[EAD] Elite Armored Division
Website: www.elitearmoreddivision.boards.net/ •
Created: 2014-02-27
1535h 47m
Platoon Introduction
Welcome Soldiers, to (EAD)Elite Armored Division. Elite Armored Division is a semi ~ competitive platoon that was founded in BF3 by its Commander matrix1030. Here at EAD we value: Honesty, Teamwork, Cooperation, Communication and above all we never leave a Soldier behind.
(EAD)Elite Armored Division Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1510164309206666/ [facebook.com]
We are a proud member of (FN)Fragged Nation.
(FN) ~ EAD Clan Link
(FN) ~ EAD Competitive Team Link
http://www.fraggednation.com/memberList.php?action=showProfile&acctID=38190&t=1 [fraggednation.com]
Platoon Requirements :
1. Must be a team player
2. Command of the English language preferred ~ but not required
3. Headset preferred ~ but not required
4. Able to accept orders without hesitation
5. Must have experience in vehicles and all infantry classes
6. Able to perform under stressful conditions during competitive play ~ Platoon battles and Tournaments
7. Must add EAD members especially EAD Commander and EAD Leaders on Battlelog and PSN. When sending friend request on PSN Please include EAD new member.
8. Must use EAD tag during Competitive play and during Gameday events.
Platoon Rules :
*note ~ if any of these rules are broken you will immediately be kicked(terminated) from EAD.
1. Trolling
2. Being disrespectful to other EAD members
3. Starting drama
4. No recruiting for other Platoons on our Battlelog page allowed.
5. inactive on battlelog or PSN for more then 1 month.
*note ~ if planning on being inactive for more then one month please inform EAD Commander or any EAD Leader so you will not be kicked.
Platoon Servers
Elite Armored Division PS3 Server ~ ❌ Offline (Pending)
Elite Armored Division PS4 Server ~ ❌ Offline (Pending)
*note ~ Only EAD Commander and EAD Command Officers will have admin authority.
Platoon Game Days
PS3 ~ Sundays @ 2:00pm(EST)
PS4 ~ Sundays @ 2:00pm(EST)
*note ~ Game days are mandatory for Competitive members only. If a member cannot attend they will be required to contact EAD Commander or one of the EAD Command Officers at least 2 days before game day with an explanation as to why said member cannot attend. If a member has both PS3 and PS4 it will be up to that member as to which game day they wish to attend. In this case only 1 game day will be required.
Competitive / Non-Competitive
I. Competitive Members ~ Competitive Members must participate in all Platoon activities such as: Platoon Battles, Tournaments, Practices and will be required to sign up to all our outside communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, and Line. Please notify EAD Commander if any of our outside communication services listed above can not be obtain.
II. Non-Competitive Members ~ Non-Competitive members will not be required to participate in any Platoon activities such as: Platoon Battles, Tournaments, Practices and will not be required to sign up to any of our outside Communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, or Line. However non-competitive members are still required to follow all Platoon rules, requirements, and participate on battlelog.
* Competitive Members ~ Highest rank achievable Major General. Start rank Recruit
* Non-Competitive Members ~ Highest rank achievable Sergeant Major. Start rank Recruit
1. General
3. Major General
2. Brigadier General
1. Colonel
7. Lt. Colonel
6. Major
5. Captain
4. 1st Lieutenant
3. 2nd Lieutenant
2. Chief Warrant Officer
1. Warrant Officer
7. Sergeant Major
6. Master Sergeant
5. Sergeant
4. Corporal
3. Lance Corporal
2. Private 1st Class
1. Recruit
I. EAD COMMANDER: EAD Commander, will have supreme authority over all EAD Command Officers, EAD Officers, and EAD Enlisted Personnel and will maintain all outside communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, and Line. All matters concerning EAD must be approved by EAD Commander first. EAD Commander will: enforce Platoon rules, give member Promotions, terminate members If rules are broken or member becomes in-active, help EAD Command Officers with Platoon Battles, Tournaments, and Practices.
