[CRO] 53Team
Website: 53team.org/ •
Created: 2014-02-27
5,640,224 / 3,306,000
2082h 34m
Pozdrav ljudovi, Anthrax ovdje, vracam se u vode battlefield-a :D Zivili :*
8 years ago • 0
Alo ljudi, mogu jointa vama? Imam 23 godine i student sam, ali nije problem. Vrlo sam dobar igrac..
8 years ago • 0
@NythosCRO nazalost ulazak u Clan nije tako jednostavan kako se izgleda , nama nije potreban skill level vec zabava. Provjeriti cu sa ostalim memberima klana :)
8 years ago
Hey guys! Check out the new SFW Metro Server on 120hz
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/ed60e5ec-7aca-4c89-b3ea-78b9137d2eab/SFW-Metro-HC-120Hz-No-M320-Rocket-Launcher-XM25/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
looking forward to see you there.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/ed60e5ec-7aca-4c89-b3ea-78b9137d2eab/SFW-Metro-HC-120Hz-No-M320-Rocket-Launcher-XM25/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
looking forward to see you there.
9 years ago • 0
Hey guys!
i would like to give u some news. the CBS Clan is making an event which starts in february, i would like to inform u about it because i think its a funny thing and i like the CBS guys and also the server which is running so smoothly :D
here is the link for the event:
http://cellerbombsquad.de/cbsforum/news/677-cbs-battlefield-4-event#2049 [cellerbombsquad.de]
sadly its all in german so i would like to give a shortly explanation in english what it is about.
the event will start on 15.02. 7pm, they reset the ranking and its running for 2 months.
the 1. place can win a mouse SENSEI von SteelSeries
2. place a bf4 sweater in ur size
3. place gold battlepacks
eligibility requirements:
- registrate at CBS forum
- u have to be 18
- u shouldnt be banned on one of their servers
to earn points for the ranking u just have to play on one of their servers, it doesnt have to be the Metro one.
if u have any questions feel free to ask me, i wont bite :P
have fun guys! see you at the battlefield :D
i would like to give u some news. the CBS Clan is making an event which starts in february, i would like to inform u about it because i think its a funny thing and i like the CBS guys and also the server which is running so smoothly :D
here is the link for the event:
http://cellerbombsquad.de/cbsforum/news/677-cbs-battlefield-4-event#2049 [cellerbombsquad.de]
sadly its all in german so i would like to give a shortly explanation in english what it is about.
the event will start on 15.02. 7pm, they reset the ranking and its running for 2 months.
the 1. place can win a mouse SENSEI von SteelSeries
2. place a bf4 sweater in ur size
3. place gold battlepacks
eligibility requirements:
- registrate at CBS forum
- u have to be 18
- u shouldnt be banned on one of their servers
to earn points for the ranking u just have to play on one of their servers, it doesnt have to be the Metro one.
if u have any questions feel free to ask me, i wont bite :P
have fun guys! see you at the battlefield :D
9 years ago • 0
Such WOW many Amaze this platoon is ;O
http://thetankhead.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Army-Doge.jpg [thetankhead.com]
http://thetankhead.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Army-Doge.jpg [thetankhead.com]
9 years ago • 4
alo kolege i kolegice, evo da se na neki nacin javim. zao mi je sto nisam aktivan bio u zadnjih tjedan dana kao do sada, no to je zbog obaveza.... vidimo se krajem ovog tjedna ili pocetkom iduceg na fieldu. till then peace out!
9 years ago • 0
ako teamspeak zeza evo zašto, mail od mbit-a:
s obzirom na učestale upite o stanju TS servera, šaljemo direktno mail svim korisnicima HR lokacije.
Serveri su nedostupni od sinoćnji sati i radi se o većem DDoS napadu na HR lokaciju koji traje i sada.
U kontaktu smo s data centrom i čekamo na konačan odgovor mogu li filtrirati promet ili ne mogu jer već dulje vrijeme imamo problema s njima.
U potonjem slučaju, svi serveri će biti prebačeni na nizozemsku lokaciju jer na hrvaskoj ne možemo korisnicima pružiti kvalitetu usluge kakvu želimo.
Molimo Vas za strpljenje dok rješavamo situaciju.
s obzirom na učestale upite o stanju TS servera, šaljemo direktno mail svim korisnicima HR lokacije.
Serveri su nedostupni od sinoćnji sati i radi se o većem DDoS napadu na HR lokaciju koji traje i sada.
U kontaktu smo s data centrom i čekamo na konačan odgovor mogu li filtrirati promet ili ne mogu jer već dulje vrijeme imamo problema s njima.
U potonjem slučaju, svi serveri će biti prebačeni na nizozemsku lokaciju jer na hrvaskoj ne možemo korisnicima pružiti kvalitetu usluge kakvu želimo.
Molimo Vas za strpljenje dok rješavamo situaciju.
9 years ago • 1
like this
Our Mumble Server its free and open if you guys wana join :)
IP: 46253196132
Port: 64764
IP: 46253196132
Port: 64764
9 years ago • 0
Momci grabite dok mozete :D https://www.gamingtribe.com/giveaway/savage/felixceco [gamingtribe.com]
10 years ago • 0
https://www.easportsfifaworld.com/ref/kC5GOS4cR_msClDvu_GmBQ [easportsfifaworld.com] Grabi dok je free :P
10 years ago • 0
twitch_53copceco and
like this
Pozdrav svima.
Primjetion sam da su neki od Vas igrali na RG rumble in the bronx serveru.
Nas 9-10 bivših članova RG smo napravili novi community i imamo vlastit server, bolji od "bronxa" i LSD servera.
Rush HC 64, active admins, sniper and dmr limit, no mortar
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/701f8fb4-205a-4f8d-8c09-494a434a7704/DEA-Drugs-Alternative-Rush-Hardcore-64P-BEST-MAPS/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Također, djelit ćemo VIP slotove igračima koji često igraju na našem serveru.
Pozdrav i nadam se da se vidimo na serveru....
Primjetion sam da su neki od Vas igrali na RG rumble in the bronx serveru.
Nas 9-10 bivših članova RG smo napravili novi community i imamo vlastit server, bolji od "bronxa" i LSD servera.
Rush HC 64, active admins, sniper and dmr limit, no mortar
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/701f8fb4-205a-4f8d-8c09-494a434a7704/DEA-Drugs-Alternative-Rush-Hardcore-64P-BEST-MAPS/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Također, djelit ćemo VIP slotove igračima koji često igraju na našem serveru.
Pozdrav i nadam se da se vidimo na serveru....
10 years ago • 1
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Pozdrav ljudi!
Imamo novi server u pogonu pa bi nam bilo drago da navratite kad uvatite volje i vrimena
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/5baa47ea-fc3a-4332-88e8-3734b93dbf59/G-Clan-Best-CQL-Maps-24-7-HIGH-PERFORMANCE-SERVER/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Imamo novi server u pogonu pa bi nam bilo drago da navratite kad uvatite volje i vrimena
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/5baa47ea-fc3a-4332-88e8-3734b93dbf59/G-Clan-Best-CQL-Maps-24-7-HIGH-PERFORMANCE-SERVER/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
10 years ago • 2
twitch_53copceco and
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Hrvatska Mafia!
Strength and Honor to you guyz and greetings from GLADIUS
Strength and Honor to you guyz and greetings from GLADIUS
10 years ago • 2
RealMadDad and
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