[ZEN] The Way Of Harambe
Created: 2018-11-23
9,341,664 / 3,306,000
3684h 28m
Would like to aply to the Zen-team
Dont let RIOT members turn you into badmins
Harambe would like to formally welcome Mikjstar to "The Way of Harambe" aka "ZEN"
In these times of uncertainty Zen remaines a steadfast becon of hope and guiding light to the Virtual Vallhala open to all that embrace the path laid down by our fallen comrade...
the world views my be skewed and unjust.....
But in Harambe we trust!
~theunaquainted 2020
In these times of uncertainty Zen remaines a steadfast becon of hope and guiding light to the Virtual Vallhala open to all that embrace the path laid down by our fallen comrade...
the world views my be skewed and unjust.....
But in Harambe we trust!
~theunaquainted 2020
4 years ago • 1
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the new way of Harambe digital domain!!
the new way of Harambe digital domain!!
5 years ago • 0
been playing bf4 now for 657 hours total...thats 27.5 days, DAYS TOTAL....
thats not to shabby for my rank and skill....still learning...
Hail Harambe
thats not to shabby for my rank and skill....still learning...
Hail Harambe
5 years ago • 0
ZEN...”The Way of Harambe” is a state of mind, body, and soul. Harambe, minding his business in his enclosure by no choice of his own was struck down by said force when shit got to real for them!!
Owned by no one! Pure and true to the drive to survive. Harambe is a mantra that all who believe must carry and make the ultimate sacrifice to preserve, and nourish the flames of destiny!
Owned by no one! Pure and true to the drive to survive. Harambe is a mantra that all who believe must carry and make the ultimate sacrifice to preserve, and nourish the flames of destiny!
5 years ago • 0
After a very uneventful, and monotonous life, "The way of Harambe" is at a crucial crossroad. We the zen elitist's must now decide if we should wade forward through the ever weighing and tiresome days of our existence..... ether to wet our pants or trudge to the bathroom. to eat or to sit with stomach growling. luckily, we have a beacon of hope that all will be well..... a large flat screen telly with the battlefield3 home screen playing in an endless loop, waiting for the hands of the master to free it from this infinite flux of sight and sound. Lords of Harambe raise a glass (red bull, coffee, tea, or soda) and salute the fact that" life sucks and then you die!" so in the interim we shall press start and carry on. Move forward, camp the A.T.M. , and take the objective by the balls and milk it for every ounce of pleasure. girlfriends,wives,children come and go.......... Battlefield is for LIFE!
5 years ago • 1
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lol wish everyone had that mindset. Wll heard nothing but great things from ZEN players and know you guys are mature so if anyone here wants to join SOPF we have lots in store. Platoon wars on Battlefield, clan battles on COD, endless activities for GTA, and many more games. Check us out on battlelog and we just got started on social club so join SOPF for GTA5.
5 years ago
time to pick up the pieces, put Harambe back together again....All the Kings horses and all the Kings men,,,Cant't keep Harambe down!!!!
6 years ago • 0