II. EAD COMMAND OFFICERS: All EAD Command Officers will hold Leader status and will maintain all outside communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, and Line. EAD Command Officers will have authority over all EAD Officers and all EAD enlisted personnel. EAD Command Officers will enforce all Platoon rules, Recruit new Members and inform EAD Commander on all Platoon matters including: recommendations for member promotions, member terminations, Recruitment, Platoon Battles, Platoon Tournaments and Platoon practices. All EAD Command Officers must follow the "chain of command" system. All Command Officers must have expert knowledge of all BF4 maps, Soldier classes, Vehicle combat, offensive/defensive strategies and the ability to lead an entire team during Competitive play. EAD Command Officers start out as Colonel, and Major General is the highest rank a EAD Command Officer can obtain. Each rank above Colonel will have authority over the previous rank. EAD Command Officer Ranks will be available to Competitive members only
III. EAD OFFICER: All EAD Officers will not hold Leader status. During Competitive play EAD Officers are permitted to lead a individual Squad. EAD Officers must have extensive knowledge of all BF4 maps, Soldier classes, Vehicle combat, offensive/defensive strategies, and are willing to give orders as well as take orders from EAD Command Officers. All EAD Officers must follow the "chain of command" system. EAD Officers start out as Warrant Officer and Lt. Colonel is the highest rank a EAD Officer can obtain. Each rank above Warrant Officer will have authority over the previous rank. EAD Officer Ranks will be available to Competitive members only.
IV. EAD ENLISTED PERSONNEL: All EAD Enlisted Personnel will not hold Leader status. During Competitive play EAD Enlisted Personnel are not permitted to lead a individual squad. EAD Enlisted Personnel must have some experience in all BF4 maps, Soldier classes, Vehicle combat, offensive/defensive strategies, and are willing to take orders from EAD Officers and EAD Command Officers. All EAD Enlisted Personnel must follow the "chain of command" system. EAD Enlisted Personnel start out as Recruit and Sergeant Major is the highest rank a EAD Enlisted Personnel can obtain. Each rank above Recruit will have authority over the previous rank. EAD Enlisted Personnel Ranks will be available to both Competitive and non-Competitive members.
Ranking will be conducted in 2-week increments all new members start off as recruits. Each member will need to follow all the guidelines in each bracket to rank up. Once you are at the highest rank in a bracket and wish to move to the next higher ranking bracket, members shall inform the EAD Commander. Once approved you will be expected to follow the ranking system for that bracket.
To rank up through the EAD Enlisted Personnel bracket you will need to play with a squad which consist of (2-4) members for 20 hours with a EAD Officer or EAD Command Officer present and attend our game day at least once in the 2-week increment timeframe. This will be confirmed
To rank up through the EAD Officer bracket you will need to play with a squad which consist of (2-4) members for 25 hours, lead a squad which consist of (3-4) members at least 4 times with a higher ranking Officer or command officer present, and attend our game day consecutively within the 2-week increment timeframe. This will be confirmed.
To rank up through the EAD Command Officer bracket you will need to play with a squad which consist of (4) members for 30 hours, lead a team of 2 squads which consist of (3-4) members each 6 times with a higher ranking command officer present, and attend our game day consecutively within the 2-week increment timeframe. This will be confirmed.
*note ~ Once you are in a new rank bracket i.e. ~ EAD Enlisted, EAD Officer, EAD Command Officer, you will be expected to perform all the specific duties of that bracket failure to do so will cause you to be be demoted.
*note ~ Timezone, console(s), and member status: (C)-Competitive, (NC)-Non-Competitive will appear after each member.
