[RS] Rush Squad

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Created: 2015-06-17

5,593,551 / 3,306,000

1518h 4m
The Best In Rush™ (a long time ago)

JK, still the best. They simply don't grind as hard as they used to!


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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0 Like
(RS) DeliriumCarnage : Fuck Cheater & Hacker Platoon
7 years ago • 0 Like
Das liest sich ja wie eine direkte Herausforderung 'the best in rush'..'still the best'... ;)
Wir wäre es mal mit einem 5vs5 Rush, DeSBL bzw. ESL rules? Wir haben auch mal spaßeshalber ein wenig Rush gespielt... ;)
7 years ago • 0 Like
spielt leider fast keiner mehr, aber du weißt ja: HEROES NEVER DIE

klar gibts immer noch gute spieler (inklusive dir) aber es sind deutlich weniger geworden und der grind, das tryharden und der wettbewerb sind nich mehr da --> fast keine wirklich herausragenden spieler mehr, bei denen ich mir denke: respekt!

wir haben nie wirklich 5v5 gespielt... 5v16 ja :D aber rush is nich so der ideale modus dazu
7 years ago
TheBlackEagle344 drecks judenkind macros im admin tool penner verecke ban
8 years ago • 3 likes
THE HATE nur weil er nen neuen acc hochspielt?
8 years ago
Hooah for this??? :D
8 years ago
REMEMBER GUYS: RS is the abbreviation for real shit :D
8 years ago • 2 likes
"Only_an_Enigma" is a Cheater !!!!!!!

"Only_an_Enigma" is a Cheater !!!!!!!

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=Only_an_Enigma&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

Look at the website with which fraudsters her together playing
www.i-stats.net is a Cheat o Meter

Report Cheater TO EA !!!!!!!

And the Thin eSports wants to call
I would be ashamed of such cheaters together in a platoon to be together !!!!
Just cowardly poor pig who can not play, so they have to cheating
In any case they were all registered with EA and their game was recorded and passed to EA
Please Also reports to EA, the cheaters with no one wants to play !!!!!
Give cheaters no chance, please register at EA the otherwise nothing happens and miss us the games !!!!!!!!!!

I hope the platoon administrator she throws out of his platoon and it does not support these scammers !!!
8 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
what the fuck bro he ain't cheating, i can assure you of that
8 years ago
Yeah, totally Kappa
8 years ago
u guys are disgusting, just fucking up constantly with shotgun/m320 etc
9 years ago • 3 likes
lightningz is a shotgun noob, you are absolutely right on that one harhar
9 years ago
So take Notice useless muppets! Youre founder is from now Blacklisted on every EU/GER Server! Also marked as dirtyplayer" BuddhaMilch" on every Server! We prefer you stop insult us with your childish playstyle, also 3rd Partytools! Oh in case if you rename,, dont worry we track you! Enjoy your futuregames!
9 years ago • 5 likes
Your complaint has been discussed internally. All members agreed that he hacks and has a really dirty and greedy playstyle. Nevertheless everyone agreed that this is required to win the round and (far more important) create an unforgetable experience for our opponents! Thank you for choosing to play with us, we hope that you had a great time. If you want to play against us in the future, please add us! We are looking forward to it.

Best Regards,
sen_AcE, Founder
9 years ago
Kasperle tanz' für mich!
9 years ago
Viva Dombass !!!!
9 years ago • 0 Like