[auk] Anarchy UK Reserves

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Website: anarchygaming.uk • Created: 2014-11-06

21,383 / 113,000

909h 27m


Anybody here?
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hi. I put an application on the forum and they told to come here and apply so...here i am.
7 years ago • 0 Like
Jane applied to be a member and was denied. That's OK.

I believe I played on this server the other day. It was fun.. Jane brought a lot of energy to play.. Traditionally, Jane was a sniper in BF1942, BF2 and so on. Yep, most likely been playing much longer than most of you... That's Ok..

As of late, Jane has been developing rush skills. Ain't an easy transition. This is why Jane's game is so wild and why Jane is able to defeat much better players, such as, yourselves. Cause, Jane is coming at you. Ain't hiding this time. If you r not ready. Jane will get your tags. Ask two of the players, on your server.

Jane plays on SF, LIFE, ESB, FPS, JANE, AYYY, and Mercy''s Partners. Jane hoped to join U... Why, cause you have excellent players on your side, of the pond and Jane needs team mates over there. That is all.

F.Y.I This vid is of Team Terra. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4R3wWV4_0w [youtube.com]
It is a beautifully edited montage of play. Simply beautiful..Please, enjoy it.

An open invitation brothers and sisters to join us over here for, some insane fast paced rush. Not asking you to join us... No.. just play along side from time to time. I hope u will have fun...

When your in the mood for it. BE warned.. last evening the other team..quit on us..They gave up... The field went silent. We play to win and we play fast. However, play along side Jane if you wish.
Come have fun and try it. Stay with your team and support your server..Of course..
Jane ain't recruiting... That would be rude and disrespectful to your leaders....

Jane ain't no troll....Jane is a player. How many other players have reached out to you like this.
R you going to pass this up?

Anyway, any of U are welcome to Join Jane, on this side, of the pond anytime.

lighten up, go with it, have fun...we play different over here. Now, won't that make you a more complete player? That's why Jane plays against U.
Respect. Jane will C U on the battlefield......
It not about me..If it were..I am a shooting star soon to fade...

P.s I was auto kicked off one of your servers because, Jane simply shared the knowledge...remember knowledge is power..right?
Ok....The knowledge that U of Kansas, in the States, uses extremely High dose Vitamin C intravenously to kill cancer cells. When injected vitamin C acts as an oxidant on the membrane of cancer. Hopefully, this info will help a loved one. See, you don't know Jane and Jane is helping U....which in turn helps us all.

We r Jane....emotions guide us....Dirige Nos Adfectus..
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Jane - only just seen this on our platoon feed. You were denied access to join our reserves platoon as you need to register on our forum and post something about yourself and why you want to join.

8 years ago
Hello everyone, will be on soon. Look forward to playing with everyone
8 years ago • 0 Like
at last the bloody things open I blame windows 10.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Hello! I was given the link on my application :-)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Alrighty, I officially applied. Thanks again, I'll keep my defi charged for ya.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello, following my application on the forum, I just applied as MadT3ach3r.
Thank you a lot!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello guys i am from france,
i explain u whats happened to me on ur server
was enjoying the game, and one of yours whos name MadT3ach3r came to me asking about my name player, insisting i told him : go see outthere : then i was banned
my name : quenelledslefion his name Madt3ach3r alias pierre chevallier
9 years ago • 0 Like
You guys really need to fix your server, it crash so many times actually..
9 years ago • 0 Like
Just crashed seconds ago.
9 years ago
bıtch adminnnnn
9 years ago • 1 Like
i apply and it get rejected???
9 years ago • 0 Like
you have already been accepted months ago, since we closed the Recruitment could have been a mixup, try posting on the forums so we can sort it out.
9 years ago
Hi all, following on from the forum post a few weeks ago, as you can see don't get on much, just donated for the VIP status on the servers, hoping to get on a bit more now, cannon fodder for you regulars, hang on to your dog tags Ice, knives out:)
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Griff, Can you please Apply again and we can get you in the squad
9 years ago
Hi Kirky, apparently I need an invite:)
9 years ago
Just a follow up to my application on the forum. Thanks for the warm welcome I got from some of you... for the others, OK I'll bake a freakin cake!! What type do you want? Fish flavour?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hello, we're looking for friendly platoons to play CF DOM 8vs8
If you're interesting, please contact me via battlelog or email
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1324723154041815143/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 0 Like
hi, im friends with aman-kduffiers, and i would like to play with him, can i joint (i played somewhat on ps3 so im not a tootal noob)
9 years ago • 0 Like
IcemanRecon, please unkick lIqUiDuS_PT. 3 months allready...
9 years ago • 0 Like
thanks for having me . A good laugh and a few beers is what its all about.
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thank you for the invite, I look forward to seeing you all on the Battlefield!
10 years ago • 0 Like