1. General: matrix1030 (HST) PS3/PS4-(C)
1. Major General: Waterboy359 (PST) PS3/PS4-(C), Johnnykal89 (HST) PS4-(C), BlaudyMassacre13 (CST) PS3-(C)
2. Brigadier General: minimoon75 (AKST) PS3-(C), 16358569888 (EST) PS3-(C), Stormfront2112 (EST) PS3/PS4-(C), Ghost-USMC ( ) PS4-(C),
3. Colonel: Canadian_Montage (MST) PS4-(C), Mabusa1 (GMT) PS4-(C), I'm-out-now-Jwz (GMT) PS3-(C), elmaton98 (EST) PS4-(C)
7. Lt. Colonel: ROLFZ-XD-L96A25 PS3/PS4-(C)
6. Major: barcelonaboi10 (GMT) PS3-(C)
5. Captain: NealD666 PS3-(C), Sdpistolero PS3/PS4-(C), Jauoty PS3-(C), fUsiOn_iOn_w8if PS3-(C)
4. 1st. Lieutenant: Jumboaxe22 PS4-(C)
3. 2nd Lieutenant: HOT_CHIC_KILLEDU (PST) PS3/PS4-(C), ToxicRadiation PS3-(C)
2. Chief Warrant Officer: n00bsearch (GMT) PS3-(C), baddiez2629 PS4-(C), luismcfly_iglmw PS3-(C)
1. Warrant Officer: Homer4Hire PS4-(C), Lizard-b0nes PS4-(C), nedtal PS3-(C), TRANxNUCL34R PS4-(C), GPIG3ON PS4-(C), Billybowboski808 (HST) PS4-(C), moneman1852 PS3/PS4-(C), ttthhheee104 PS4-(C), GoldenMusketeer (GMT) PS4-(C), My_1959_Corvette PS3-(C), wreckingball1999 PS3/PS4-(C),
7. Sergeant Major: Otherthani PS3-(NC), TheNavySeal PS3-(NC), -SkLLI-GrinDer- PS3-(NC)
6. Master Sergeant: CoalRoller1996 PS3-(NC)
5. Sergeant: Speedste PS3-(NC), MikeyTrike1198 PS3/PS4-(NC), Kamakaze8oh8 PS3/PS4-(NC), iV_Captain_Tyger PS3-(NC)
4. Corporal: bristol726 (PST) PS4-(NC)
3. Lance Corporal: hades_hansu PS3-(NC), Alaskaboy17 (AKDT) PS3-(NC), wizkid549 (PS3)-(NC)
2. Private 1st Class: maxwellgtr456yu-(NC)
1. Recruit:
*note~ This section is dedicated to all EAD personnel that has been with EAD since it's beginnings in BF3. These Soldiers answered the call of duty and stuck by and supported EAD since it's humble beginnings and continue to support EAD till today. These Soldiers are to be Honored and Respected.
*note ~ all competitive members will be expected to participate in all Thier respected Teams practices and matches. If a member cannot attend either event, they will need to give a reason stating why and give advance notice of at least 3 days before the event. If any member fails to follow this procedure 2 times consecutively they will be dismissed from the team and be considered in~active.
ELITE TEAM 1 (primary ~ unit) Tag ~ (EAD1)
ELITE TEAM 2 (secondary ~ unit) Tag ~ (EAD2)
ELITE TEAM 3 (reserve ~ unit) Tag ~ (EAD3)
ELITE TEAM 1 (primary ~ unit) tag ~ (EAD1)
ELITE TEAM 2 (secondary ~ unit) tag ~ EAD2
Welcome Soldiers, to (EAD)Elite Armored Division. Elite Armored Division is a semi ~ competitive platoon that was founded in BF3 by its Commander matrix1030. Here at EAD we value: Honesty, Teamwork, Cooperation, Communication and above all we never leave a Soldier behind.
(EAD)Elite Armored Division Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1510164309206666/ [facebook.com]
We are a proud member of (FN)Fragged Nation.
(FN) ~ EAD Clan Link
(FN) ~ EAD Competitive Team Link
http://www.fraggednation.com/memberList.php?action=showProfile&acctID=38190&t=1 [fraggednation.com]
Platoon Requirements :
1. Must be a team player
2. Command of the English language preferred ~ but not required
3. Headset preferred ~ but not required
4. Able to accept orders without hesitation
5. Must have experience in vehicles and all infantry classes
6. Able to perform under stressful conditions during competitive play ~ Platoon battles and Tournaments
7. Must add EAD members especially EAD Commander and EAD Leaders on Battlelog and PSN. When sending friend request on PSN Please include EAD new member.
8. Must use EAD tag during Competitive play and during Gameday events.
Platoon Rules :
*note ~ if any of these rules are broken you will immediately be kicked(terminated) from EAD.
1. Trolling
2. Being disrespectful to other EAD members
3. Starting drama
4. No recruiting for other Platoons on our Battlelog page allowed.
5. inactive on battlelog or PSN for more then 1 month.
*note ~ if planning on being inactive for more then one month please inform EAD Commander or any EAD Leader so you will not be kicked.
Platoon Servers
Elite Armored Division PS3 Server ~ ❌ Offline (Pending)
Elite Armored Division PS4 Server ~ ❌ Offline (Pending)
*note ~ Only EAD Commander and EAD Command Officers will have admin authority.
Platoon Game Days
PS3 ~ Sundays @ 2:00pm(EST)
PS4 ~ Sundays @ 2:00pm(EST)
*note ~ Game days are mandatory for Competitive members only. If a member cannot attend they will be required to contact EAD Commander or one of the EAD Command Officers at least 2 days before game day with an explanation as to why said member cannot attend. If a member has both PS3 and PS4 it will be up to that member as to which game day they wish to attend. In this case only 1 game day will be required.
