Your platoon founder "lIWaterGateIl" is a Cheater or Boosting Cheater
In the game he has every killed with one shot "One-Schoot killer" so "Headshoot Kill"
I would be ashamed of "lIWaterGateIl" in a team or platoon to be together
We warenm more in the game and the other in the game who complains about it
Look at his stats at to that is a Cheat o Meter
Look for him to test o meters in other Cheat, about all he is listed as a cheater
"LIWaterGateIl" is a coward which Tucked just behind his Cheats
We have Reported him at EA
And so a string is representing your platoon?
"lIWaterGateIl is really disgusting
As we have unmasked him Aloes Cheater, he made us all started to insult
"LIWaterGateIl" is an Antisocial child!
Such cowards Cheater as "lIWaterGateIl" one is spoiling other honest players the game !!!