[KP] KrawallPixel
Created: 2014-02-27
6734h 2m
Willkommen bei KrawallPixel !!!
Besucht unsere Server und fügt sie euren Favoriten hinzu !
Kommt gerne auf's TS und zockt mit uns !
Unser TeamSpeak3 Server:
TS3-Server (50 Slots):
http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/ [teamspeak.com]
Sponsored by TT_7030 (former Donor: Boitegreifer)
Powered by GAMED
Unsere BF4 Game Server:
BF4 (32/2/2 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Ranked):
# Friedhofsgaertnerei by KP | VOTE MAP | 2P START | CONQUEST
LINK ~~~> Es werden keine Beerdigungen mehr durchgefuehrt <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030 (former Donor: Boitegreifer)
Powered by GAMED
BF4 (32/0/1 Slots, TDM, Dragon Valley only, Normal, Ranked):
# Geraeteschuppen by | 2P START | TDM | ONLY NOSHAHR 2.0
LINK ~~> Die Geraete wurden umgelagert <~~ LINK
Sponsored by Without_3motion and 6x6_0190_Sex
Powered by G-PORTAL
BF4 (32/0/1 Slots, CQL, Caspian Border only, Normal, Ranked):
# Prinz Caspian by KP | Caspian Border 2014 Only | 1P Start
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/717ded66-8d75-4cf6-998b-c0ce86511dd8/Prinz-Caspian-by-KP-CASPIAN-BORDER-2014-ONLY-1P-START/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Sponsored by Simk1n (former Donor: Without_3motion, 6x6_0190_Sex and XenoBlaster)
Powered by G-PORTAL
BF4 (16/0/0 Slots, CQL, Final Stand only, Normal, Custom):
# Meet the Phantoms by KP | DOGTAG SEARCH ONLY | 1P START
LINK ~~~> Alle Dogtags wurden gefunden <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030
Powered by G-PORTAL
BF4 (64/0/2 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Official):
# Litfasssaeule by | MIXED MODE | FAST XP | OFFICIAL
LINK ~~~> Die Litfasssaeule wird gerade neu beklebt <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030's GPCs
Powered by G-PORTAL
Server befreundeter Clans:
BF4 (32/0/0 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Official):
!# Freie Zocker l Kampfgebiet l Vote Map l
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/3f7b2a03-6ec3-4f64-9e45-289aa74c5796/FZ-Freie-Zocker-l-Germany-l-DLC-Maps-l/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
BF4 (20/0/0 Slots, DOM, Map Rotation, Custom, Ranked):
#4 FUN Unlimited Training and Match Server ESL+
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/b18a33bd-a715-4154-86d6-00d4ff4f9222/4-FUN-Unlimited-FUN-Training-and-Match-Server-ESL/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Weihnachten in der Friedhofsgaertnerei 2017 | Temversion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB212dWB0dY [youtube.com]
Besucht unsere Server und fügt sie euren Favoriten hinzu !
Kommt gerne auf's TS und zockt mit uns !
Unser TeamSpeak3 Server:
TS3-Server (50 Slots):
http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/ [teamspeak.com]
Sponsored by TT_7030 (former Donor: Boitegreifer)
Powered by GAMED
Unsere BF4 Game Server:
BF4 (32/2/2 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Ranked):
# Friedhofsgaertnerei by KP | VOTE MAP | 2P START | CONQUEST
LINK ~~~> Es werden keine Beerdigungen mehr durchgefuehrt <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030 (former Donor: Boitegreifer)
Powered by GAMED
BF4 (32/0/1 Slots, TDM, Dragon Valley only, Normal, Ranked):
# Geraeteschuppen by | 2P START | TDM | ONLY NOSHAHR 2.0
LINK ~~> Die Geraete wurden umgelagert <~~ LINK
Sponsored by Without_3motion and 6x6_0190_Sex
Powered by G-PORTAL
BF4 (32/0/1 Slots, CQL, Caspian Border only, Normal, Ranked):
# Prinz Caspian by KP | Caspian Border 2014 Only | 1P Start
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/717ded66-8d75-4cf6-998b-c0ce86511dd8/Prinz-Caspian-by-KP-CASPIAN-BORDER-2014-ONLY-1P-START/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Sponsored by Simk1n (former Donor: Without_3motion, 6x6_0190_Sex and XenoBlaster)
Powered by G-PORTAL
BF4 (16/0/0 Slots, CQL, Final Stand only, Normal, Custom):
# Meet the Phantoms by KP | DOGTAG SEARCH ONLY | 1P START
LINK ~~~> Alle Dogtags wurden gefunden <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030
Powered by G-PORTAL
BF4 (64/0/2 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Official):
# Litfasssaeule by | MIXED MODE | FAST XP | OFFICIAL
LINK ~~~> Die Litfasssaeule wird gerade neu beklebt <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030's GPCs
Powered by G-PORTAL
Server befreundeter Clans:
BF4 (32/0/0 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Official):
!# Freie Zocker l Kampfgebiet l Vote Map l
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/3f7b2a03-6ec3-4f64-9e45-289aa74c5796/FZ-Freie-Zocker-l-Germany-l-DLC-Maps-l/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
BF4 (20/0/0 Slots, DOM, Map Rotation, Custom, Ranked):
#4 FUN Unlimited Training and Match Server ESL+
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/b18a33bd-a715-4154-86d6-00d4ff4f9222/4-FUN-Unlimited-FUN-Training-and-Match-Server-ESL/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Weihnachten in der Friedhofsgaertnerei 2017 | Temversion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB212dWB0dY [youtube.com]