT" what you think! :-) Have A Nice Day"
5 years ago
I have some friends who play BF4 and are using bluetooth headsets. Neither of them can hear any game sound using the bluetooth. They say it is a Bluetooth issue. I ahve not researched it but has anyone else had this issue and what did you do to fix it?
5 years ago • 0 Like
not aware of that specific issue - but often it has to do with the settings in the control panel and also making certain that the drivers and graphics drivers are up to date. They should also check their Windows 10 for updates - there have been some recent ones that have interfered with that setting and upon updating , the problem is corrected. How that helps - this weekend - please be sure to bring it up in the Community Meeting .
5 years ago
I've read that their is a issue with NVIDIA graphics ( SOUND ) & the fix is to REMOVE the NVIDIA sound as the BlueTooth directs it's priority sound from the NVIDIA sound. I would suggest going into the NVIDIA control panel & turn the NVIDIA sound OFF to see if this corrects the issue. If this works let us know so I can post it in the "TIPS & TRICKS GUIDE" Thank You, GUNNY
5 years ago
Toxic community. Whatever admin bans people for playing needs to be kicked
5 years ago • 1 Like
Maybe you should have read the !rules. Sad you seem to think it's a community or admin issue when you can't follow the !rules. I might also add 700+ members think likewise so I guess it's the 700 members & not you! LMAO REALLY
5 years ago
I was banned without warning or a reason. I was sure that I followed all of the rules. I was very kind and got no warnings while I was playing. I went to join the server and I was banned. It's a shame because I really did enjoy talking to some of the people in the team speak. It's a great community.
5 years ago • 0 Like
May I have a reason and possibly a revoke on my ban?
5 years ago
Alex - please come into the TS. Someone will help you connect with me and we can talk.
5 years ago
5 years ago • 0 Like
Im still around ! Can i rejoin when i get my game comp fixed ?
5 years ago
hiya lamb...didnt know you were sP8z material...lol
5 years ago
Although I'm not an admin on the KILLEM & CHILLEM servers, I am a member of this great community. I have found this community to be entirely welcoming and simply a fun group of people to game with. TeamSpeak 3 just adds another layer of fun and playability to the game; and is also required to play on the KILLEM & CHILLEM servers. I speak for all of us when I say, we look forward to more people joining this fun community! There are some very simple rules (mostly mandated by EA) that should be followed if you decide to play on our servers. If you do decide to enjoy our community, be sure to join our weekly meetings in TeamSpeak 3 where we hold raffles for various computer components, discuss community business, and generally voice our concerns. A computer repair channel is even available in our TeamSpeak 3 server with classes held each Sunday evening! Look for me when you play on our servers; I'll be sure to say hi and find you an admin to assist you with TeamSpeak 3 rights, etc. See you soon!
5 years ago • 2 likes
* * * * * * ATTENTION ALL GUNNYS BUDDIES / KILLEM & CHILLEM members * * * * *

Saturday 11 / 17 / 2018 @ 10:00am CST we will be giving away ONE single copy of BATTLEFIELDV DELUXE EDITION that can be received thru Origin!

The RULES are as described below-
( 1 ) You MUST BE PRESENT in the TeamSpeak3 by 9:59am 11 /17 / 2018 to participate
( 3 ) You MUST NOT already own the game
( 4 ) You MUST have a PayPal account so funds can be transferred OR be able to receive a gift thru the Origin Store
( 5 ) You MUST have a system CAPABLE to RUN the game according to the game release specs
( 6 ) You MUST sign your SPECIFIC PLAYER NAME attached to THIS specific post here in the forums
* * * EXAMPLE * * *
is THE BEST - GUNNY1966 or KILLEM & CHILLEM RoCkS <---- Something POSITIVE & NO silly remarks!
( 7 ) You MUST be prepared to get your azz kicked in the game!
( 8 ) Donations to the $ Money Pool $ would be GREATLY APPRECIATED but are NOT required

REMEMBER - It's YOUR responsibility to follow the above guidelines, failure to do so will result in your name being withdrawn from the event!

https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/88BgrFpLNH [paypal.com]

5 years ago • 1 Like
Group Meeting Saturday Morning 10-13-2018 0945 CST
Please be there... much important stuff to be discussed!!
5 years ago • 0 Like
Attention All GUNNNIES BUDDIES Members! I have been working on the BATTLEFIELD3 Server per your request. Keep in mind there are changes to be made & there's always room for improvement so without further ado here is the link to the server:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/1b045f52-291a-42c6-ae84-b9a2878ce0af/KILLEM-CHILLEM-4-BF3/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Currently I am the ONLY admin on the server & I will complete some of the necessary changes & additions once we have our next meeting. Also keep in mind that my pc will be going thru some major upgrades once the hardware arrives so If you have questions you'll need to call my cell number. DO NOT give out my number to other members, simply ask the question & inform them I will get back with them via means necessary. I will however have my other computer running so I can also get on TeamSpeak3. Thank You, GUNNY
6 years ago • 1 Like
Thank you Gunny!!
6 years ago
ATTENTION - LA DICE CAMO Dec 2nd @10:00 am TEAMSPEAK# is MANDATORY & the server will be password protected & only given to those who are in the TeamSpeak3 for the event!
6 years ago • 0 Like

Both the KILLEM & CHILLEM #2 & #3 servers are now 32 slot servers! The TeamSpeak3 has been upgraded to 50 slots & I also added a security measure to further protect YOUR personal information. If you have any questions, FEEL FREE TO ASK! Thank You GUNNY1966
6 years ago • 0 Like