[BCL] BF Conquest League

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Website: auzom.gg • Created: 2016-08-17

250 / 12,000

10h 25m
http://nordicleague.se/templates/bnl_bf4/im/bnl_banner.jpg [nordicleague.se]
Second Battlefield Conquest League platoon!

The Battlefield Conquest League is the largest Battlefield 4 tournament in Europe for competitive 8v8 Conquest, fielding over 40 different teams. It has now expanded into the Americas with the BCL Atlantic expansion, which is currently active in its first ever season within the Continents!

BCL Streams: Auzom Stream Team: Twitch [twitch.tv]
BCL YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/auzomgg [youtube.com]
BCL Chat/Helpdesk: Discord [discordapp.com] | BCL Slack [slack.bcl.online]
BCL Website: https://auzom.gg/battlefield-4/conquest-league/atlantic [auzom.gg]

Battlefield Conquest League Atlantic in partnership with:
http://i.imgur.com/G1lf9fz.png [i.imgur.com]

What is it all about? What you’ll see here in BCL is far different to what you are used to in the 5vs5 mode. Teams of 8 players clash in the Conquest Small mode, and the objective is to capture the flags and keep the ticket bleed in your favor. A truly great team is not one that has the best infantry, or the best vehicles, but one that has struck the perfect balance between the two.

BCL uses a division system to function, with the best half dozen teams being in the top division, and the newest teams being in the lowest division. Each division consists of 5-8 teams. Matches are played over the course of 2 maps, with two rounds on each map. The match score is based on a point system, with each map being worth 1 point, and the final map goes to the team that won the most tickets.

Upcoming Matches: https://auzom.gg/battlefield-4/conquest-league/atlantic/overview/group-stage/ti-europe [auzom.gg]


3 years ago • 0 Like
aceita ai
3 years ago • 0 Like
3 years ago • 0 Like
faggot hacks
5 years ago • 0 Like
uRaN-Santa would you and 7 others be down to 8v8 scrim us on pc against my team? it would be on a map or 2. Let m know when you can, thanks.
6 years ago • 0 Like
CaDuSiMs owned

https://youtu.be/IbU8YvLi2oo [youtu.be]
6 years ago • 0 Like
8v8 any time, just add me
6 years ago • 0 Like
6 years ago • 0 Like
kwiatekBOSKI7 PIDOR cheater
7 years ago • 0 Like
Antonio2low4pub ; Fuck Cheater.
8 years ago • 3 likes
2 / 7 comments Read more
(cxnt) Switchophrenia ; Fuck--ESP--Cheater Platoon.
7 years ago
(ELv) ELEVATE_2Crazzy : Fuck Cheater & Game Hacker. Du 16 Jährige asoziale Rotznase.
7 years ago


--==== STARE SCHABY ====--

najszybszy POLSKI serwer na BF4 !!! najniższe pingi !!! najwięcej fragów !!


Nie od dziś wiadomo, że z przeciwnikiem, który ma o połowę mniejszy ping niż Ty praktycznie nie masz szans! W rzeczywistości zanim zaczniesz strzelać leżysz na glebie i oglądasz KILLKAMa. Pomóż nam to zmienić!!

DODAJ SERWA DO ULUBIONYCH i podaj namiar znajomym, pomóż go startować a dla aktywnych sloty VIP za free na stałe !

Link do Youtube.com:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68-e4h6mWtQ [youtube.com]

Link do serwa:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/1b232805-0473-4a85-b1c3-0489e33f6374/STARE-SCHABY-old-school-s-LADY-s-WELCOME-VOTE-MAP/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

7 years ago • 0 Like
Salve salve
Guerreiros e guerreiras de Battlefield

Nos da SSW Do Brasil
Estamos promovendo o 2°Campeonato de X10 conquest para X360

Isso mesmo
Devido nosso enorme sucesso do nosso 1 ° campeonato com 24 clãs e uma final épica entre Sant vs Especialista

Queremos trazer nessa nova edição novas regras, novos mapas

Acessem o link e veja nossas regra e o link de inscrição!!!.

Inscriçoes ate dia 17/10 as 00:00.

Link:https://goo.gl/forms/2GKHXw7dveWndClW2 [goo.gl]
regras .https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ieu_bL78uYqAw_9g1k_g9882klo8t_f8XB_tsPj6a-s/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]

Aguardamos seu clã no campeonato!!!!

maiores informações em
https://www.facebook.com/Sfsxbrgameplay/ [facebook.com]
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdA0aIq3ROxUGdJIVQYxKjw [youtube.com]

Equipe SSW
8 years ago • 0 Like