[Anon] Anonymous
Website: chaos-bruderschaft.de •
Created: 2014-03-02
45,189 / 49,000
587h 52m
Moin moin Kameraden ich melde mich nach langer zeit auch mal wieder, Ich wollte euch nur schnell sagen das der Anon jetzt auch in BF 1 vertreten ist kommt rein wenn ihr wollt ;D
MFG Briscolone05/Patrick
MFG Briscolone05/Patrick
7 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/a0890960-bdde-42de-8f89-328bb806bbe0/SoF-WELCOME-TO-HELL-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-2400/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/a0890960-bdde-42de-8f89-328bb806bbe0/SoF-WELCOME-TO-HELL-Operation-Locker-24-7-NO-RULES-2400/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Любителям Хардкора, которым не хватает режима Соединения.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/d4494d7d-6b03-44ef-bb51-6e6f715776f7/Niskalaukaus-K-18/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/d4494d7d-6b03-44ef-bb51-6e6f715776f7/Niskalaukaus-K-18/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/3739223a-50aa-4913-bebd-5eea0d1c5888/3-FISHKI-NET-24-7-MixedMaps-DLC-gamed-de/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0
Hey guys,
just want to say thx as u all showed great spirit in todays event!
i´m sure next time we´ll crush them as now we know what rules worked out fine...and what rules need some re-thinking;)
as soons as we have info on time&date of next clan-fight we´ll post it here.
in between pls remember that u are always welcome on CBs TS and server - Erik will surely appreciate your support!
wish u all some nice & relaxing holydays.
Bris01 / Michael
just want to say thx as u all showed great spirit in todays event!
i´m sure next time we´ll crush them as now we know what rules worked out fine...and what rules need some re-thinking;)
as soons as we have info on time&date of next clan-fight we´ll post it here.
in between pls remember that u are always welcome on CBs TS and server - Erik will surely appreciate your support!
wish u all some nice & relaxing holydays.
Bris01 / Michael
9 years ago • 0
hi guys,
90 minutes to go....talk to u on TS: @ 20°° CEST
when entering lobby pls add "anon" to your name....helps identifying u guys:)
pls also add the active guys in battlelog so we can drag&drop on server (just in case)
last but not least...pls use Anon tag....if u wish with your personal emblem
Bris01 / Michael
90 minutes to go....talk to u on TS: @ 20°° CEST
when entering lobby pls add "anon" to your name....helps identifying u guys:)
pls also add the active guys in battlelog so we can drag&drop on server (just in case)
last but not least...pls use Anon tag....if u wish with your personal emblem
Bris01 / Michael
9 years ago • 0
hi guys...remember tonights duck hunt!
details on maps etc two messages below...
looking forward to seeing u guys!!!
Bris01 / Michael
details on maps etc two messages below...
looking forward to seeing u guys!!!
Bris01 / Michael
9 years ago • 0
like this
Hey guys...here are some details for tmrw´s clan fight gainst CBs chicks:
Time & Date: April 4th, 20°°
Maps & Modes: Vanilla only - single maps & modes will be decided by the teams
If possible stop by on TS bit earlier so we can discuss details & also inform other platoon mates so we have decent manpower...
pls do not worry bout skill etc...it´s all about having fun:)
Time & Date: April 4th, 20°°
Maps & Modes: Vanilla only - single maps & modes will be decided by the teams
If possible stop by on TS bit earlier so we can discuss details & also inform other platoon mates so we have decent manpower...
pls do not worry bout skill etc...it´s all about having fun:)
9 years ago • 2
Briscolone05 and
like this
Hallo Jungs!
Hier die Details zu dem morgigen Clan Fight mit den CBs Boys....
Time & Date: 4.April, 20°°
Maps & Modes: Vanilla only - Maps & Modes werden abwechselnd von den Teams entschieden
Bitte schlagt etwas früher auf dem TS auf damit wir uns noch absprechen können:)
Informiert auch eure anderen Platoon Buddies damit wir morgen über ordentlich Manpower verfügen!
Wichtig: keine Panik von wegen Skill etc - der Spaßfaktor ist entscheidend...!!!
Hier die Details zu dem morgigen Clan Fight mit den CBs Boys....
Time & Date: 4.April, 20°°
Maps & Modes: Vanilla only - Maps & Modes werden abwechselnd von den Teams entschieden
Bitte schlagt etwas früher auf dem TS auf damit wir uns noch absprechen können:)
Informiert auch eure anderen Platoon Buddies damit wir morgen über ordentlich Manpower verfügen!
Wichtig: keine Panik von wegen Skill etc - der Spaßfaktor ist entscheidend...!!!
9 years ago • 2
Briscolone05 and
like this
Hi guys....quick reminder: upcoming weekend will be clan-war time vs the CBs guys!!!!
let´s gather & kick their butts...real hard;)
pls all check with bris05/patrick, piero or me for exact time etc.
ts will be available from CBs...so we´ll also have some great time flaming together.
cya soon,
let´s gather & kick their butts...real hard;)
pls all check with bris05/patrick, piero or me for exact time etc.
ts will be available from CBs...so we´ll also have some great time flaming together.
cya soon,
9 years ago • 1
like this
Hi Anons!
Here´s a quickie for all of u interested in serious knifing:)
Over @ CBS (Chaos brotherhood) will be some ZOMBIE hunt bit later tonight...stop by at TS: and check for Erik, Quicksalvatore or any Anon already there.
There is also going to be some ClanWar action on April 3rd or 4th round 20.00 CET !!!
Rules will be kept simple: fairness wins, so no excessive Claymore & C4-ing or power-camping;)
Exact day will be confirmed during next week - if u are interested drop us a note.
cheers & wish u all a great weekend,
Bris01 / Michael
Here´s a quickie for all of u interested in serious knifing:)
Over @ CBS (Chaos brotherhood) will be some ZOMBIE hunt bit later tonight...stop by at TS: and check for Erik, Quicksalvatore or any Anon already there.
There is also going to be some ClanWar action on April 3rd or 4th round 20.00 CET !!!
Rules will be kept simple: fairness wins, so no excessive Claymore & C4-ing or power-camping;)
Exact day will be confirmed during next week - if u are interested drop us a note.
cheers & wish u all a great weekend,
Bris01 / Michael
10 years ago • 0
Hey guys!
Hope u all had a great start into 2015!!!
Good news ahead...
We are about to coop with CBs Clan and would like u to check with Erik and rest of these cool guys at their TS:
Feel free stoping by any time u like and in case of any questions get in touch with Quacksalvatore!
We are also invited to their server that will see an update soon...including more BF4 as well as Hardline...
More news to come...soon:)
cheers & have fun,
Micha (Bris01)
Hope u all had a great start into 2015!!!
Good news ahead...
We are about to coop with CBs Clan and would like u to check with Erik and rest of these cool guys at their TS:
Feel free stoping by any time u like and in case of any questions get in touch with Quacksalvatore!
We are also invited to their server that will see an update soon...including more BF4 as well as Hardline...
More news to come...soon:)
cheers & have fun,
Micha (Bris01)
10 years ago • 4
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/3739223a-50aa-4913-bebd-5eea0d1c5888/3-FISHKI-NET-24-7-MixedMaps-gamed-de/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 0