[KP] KrawallPixel

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Created: 2014-02-27

17,967,251 / 3,306,000

6734h 2m
Willkommen bei KrawallPixel !!!

Besucht unsere Server und fügt sie euren Favoriten hinzu !

Kommt gerne auf's TS und zockt mit uns !


Unser TeamSpeak3 Server:

TS3-Server (50 Slots):
http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/ [teamspeak.com]
Sponsored by TT_7030 (former Donor: Boitegreifer)
Powered by GAMED


Unsere BF4 Game Server:

BF4 (32/2/2 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Ranked):
# Friedhofsgaertnerei by KP | VOTE MAP | 2P START | CONQUEST
LINK ~~~> Es werden keine Beerdigungen mehr durchgefuehrt <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030 (former Donor: Boitegreifer)
Powered by GAMED

BF4 (32/0/1 Slots, TDM, Dragon Valley only, Normal, Ranked):
# Geraeteschuppen by | 2P START | TDM | ONLY NOSHAHR 2.0
LINK ~~> Die Geraete wurden umgelagert <~~ LINK
Sponsored by Without_3motion and 6x6_0190_Sex
Powered by G-PORTAL

BF4 (32/0/1 Slots, CQL, Caspian Border only, Normal, Ranked):
# Prinz Caspian by KP | Caspian Border 2014 Only | 1P Start
https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/717ded66-8d75-4cf6-998b-c0ce86511dd8/Prinz-Caspian-by-KP-CASPIAN-BORDER-2014-ONLY-1P-START/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Sponsored by Simk1n (former Donor: Without_3motion, 6x6_0190_Sex and XenoBlaster)
Powered by G-PORTAL

BF4 (16/0/0 Slots, CQL, Final Stand only, Normal, Custom):
# Meet the Phantoms by KP | DOGTAG SEARCH ONLY | 1P START
LINK ~~~> Alle Dogtags wurden gefunden <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030
Powered by G-PORTAL

BF4 (64/0/2 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Official):
# Litfasssaeule by | MIXED MODE | FAST XP | OFFICIAL
LINK ~~~> Die Litfasssaeule wird gerade neu beklebt <~~~ LINK
Sponsored by TT_7030's GPCs
Powered by G-PORTAL


Server befreundeter Clans:

BF4 (32/0/0 Slots, CQL, Vote Map, Normal, Official):
!# Freie Zocker l Kampfgebiet l Vote Map l
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/3f7b2a03-6ec3-4f64-9e45-289aa74c5796/FZ-Freie-Zocker-l-Germany-l-DLC-Maps-l/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

BF4 (20/0/0 Slots, DOM, Map Rotation, Custom, Ranked):
#4 FUN Unlimited Training and Match Server ESL+
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/b18a33bd-a715-4154-86d6-00d4ff4f9222/4-FUN-Unlimited-FUN-Training-and-Match-Server-ESL/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]


Weihnachten in der Friedhofsgaertnerei 2017 | Temversion

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB212dWB0dY [youtube.com]


Friedhofsgärtnerei auf Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6MXqrBFCiM&list=UUPTtVUwFCcbsSuCavs7VY1A [youtube.com]
10 years ago • 4 likes
In den Hauptrollen: DaKnasti und Gizmooooooooooo =)
10 years ago
10 years ago
http://kraehativlinge.de/die-30-verruecktesten-battlefield-4-servernamen/ [kraehativlinge.de]
Die Friedhofsgaertnerei is mit dabei xD
9 years ago • 3 likes
KP on TV:
lllTheReaperlll spielt mit JackFrags auf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOlqTI5hDb0 [youtube.com] =)
10 years ago • 1 Like
Frohe Weihnachten euch allen! =)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7IyKzpwEhA [youtube.com]
9 years ago • 9 likes
KrawallPixel wünscht euch eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit und einen besinnlichen 1. Advent!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB212dWB0dY [youtube.com]
7 years ago • 2 likes
Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues
1 year ago • 0 Like
4 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys, There is a guy who plays on your / our server who is using a sleeping soldier on the other side so he can see where the enemy is at all times. he also glitches in the wall at flag D. Can he be warned to stop these activities please. he is called joe_cool_luca and the sleeper he uses is called WING_SYOUKO_75. Thanks
5 years ago • 0 Like
Hi guys, I play on your server nearly every day and would like to join your platoon. My name is Rick and I am 61 years old from the UK. Thanks.
5 years ago • 0 Like
Welcome to KP and have FUN ! =)
5 years ago
Thank you :-)
5 years ago
5 years ago • 0 Like
Nabend zusammen,

wir schicken mal ein paar Grüße vorbei.