Competitive / Non-Competitive
I. Competitive Members ~ Competitive Members must participate in all Platoon activities such as: Platoon Battles, Tournaments, Practices and will be required to sign up to all our outside communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, and Line. Please notify EAD Commander if any of our outside communication services listed above can not be obtain.
II. Non-Competitive Members ~ Non-Competitive members will not be required to participate in any Platoon activities such as: Platoon Battles, Tournaments, Practices and will not be required to sign up to any of our outside Communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, or Line. However non-competitive members are still required to follow all Platoon rules, requirements, and participate on battlelog.
* Competitive Members ~ Highest rank achievable Major General. Start rank Recruit
* Non-Competitive Members ~ Highest rank achievable Sergeant Major. Start rank Recruit
1. General
3. Major General
2. Brigadier General
1. Colonel
7. Lt. Colonel
6. Major
5. Captain
4. 1st Lieutenant
3. 2nd Lieutenant
2. Chief Warrant Officer
1. Warrant Officer
7. Sergeant Major
6. Master Sergeant
5. Sergeant
4. Corporal
3. Lance Corporal
2. Private 1st Class
1. Recruit
I. EAD COMMANDER: EAD Commander, will have supreme authority over all EAD Command Officers, EAD Officers, and EAD Enlisted Personnel and will maintain all outside communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, and Line. All matters concerning EAD must be approved by EAD Commander first. EAD Commander will: enforce Platoon rules, give member Promotions, terminate members If rules are broken or member becomes in-active, help EAD Command Officers with Platoon Battles, Tournaments, and Practices.
II. EAD COMMAND OFFICERS: All EAD Command Officers will hold Leader status and will maintain all outside communication services such as: Facebook, FraggedNation, and Line. EAD Command Officers will have authority over all EAD Officers and all EAD enlisted personnel. EAD Command Officers will enforce all Platoon rules, Recruit new Members and inform EAD Commander on all Platoon matters including: recommendations for member promotions, member terminations, Recruitment, Platoon Battles, Platoon Tournaments and Platoon practices. All EAD Command Officers must follow the "chain of command" system. All Command Officers must have expert knowledge of all BF4 maps, Soldier classes, Vehicle combat, offensive/defensive strategies and the ability to lead an entire team during Competitive play. EAD Command Officers start out as Colonel, and Major General is the highest rank a EAD Command Officer can obtain. Each rank above Colonel will have authority over the previous rank. EAD Command Officer Ranks will be available to Competitive members only
III. EAD OFFICER: All EAD Officers will not hold Leader status. During Competitive play EAD Officers are permitted to lead a individual Squad. EAD Officers must have extensive knowledge of all BF4 maps, Soldier classes, Vehicle combat, offensive/defensive strategies, and are willing to give orders as well as take orders from EAD Command Officers. All EAD Officers must follow the "chain of command" system. EAD Officers start out as Warrant Officer and Lt. Colonel is the highest rank a EAD Officer can obtain. Each rank above Warrant Officer will have authority over the previous rank. EAD Officer Ranks will be available to Competitive members only.
IV. EAD ENLISTED PERSONNEL: All EAD Enlisted Personnel will not hold Leader status. During Competitive play EAD Enlisted Personnel are not permitted to lead a individual squad. EAD Enlisted Personnel must have some experience in all BF4 maps, Soldier classes, Vehicle combat, offensive/defensive strategies, and are willing to take orders from EAD Officers and EAD Command Officers. All EAD Enlisted Personnel must follow the "chain of command" system. EAD Enlisted Personnel start out as Recruit and Sergeant Major is the highest rank a EAD Enlisted Personnel can obtain. Each rank above Recruit will have authority over the previous rank. EAD Enlisted Personnel Ranks will be available to both Competitive and non-Competitive members.
Ranking will be conducted in 2-week increments all new members start off as recruits. Each member will need to follow all the guidelines in each bracket to rank up. Once you are at the highest rank in a bracket and wish to move to the next higher ranking bracket, members shall inform the EAD Commander. Once approved you will be expected to follow the ranking system for that bracket.
To rank up through the EAD Enlisted Personnel bracket you will need to play with a squad which consist of (2-4) members for 20 hours with a EAD Officer or EAD Command Officer present and attend our game day at least once in the 2-week increment timeframe. This will be confirmed
To rank up through the EAD Officer bracket you will need to play with a squad which consist of (2-4) members for 25 hours, lead a squad which consist of (3-4) members at least 4 times with a higher ranking Officer or command officer present, and attend our game day consecutively within the 2-week increment timeframe. This will be confirmed.
