[NF] Noobs Friendly
Created: 2017-05-07
10,833,505 / 3,306,000
7092h 25m
NF servers 1 & 2 changed their reserverd (VIP) slots rules: ALL (non-banned) members are on the VIP slot.
Join our platoon and use the clan tag and emblem to get a VIP slot!!
We need your help to keep it up-to-date, let us know if you change your name!!
Join our platoon and use the clan tag and emblem to get a VIP slot!!
We need your help to keep it up-to-date, let us know if you change your name!!
7 years ago • 4
i moved my reserved (VIP) slots over to the adkats plugin. please let me know if someone is having problems with his/her vip slot!
i have
2 / 5 comments
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Dantnan when is your family gonna get raped to death with dildos by apefreekans? I though you like gay orgies so you would run away with your homo boyfriends from home. Sad to see homos are cowards both irl and ingame.
8 months ago • 0
Niggers crying from the anal annihilation. Dantnan really do not know when to stfu so he gets banned.
1 year ago • 0
Imagine being such a nigger you break down crying hysterically when i insult your husband. Dantan the effiminate homosexual.
2 years ago • 0
Instead of banning every single player by hand, you should protect your server with a password. So nobody can join your pathetic little save space.
Madmins like you are the reason, why there are no rental server programs in the BF franchise anymore. You had a good thing going on and then you fucked it up big time and you angry old men became the laughing stock of the community. GGWP!
I'm not mad at you, i'm just disappointed.
Madmins like you are the reason, why there are no rental server programs in the BF franchise anymore. You had a good thing going on and then you fucked it up big time and you angry old men became the laughing stock of the community. GGWP!
I'm not mad at you, i'm just disappointed.
5 years ago • 1
like this
Thanks for nothing Madmins https://gyazo.com/fa678e42ef5515992d41506fa8101a04 [gyazo.com]
5 years ago • 0
I was just banned from you're #1 server - why is that?
I enjoyed it..
I enjoyed it..
5 years ago • 0
I was banned from ure #1 Server with the reason 'jump to another Server'
So, i went to Teamspeak. First, ure IP is wrong. one s is to much in servers.
Then: Nobody responds me. Great support. NOT.
So, i went to Teamspeak. First, ure IP is wrong. one s is to much in servers.
Then: Nobody responds me. Great support. NOT.
5 years ago • 0
Hi.. i was just banned a moment a go... ive tried to connect to ts.noobsfriendly.eu
it did not work… just wondering why i got banned?? i do not use any cheats nor am i any good.
can ju get banned for being a medioker player??
it did not work… just wondering why i got banned?? i do not use any cheats nor am i any good.
can ju get banned for being a medioker player??
5 years ago • 0
it was from #1 server... like to get unbanned becase i Always enjoyd playing on NF servers
5 years ago
<23:42:17> Trying to resolve hostname ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:42:18> Trying to connect to server on ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:42:24> Failed to connect to server
<23:51:22> Trying to resolve hostname ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:51:23> Trying to connect to server on ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:51:29> Failed to connect to server
<23:52:30> Trying to resolve hostname ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:52:31> Trying to connect to server on ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:52:37> Failed to connect to server
<00:09:50> Trying to resolve hostname noobsfriendly.eu
<00:09:51> Trying to connect to server on noobsfriendly.eu
<00:09:57> Failed to connect to server
<23:42:18> Trying to connect to server on ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:42:24> Failed to connect to server
<23:51:22> Trying to resolve hostname ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:51:23> Trying to connect to server on ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:51:29> Failed to connect to server
<23:52:30> Trying to resolve hostname ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:52:31> Trying to connect to server on ts.noobsfriendly.eu
<23:52:37> Failed to connect to server
<00:09:50> Trying to resolve hostname noobsfriendly.eu
<00:09:51> Trying to connect to server on noobsfriendly.eu
<00:09:57> Failed to connect to server
5 years ago
I joined this SERVER for fun. But no chance when to Admin themselves camp out of bounds. oH AND DONT USE CAPS IN CHAT CUS U GET BANNED ,... LOL WHAT A FUCKING JOKE..
5 years ago • 0
Hello, yesterday banned on the server I would like to know the reason for the ban
5 years ago • 0
Hey guys. I got banned on your server for jumpkill. I don't understand that and I wish I could get unbanned coz I really enjoy playing on your locker server. Greetings, Gabriela.
6 years ago • 2
Noustaja and
like this
can someone tell me why i was baned,didnt have too much kills,didnt have jump kills
6 years ago • 0