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Created: 2014-03-29

212 / 10,000

15m 15s
This is a Commander Platoon. Mainly to get players who follow orders in the same game, more points for everybody.

As the commander you have 12 assets to help your squads.

The assets come in 3 categories: Default, Main, and Squad.

Default assets: Scan · EMP · Evacuation Notice · High Value Target (HVT) · Proxy Attack.

Main assets: Cruise Missile · AC-130 Gunship · Infantry Scan · Vehicle Scan.

Squad assets: Rapid Deploy · Squad Promotion · Supply Drop · Vehicle Drop

Default assets: Default assets automatically reload each time you use them, so they will be available for the entire match. the speed at which they reload is constant but may be fast or slow depending on the particular server you are on at the time. The Scan puts a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over your target, this allows you and squad members to see enemy soldiers & vehicles in the scan area. You will receive points every time a squad member is helped by the scan. EMP puts up a UAV that blocks your squad from appearing on the enemy map or soldier equipment such as the recon proximity detectors. You will receive points every time a squad member is helped by the EMP hiding them on the map. Evacuation notice is a clock icon you drop on the map near your squads when you see danger near them they may not see. As commander you may see a missile from the enemy commander aimed at your squads, or multiple soldiers or vehicles approaching your squad under cover. By dropping the Evacuation notice on or near your squad they will get a visual and audio warning. (the visual warning is a red clock similar to the countdown clock you see if you go out of the playing area, the audio warning is different depending on what’s happening, it may say incoming missile or heavy enemy force approaching. The HVT mark allows the commander to mark an enemy who is on a kill streak of 6 or more. This can be a soldier or vehicle. In game when you spot enemy you can mark them, the HVT mark is like that and will last longer and make it easier for you squads to hunt down the HVT. You can mark multiple HVTs. If you mark a HVT and your squad takes it out, both the commander and squad members get a point bonus.

Main assets: Main assets are linked to locations, you may have to keep and maintain a flag or base to use that asset. For example to deploy the gunship on the Rogue transmission map, you must control C. But on the Paracel Storm map you must control B for the gunship. Each map has access to different assets, and some maps will never have certain assets. So no Gunship in the Metro. If you are playing Obliteration or Defuse and the enemy destroys a location, you will lose the associated asset for the rest of the match. In conquest if you recapture a flag, you will get your asset back. Like default assets main assets reload after each use. The cruise missile is your most powerful asset and can take a while to reload. When using the missile you must plan ahead. Each map has a different time from deployment to strike. In a small map like Hainan Resort, you may only wait ten seconds for the missile, on a large map like Altai Range it can be much longer, almost 30 seconds. Although missiles will not destroy soldiers inside a building unless they are close enough to door window or opening to receive splash damage, it is the most powerful 1 hit weapon in the game. All vehicles are instantly destroyed with a direct hit or even a nearby hit. You should be very careful if the server has friendly fire on, if so you can kill your own team mates with a missile strike. If the friendly fire is ON you could wipe or multi kill your own squads. On a server with friendly fire ON, using the Evacuation notice can be very helpful before using the missile. The AC-130 Gunship can hold 3 soldiers. When you deploy a gunship you should announce it to your entire team via Team Chat. When a soldier is in the deploy screen, they can choose the Gunship as a deploy point. They can either jump out or stay in it and shoot. Tell them to stay in it & shoot. There are 3 guns, some type of machine gun, a 25mm auto-cannon & a 105mm cannon. When soldiers are in the gunship they can use optical zoom and spot. One of the best features of the Gunship is spotting ability. Soldiers in the gunship can spot soldiers and vehicles from anywhere on the map greatly aiding other squad members, I always tell the gunship repeatedly to SPOT while shooting. Gunships can stay up a very long time, but can also be shot down, tell players in the gunship to watch the vehicle health, they should bail out if vehicle health drops below 30. Infantry scan is like a default scan but will cover the entire map, however some soldier concealment gear can defeat it, causing their location to blink on and off. Vehicle scan also covers the whole map and spots all vehicles, land air and sea.

Squad assets: Squad assets are unique because they do not reload automatically and are not associated with bases or flags. To be able to deploy a squad asset, you need to fill your progression bar. You fill your progression bar by aiding your squads with assets. For example when you deploy a default asset like Scan or EMP, your progression bar begins to fill up, as long as that scan is helping a squad. If the scan covers 1 or 2 soldiers it fills slowly, if you have several squads under a scan it can fill instantly. Another way to fill your progression bar is to issue orders and have them followed. In addition you get even more progression and points if you issue an order, the squad accepts, it and then achieves it. The order of eligibility for the progression bar is Promotion, Rapid deploy Supply drop and vehicle drop. So you can give out lots of promotions or save up for a vehicle drop.

A squad promotion advances each individual squad member's upgrade to the next unlock. Cost: 1 progress bar unit.

Rapid deploy cuts the spawn time of a squad in half for a limited amount of time, proper use of Rapid Deploy can help a squad maintain their upgrade, and improve their ability to cover an important objective. Cost: 3 progress bar units.

Supply Drop deploys a pallet that will heal, resupply, and repair any nearby friendly units. Vehicles can instantly reload their weapons without depleting reserve ammunition, although the reserve ammunition rate is unchanged.

As in earlier versions of Battlefield, , the Supply Drop can crush unwary infantry or set off explosive objects. Cost 2 progress bar units

Vehicle drop will deploy a quad bike over land and a jet ski over water. Cost 4 progress bar units.

1. Evacuation notice
2. High value target mark
3. Proxy attacks
4. Scan
5. EMP
6. Cruise missile
7. Gunship
8. Infantry scan
9. Vehicle scan
10. Rapid deploy
11. Promotions supply drop
12. Vehicle drop

Tips: if you want to score a lot of points, let the enemy commander have the cruise missile base. He will become distracted trying to get those coveted Cruise missile multi kills. While he has the cruise missiles, do not use EMP or Proxy attack. Wait until you see or hear the incoming cruise missile warning. Place an EMP on the spot that he plans to strike. If your placement is accurate and timed, your EMP will damage or destroy the missile. So far, this is the highest point count I have seen in BF4. Destroying a cruise missile that would have killed squad members is worth a lot of points. I once received 11,000 points for a single EMP deploy that stopped a cruise missile multikill. The on screen points counter will look like a slot machine in Vegas when you finally pull that off.

Tell your squads they can change kit while standing next to a supply drop.

More to come...............


You have a cheater in your platoon: bf4db.com/players/1724524
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hooah! Recently , i'm alway play a commander role. and i'm lovin' it!
10 years ago • 0 Like