[ESL] ESL Spain and Portugal

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Website: www.esl.eu/es/bf4/ • Created: 2014-03-13

13,779 / 20,000

122h 44m
Pelotón oficial de ESL España y Portugal.
Oficial Esquadrão ESL Espanha e Portugal.
Official Squad ESL Spain and Portugal.


9 years ago • 1 Like
entonces usted me puede aceptar por favor
9 years ago
hola me interesa ingresar en el pelotón
9 years ago
¿cuántos de los de aquí siguen vivos?
8 years ago • 0 Like
meterme que namas que veo nazis
8 years ago
Hi guys! We are announcing a Battlefield 4 tournament with a prize pool! "Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019"

Here are the main points of the upcoming event:

- Registration http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2397-registratciiaregistration/ [rubigaming.com]

- How to register to the forum for team capitan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTfFwCvDmcM&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com] ATTENTION!!! at the end we apply exactly for this tournament Rubicon 8x8 Cup Autumn 2019

- The tournament will be held from September 2019 until its full completion. The exact dates will be announced later.

- We play 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL Detailed rules can be found here in this same branch , but in the other topic http://rubigaming.com/forums/topic/2398-rulespravila/ [rubigaming.com]
- Start will be given in the case of registration of at least 8 teams, the type of tournament grid will depend on the total number of teams.

- At our tournament there is a prize fund, not just that would be a lot of money, but remember at least one tournament in 8V8 CONQUEST SMALL where there were at least some prizes...

- The prize fund is open and any team, participant, any person can add to it some amount of money, details and all methods of transfer are listed below.

- At the moment(1.08.19) the prize fund is about 700$

- The total amount will be distributed between 1 and 2 places in the ratio of 70 to 30 and transferred to the specified team captain details.

- If you have any questions(team captains only) add http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/user/666TractoR_GG/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
5 years ago • 0 Like
Spaniards i rekt all of U on a 1 v 1 fight, just pick any weapon and i will shit on you
6 years ago • 0 Like
jesus fucking christ are all of your members trashtalking kiddos like Bastian_08_MDMA
6 years ago • 0 Like
(ESL) RealTommento ; Fuck Cheater Platoon.
8 years ago • 1 Like
(ESL) DeadlyShowPiece : Fuck Cheater & Hacker
7 years ago
PCW 5V5 ?
8 years ago • 0 Like
In your platoon a cheater is likely there are more than just Cheaters "RMP_Syck0"
Look at the case of two Cheat O meters appears the game in Is He Cheating!
"RMP_Syck0" has done in the game with one shot each a kill as a cheater
After I checked it, it displays the "RMP_Syck0" a coward Cheater's
Evidence lies not matter who writes what here:


https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=RMP_Syck0&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]


https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/+RMP_Syck0 [247fairplay.com]

I would be ashamed of such fraudsters in eienm team or platoon
8 years ago • 0 Like
m8 fuck off u spam everywhere they are just better than u noob ::)
8 years ago
battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/RealTommento/ This guy is using an aimbot please take care of it
8 years ago • 0 Like
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/760641371141771008/923257678/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] Fight vs a cheater he was the only one able to kill him
8 years ago
"lIlIBennylIlI" is also a shit MEGA Cheater !!!
Please take a look at his statistics Cheat O Meter to
Rarely do I see so much fraud in just a wannabe player

https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=lIlIBennylIlI&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net]

"lIlIBennylIlI" was repeatedly linked servers already and he is also in Metabans Join as a Cheater !!!
"lIlIBennylIlI" is a coward
And so a Cowardly Dog Represents your platoon?
Just disgusting, so a freak of cheaters !!!
"lIlIBennylIlI" is a coward wannabe player
How poor you have to be so in the game to cheat?
"lIlIBennylIlI" has again If anything, it may Battlefield games, otherwise this cowardly rat would not use cheats !!!
Do you really need to have it with you in such fraudsters platoon?
"lIlIBennylIlI" you're really a stupid child and have the game not understood
Go here and play with your Barbie you LOSER !!!
8 years ago • 0 Like
Do you guys think it is nice to call a person from south america machu picchu? Well congrats your Spanis-Seal is insulting people this way on other servers. Hope you are happy with this...
8 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
How about next time call black people also call nigger....regarding this behaviour would be apropiate not?
8 years ago
I really don´t won´t to annoy, but I think in this times nobody should call people this way. I can understand when you get in rage but please call people asshole or whatever, but not related to their descent - as it has nothing to see with skill or intelligence. Best regards
8 years ago
Every one Pulse is hosting a tournament this weekend, It will be an X5 tournament with brackets the team that wins the brackets will get $50, the entry Fee is $5 per player on the team. Thanks and sign up on the Pulse Platoon page...http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/5116649139498193892/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
8 years ago • 0 Like
grimmjoq=no aim at all, just perma camping. go soewhere else annoying virgin.
8 years ago • 0 Like
hola me ineterasaria unirme al peloton
9 years ago • 0 Like
ringraziate il vostro player ( lllsulk0y ) per aver fatto riportare il plotone alla EA
9 years ago • 0 Like
hola me gustaría unirme a el pelotón
9 years ago • 0 Like
Me gustaria unirme al clan, en este juego de battlefield no tengo mucho level pero en el 4 si.
9 years ago • 0 Like