To rank up through the EAD Command Officer bracket you will need to play with a squad which consist of (4) members for 30 hours, lead a team of 2 squads which consist of (3-4) members each 6 times with a higher ranking command officer present, and attend our game day consecutively within the 2-week increment timeframe. This will be confirmed.
*note ~ Once you are in a new rank bracket i.e. ~ EAD Enlisted, EAD Officer, EAD Command Officer, you will be expected to perform all the specific duties of that bracket failure to do so will cause you to be be demoted.
*note ~ Timezone, console(s), and member status: (C)-Competitive, (NC)-Non-Competitive will appear after each member.
1. General: matrix1030 (HST) PS3/PS4-(C)
1. Major General: Waterboy359 (PST) PS3/PS4-(C), Johnnykal89 (HST) PS4-(C), BlaudyMassacre13 (CST) PS3-(C)
2. Brigadier General: minimoon75 (AKST) PS3-(C), 16358569888 (EST) PS3-(C), Stormfront2112 (EST) PS3/PS4-(C), Ghost-USMC ( ) PS4-(C),
3. Colonel: Canadian_Montage (MST) PS4-(C), Mabusa1 (GMT) PS4-(C), I'm-out-now-Jwz (GMT) PS3-(C), elmaton98 (EST) PS4-(C)
7. Lt. Colonel: ROLFZ-XD-L96A25 PS3/PS4-(C)
6. Major: barcelonaboi10 (GMT) PS3-(C)
5. Captain: NealD666 PS3-(C), Sdpistolero PS3/PS4-(C), Jauoty PS3-(C), fUsiOn_iOn_w8if PS3-(C)
4. 1st. Lieutenant: Jumboaxe22 PS4-(C)
3. 2nd Lieutenant: HOT_CHIC_KILLEDU (PST) PS3/PS4-(C), ToxicRadiation PS3-(C)
2. Chief Warrant Officer: n00bsearch (GMT) PS3-(C), baddiez2629 PS4-(C), luismcfly_iglmw PS3-(C)
1. Warrant Officer: Homer4Hire PS4-(C), Lizard-b0nes PS4-(C), nedtal PS3-(C), TRANxNUCL34R PS4-(C), GPIG3ON PS4-(C), Billybowboski808 (HST) PS4-(C), moneman1852 PS3/PS4-(C), ttthhheee104 PS4-(C), GoldenMusketeer (GMT) PS4-(C), My_1959_Corvette PS3-(C), wreckingball1999 PS3/PS4-(C),
7. Sergeant Major: Otherthani PS3-(NC), TheNavySeal PS3-(NC), -SkLLI-GrinDer- PS3-(NC)
6. Master Sergeant: CoalRoller1996 PS3-(NC)
5. Sergeant: Speedste PS3-(NC), MikeyTrike1198 PS3/PS4-(NC), Kamakaze8oh8 PS3/PS4-(NC), iV_Captain_Tyger PS3-(NC)
4. Corporal: bristol726 (PST) PS4-(NC)
3. Lance Corporal: hades_hansu PS3-(NC), Alaskaboy17 (AKDT) PS3-(NC), wizkid549 (PS3)-(NC)
2. Private 1st Class: maxwellgtr456yu-(NC)
1. Recruit:
*note~ This section is dedicated to all EAD personnel that has been with EAD since it's beginnings in BF3. These Soldiers answered the call of duty and stuck by and supported EAD since it's humble beginnings and continue to support EAD till today. These Soldiers are to be Honored and Respected.
*note ~ all competitive members will be expected to participate in all Thier respected Teams practices and matches. If a member cannot attend either event, they will need to give a reason stating why and give advance notice of at least 3 days before the event. If any member fails to follow this procedure 2 times consecutively they will be dismissed from the team and be considered in~active.
ELITE TEAM 1 (primary ~ unit) Tag ~ (EAD1)
ELITE TEAM 2 (secondary ~ unit) Tag ~ (EAD2)
ELITE TEAM 3 (reserve ~ unit) Tag ~ (EAD3)
ELITE TEAM 1 (primary ~ unit) tag ~ (EAD1)
ELITE TEAM 2 (secondary ~ unit) tag ~ EAD2