[OSC] Old Salty Crow
Website: oldsaltycrows.com •
Created: 2014-02-27
47,932,467 / 3,306,000
10108h 32m
An Adult gaming clan founded on the idea of communicating to complete objectives. Your KDR doesn't mean anything to us. PTFO is a sense of pride and the main goal of our members.
If you are interested in joining, please visit our website and fill out an application. http://oldsaltycrows.com [oldsaltycrows.com]
If you are interested in joining, please visit our website and fill out an application. http://oldsaltycrows.com [oldsaltycrows.com]
Just a heads up, if you find that you are no longer apart of the OSC platoon that is because I purged all in active platoons members. In active players are players with several months of inactivity. I target 5 months and up.
9 years ago • 0
Hey guys, I just re-applied. I had some adulting to do and had technical issues, so I was away for awhile, but I'm back in BF1 and ready to squad up!
8 years ago • 0
Heyo. Are you still recruiting? I went to the website but couldn't find where to submit an application.
9 years ago • 0
http://www.oldsaltycrows.com/topic/481-recruit-guide/ [oldsaltycrows.com]
You'll have to copy and paste,but should get you on the right path!
You'll have to copy and paste,but should get you on the right path!
9 years ago
Please send platoon. invite.. says.. I cant apply cause I have been rejected....
9 years ago • 1
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looks like you have an invite out to you. Just need to accept it. Let me know if you have any issues.
9 years ago
Hey guys...just applied at the behest of Topspeed and Revolver...play with them and a few other guys all the time. Revolver likes to take care of my light work, so I figured if you guys let him in, I'd be a shoe-in! :) I'm 36 and prior military service. Think I'd be a good fit.
9 years ago • 1
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Hey Fubar, glad your looking to join. We do all of our clan recruiting on our website. www.oldsaltycrows.com All you need to do is register on the forum page and start a thread stating pretty much what you did here. Looking forward to gaming with you.
9 years ago
If you are 25 and older and interested in joining our platoon visit our website and apply. The only way to join our battlelog platoon is to become a member.
9 years ago • 1
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The apply button is grey'd out.. can you approve or clear.. so I can re-apply..?
9 years ago • 0
I just completed a sweep of the Platoon. I removed any player that hasn't played BF4 in six months or more. If I can't see your last game played but haven't seen you on in a long time, I also purged you. If you feel that you wan't to reapply, post here and I will revisit. Ka KA!
9 years ago • 0
hey guy... interested in some mature BF4 as its hard to find nowadays.. I have applied and i hope thats enough... i play almost everyday (After work, after gym, before sleep...) keeps me from going out all the time! :D hope to hear from you soon...
9 years ago • 0
Make sure you go to oldsaltycrows.com to start the process. Introduce yourself there,send out friend requests. Then hop into some games and join our party chats so we can get to know you. KD does not matter,just PTFO! Hope to see you around!
9 years ago
Im 36 married with 3 kids work a more than full time job i like teamwork
9 years ago • 1
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Hey Assassin, definitely check out our forum page as I decribed above. All of our platoon members have to be accepted through our forum website. Look forward to seeing you join up!
9 years ago
I'm definitely over 25. I can play usually weekdays eastern time. I've been part of platoons that have not been active except on ps3. Love to play as a team player. I do have a mic.I've been on your server a number of times & it's been a lot of fun. My stats will show you that I do PTFO!!!
I do have to admit that there was a period where I played max ticket Metro to grind some weapons (sic). Primarily an engineer. Can play decent support or counter snipe. Really bad at run & gun. Thanks'
I do have to admit that there was a period where I played max ticket Metro to grind some weapons (sic). Primarily an engineer. Can play decent support or counter snipe. Really bad at run & gun. Thanks'
9 years ago • 1
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hey Greg, sounds like OSC could be a good fit for you. Please check out our forum website at www.oldsaltycrows.com and apply for membership. Once you have access to the forums write a small message about yourself (Sort of like you did here) and then we can get the ball rolling. Look forward to seeing you over in the forums.
9 years ago
Hello OSC! I've played with some of yall on your servers and other times. I've enjoyed playing with you guys, so I'd thought it was time to apply. I'm a 36 year old 8th grade History Teacher, so I think I qualify for the Old and Salty part ;). Hope to see you guys around!
9 years ago • 1
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So I explained on the website the issue, but I had to change my PSN due a possible information breach on my account. Weird purchases and things like that. So I'll.... be starting over from rank f'n 1.... I'll need a few beers to get me through this for the first few nights of playing...
9 years ago
So C0ugar_MagnumTX is now Cr0ss-F1reTX. Don't think I explained that part. Sorry.
9 years ago
I got denied sorry OSC guess I was rt my credit wasn't good enough. to he members I played with its been great, too old clanmates and friends DIE
9 years ago • 0
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"too old clanmates and friends DIE" This is why the slogan is still Vote NO for DRO.... hahaha Fill in a bit more info on your thread at www.oldsaltycrows.com and you'll be good to go DRO. Your credit is still no good but you have not been denied.
9 years ago
I have registered to the website and I would like to join, I hope you guys are an active platoon.
9 years ago • 1
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Welcome! Yes this is an active clan. Please post an intro in the New Recruits section on the website and send out some friend request so we can get to know you a bit. Thanks for your interest in joining the Crows.
9 years ago
Enjoyed some really close games on your server yesterday. Great games, OSC!
9 years ago • 1
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Thanks Bandit. Nice to hear you enjoyed your gaming experience on the OSC server.
9 years ago
I'm already in a platoon. Looking for more mates to game with mainly on BF4. Didn't really enjoy hardline and most of my platoon are on hardline and destiny now.
Proud PTFO'er and on mic !
Add me on PS4 EL1R4Nx.
Proud PTFO'er and on mic !
Add me on PS4 EL1R4Nx.
9 years ago • 0
you'll need to apply on our forum (see web address above) and be voted in by our members. You must also meet our age requirement of 25+ y.o.
9 years ago