[EGM] Elite Gamers Militia

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1393h 45m
The Official Platoon of the Elite Gamers Militia Clan

**Interested in joining EGM Platoon or already in EGM Platoon, make sure to read the requirements/EGM Rules we ask for all Members/Applicants.

Rules for the EGM Platoon:

- Respect each other to earn Respect

-Teamwork is what we are looking for, each Member/Applicant will need to know what he/she role is such as class or if needed in a heli, vehicle, or on the ground during a match on helping the Team/Squad win.

- No vulgar language towards each other.

- REQUIRED to wear EGM as your Clan Tag at all times.

- Members responsibility is to try and switch to the EGM Team during a Match in case you get separated.

- All EGM Members are responsible for adding other EGM Members.

**Rules will be posted as issues come upon

**Roster will be posted soon**

To view EGM FB Page that we have on the WEBSITE category please do copy and past into your IE, FireFox, Google Chrome and ect. address bar. Thnx.


May God have mercy upon our enemies, because we won't

- EGM Clan


Elite Gamers Militia Clan was founded in January 2009 by EGM_noey77 based in California, USA


UPDATE: EGM Rules/Requirements have been updated with specific issues that needed clarification. If there are any issues or needed of rules added do contact me through any sources provided: PSN, Batllelog, Facebook, and Cell Number. We do not require all EGM Members to play BF4 and we are a Casual Platoon meaning that we might not always be online, occasionally might not be on BF4 everyday. But, when we are online and do team up. I promise you that we will have fun, win/lose and work as a team. Thank you.
10 years ago • 3 likes
2 / 4 comments Read more
angel i cant add you your friend list is full
10 years ago
No problem, I have sent you a friend request on PSN.
10 years ago
We are interested in a match. Accept my friend request and we can chat.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hey EGM_Arkangel52. invited me to the platoon. have mic and ready for some gaming .
10 years ago • 0 Like
Let's team up online when u have a chance
10 years ago
i have already apply to the platoon and i have a mic, also i can play any role in the game. i'm a great team player
10 years ago • 0 Like
sounds all good...let me know and I will add tag and clan members
10 years ago • 0 Like
can I join I have mic and I play on Fridays and Saturdays sundays all day
10 years ago • 0 Like
Hey guys!
I applied! I have not really played with people before in bf4 so im new to how it all works.
Just let me know when and where to be!
hope to see you all soon
10 years ago • 1 Like
Thank you for your application and interest into the EGM Platoon. I will be online tomorrow most of the day, I hope we could team up and go from there. Thnx again.
10 years ago
Can I join,if you say you will exept me by commenting I will leave a clan and apply
10 years ago • 0 Like
Thank you for your application and interested to the EGM platoon.
10 years ago
So what u guys think about bf: hardline? Im tored myself. Hope it has the same destruction like the DOWNside lol.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Havnt done research on hardline... wonder if it's going to be a for sure thing or just rumors.
10 years ago
This is BTK_K1LL4 on PS4.

Im a Battlefields vet and have played every BF game on PC and PS3 (PC-1942, BF2+ all exp and mods, 2142) (PS3- BC, BC2, 1941). The only BF game i have never played is BF3 (had to sell my PS3 to make time for babys) Now im back on PS4 with a drive and push to the best i can be. I know the game, I know what it takes, and i know how to do it.

The only thing i dont know is. If i join, what would i gain and how will it benefit me?

10 years ago • 2 likes
We are a causal platoon that team up every day of the week with members that will use teamwork to win a match but of course every match is unpredictable, we play other games besides BF4 and we do not require any members to be online at a specific time. Again we are a casual platoon with understand players have life's besides gaming, the benefit of you joining is really up too you. The real question is what are you truly looking for on BF4 competitive or casual?
10 years ago
Im a casual player but can be competitive at times. I play to win but can take a lose. Im a team player and can adapt to any role if needed. I can lead and take orders.

Even if i dont/cant join, I enjoy playing with you guys.

10 years ago
To all EGM Members have a great and safe Memorial day weekend. To all our enemies enjoy your new home/coffin 6 feet under, enjoy :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
Hey this is Raze brother, if you guys need me for a clan match or something let me know :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
EGM NOTICE: I have contacted our new Captain/Leader of the EGM BF4 Platoon Division which accepted to take the role of: creating squads when EGM Members are online in BF4, helping with any tryouts that are scheduled, and any other issues that come upon. I hope you all will greet him with a HOOAH Greeting and do make sure to add him on your friends list in PSN. Welcome Mmiller2001 on being a Captain/Leader of the EGM Platoon.
10 years ago • 2 likes
NOTIFICATION FOR ALL EGM MEMBERS: As the EGM Platoon is building up with different skills and teamwork from awesome players, I will be in search for some Leaders on the PS4 Division to help with tryouts, squad up EGM Members during a match or before a match, and to assist me with any other issues that arise. If you are interested to be considered a leader of the EGM Platoon, do message me on PSN, comment here, or post a comment on my battlelog profile. Thank you for your time.
10 years ago • 2 likes
hey ill obay the rules. I'm logging onto ps4 now. EGM i aded u. well hope u accept me :)
10 years ago • 1 Like
I have accepted your friend request on PSN. Do make sure to apply so I can provide you a tryout. Thanks again.
10 years ago
For players that have applied to the EGM Platoon BF4 PS4 Division and have not received a invite for a tryout, do make sure to add me on PSN and to notify me when you and I are online at the same moment so we could team up and get the tryout underway. If any questions do comment, message me on PSN or post on my battlelog profile. Thanks.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I applied. Looking forward to play with u guys.
10 years ago • 1 Like
Sounds good, thank you for your application. Do make sure to add me on PSN so I can provide you with a tryout. Thanks again. PSN: EGM_ArkAngel52
10 years ago
Rules for the EGM Platoon:

- Respect EGM Members

- Teamwork is key

- No vulgar language towards EGM Members

- REQUIRED to wear EGM as your Clan Tag at all times.

- Members responsibility is to try and switch to the EGM Team during a Match in case you get separated.

**Rules will be posted as issues come upon
10 years ago • 1 Like
If you are Interested do read full view of the description/presentation and if you feel EGM Platoon is what you are looking for then do apply so we can setup a tryout to see what you bring to the Platoon.
10 years ago • 0 Like