[iT] Idiot Tactics

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Website: www.twitch.tv/sevxn • Created: 2014-03-02

81,093 / 83,000

746h 7m
/*/ Read Before Applying \*\
/*/ Platoon Intro \*\
Hi all, I am Colin and this is iT. After my many experiences with game clans starting as fun families and then turning into competitive monsters, I decided that I would just make my own. Thus, iT was born. We are 'Idiot Tactics' and as the name states, we are not exactly great gamers. We exists as an outlet for gamers of any skill level to get together with other players who just want to have fun playing. In my time both casual console gaming and in the PC MLG Circuit I have found that winning is great and all but if you are not having fun then there really is no point to be playing in the first place. Which brings me to this clans gaming philosophy.
/*/ Gaming Philosophy and Platoon Requirements \*\

- Our goal is to have fun, if winning happens as a bi-product then that is just a bonus.

- Maturity is strongly requested. (And inside that level of maturity, knowing when to be mature and when to be immature is required)

- In that range of maturity, being 17 and older tends to help so that is where our age limit is.

- You must have a mic. The game is so much more fun when we can all communicate.

- Raging happens. I understand that we all have our bad days, but try to keep the rage to a minimum. It is hard to communicate when one guy is screaming cuss words over the mic ^.^ and trust me, I have been that guy too.

- When playing with me (SevXn), keep in mind that I am almost definitely recording game footage.

- I know for a fact that we probably will not only play BF4. It is still fun to get together in parties when playing similar games so I do not see why that can not happen. (Even if the game we are all playing is single player. I.E. Skyrim)

- I generally avoid kicking but if you are not active with the platoon for an extended period of time... (knowing me, probably around 1 or 2 months) then I will roll you out as new members roll in.

- There are no assigned rolls. We all know what areas we are good at and where we need work. When we play together, keep your own specialties in mind and play to your strengths.

- I do request that you wear the iT tag proudly for as long as you are in the platoon. It isn't a big deal but it does help identify who is who and make it easier to get everyone on the same team. Plus, it does look pretty bad ass when you have an entire team of guys rocking the same tag... (pub-stacking ftw?)

- When wearing the iT tag, you are representing not just yourself, but everyone in the clan. Keep that in mind and please play in the most respectful way possible. Refrain from spawn camping vehicles(my rule of thumb is if they are in the air or out of their base for 5 seconds, then it is no longer spawn killing... 5 second rule does not apply if they engage in combat the second they enter the vehicle), t-bagging unless necessary(if they do it first, let the trolling commence), MAV camping(using the MAV is fine, just do not sit back in the spawn and constantly road kill with it, that is just wasting time. If you are spotting for us then more power to you)

- I am not big on limiting the platoons you are in. You can be in other platoons, that is fine. My only request is that you do make time to play with us. I will not force you to ditch friends to play with us but if we have room, why not bring them with you, that is all I am saying.

- Treat other members with respect. A good platoon is like a family so we should all act as such. We will have our differences but that is not the point. The point is just to enjoy our time gaming and it is not always possible to do that when there are glitches between members so lets avoid those glitches.

- Most of all, please have fun and enjoy your time with us. Keep in mind that the above are not really rules, just polite requests from me to you. I understand and accept that there are exceptions to all situations. All the requirements above do is give you a basic understanding of how I(SevXn) play BF4.
/*/ Small Note \*\
Even though we are a non-competitive platoon, if we get enough players who want to play competitively then I will set that up. When that situation arises, I will elect someone who is experiences in console competition to be in charge of a new competitive sub-platoon so that someone who knows what they are doing can get that rolling.

You can generally find us playing on softcore with our main game modes being Conquest and Rush.

Well, that is all for now. As times progresses, I will probably add and remove some stuff from this intro. If you are interested, go ahead and apply. I will add you on live and we can play together a bit to test each other out. Thank you for your time and I will see you on the Battlefield.

Go ahead and give our recruitment thread a bump to keep it on top of the list ^.^
You can find it here:
link no longer applicable


Ammo's at the base guys.......
10 years ago • 1 Like