Hoffe man sieht sich bald mal wieder auf dem Schlachtfeld.

Beste Grüße

:Monumental eGaming:
7 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 4 comments Read more
Kannst hier auch gerne den Serverlink drunter setzen, dann ist es einfacher :D
7 years ago
vorallem können wir den dann in die favo liste packen
7 years ago
Your server is good. Noshahr is my favourite map. But you banned my friend with false reasons.
We are reporting you and your server. Prepare for the consequences. Regards AVOPEAS
7 years ago • 1 Like
Hello AvopeasHUN!
It's nice that you like our Servers! =)
But straight onto the Problem...
On Monday, People were complaining about your Friend "Elite1011".
As usual I checked the Profile. It showed, that your Friend "Elite1011" was cheating in BF3.
You can check it out yourself: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/user/Elite1011/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
I also checked 24/7 Fairplay, watch this: https://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/Elite1011 [247fairplay.com]
So his Account is also untrusted in BF4. It doesn't matter if HE was cheating, his little Brother, his Mum, his Dog or someone else.
UNTRUSTED - so he got a ban! No Discussion!
On Tuesday, I saw him playing again with another Account "DarkElite1011".
The Names were similar, so it must be the same Person.
I told him "to stay clean and not to do some shit", beacause he should get a second Chance.
That's the Moment when you started a Discussion with me.
I suggested to rename the old Account and nerver use it again.
Your only Plan was to complain about me so you had to get an Admin Kill.
You left the Server on your own, your Friend played this Round until the End.
I'm sorry, but I have to admit: I laughed very loud as i read "We are reporting you and your server. Prepare for the consequences."
You can send as many Reports as you want, it won't change anything, because:
1) EA / DICE is giving a F**k on this game - Reprt obvious Cheaters with Video, nothing will happen...
2) "Elite1011" cheated in BF3 and Cheater have to be banned (it's maximum stupid to use this Account for BF4 as well)
3) Local Law is much higher rated than TOS of EA, in this case we call it "Hausrecht" in Germany - so in Theory we could Kill/Kick/Ban everyone without any Reason, in Practise we try to be fair to everyone!
So stay calm and clean! Have Fun on our KP Servers! =)
Kind Reagrds TT_7030
7 years ago
Wer ins Platoon möchte, sollte sich bei uns auf dem TS melden!
10 years ago • 4 likes
Wish all KP Player a Happy New Year and a good aiming on the Field ... Enjoy have FUN
7 years ago • 1 Like
Wünsche euch ein frohes und gesundes neues Jahr!
7 years ago • 2 likes
Danke, dass wünschen wir Dir auch :)
7 years ago
hey if you guys are the admins of kp phantom dogtag search server, i got banned because my grenade killed 3 people by accident..and i got banned..please unban me if possible..i would like to help with the search
7 years ago • 1 Like
Ok, you are unbanned now, but be more careful next time please. Have fun! =)
7 years ago
** Ahoi **

Schön das ihr auf unserem Server vorbeigeschaut habt.
Es ist ein netter Freitag Abend mit einigen tollen Matches geworden.

Wir sind eine lockere Truppe und wenn ihr Lust habt schaut doch Freitags öfter mal auf unserem Server vorbei.

Ab 20:00 Uhr sind wir jeden Freitag hier am zocken:
Hanseaten Hamburg
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/servers/show/pc/40f82770-96f1-4f9e-bbd6-6104f9c6249c/Hanseaten-Hamburg-HH-Ballerbude/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Schönes Wochenende
Die Hanseaten

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/battlereport/show/1/982355633135141632/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
6 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
Auf jedenfall.
Sind schon in meinen Favoriten gespeichert .
6 years ago
ja dann bin ich ja mal gespannt

bis bald
6 years ago
(KP) Without_3motion : Dumme Rotznasen, nur die große Fresse.
7 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 5 comments Read more
(KP) Without_3motion : Fuck Cheater & Hacker Platoon .Ohne Cheat bist Du ? EINE NULL
6 years ago
Immer wieder freue ich mich von dir zu lesen. Anscheinend musst du oft an mich denken. So cute <3
6 years ago
1 Question? Tell ma about your PC please. Where are U from?
6 years ago • 1 Like
was 2
6 years ago • 1 Like