[LOD] Legion Of Doom

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Created: 2014-08-23

3,576,127 / 3,306,000

890h 13m


Legion Of Doom overcomes and adapts. It's been the nature of what we've done for a long time.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Pretty sure I was in LoD back in the day. I played Rogue Spear with Renton, and I think GeneralBob. I went by a different name back then. Probably WingZero, or Strike, or something. I am not really sure, but hopefully they remember me? I am from Texas, and back in 1999 I was 11 or 12 if that helps them figure out who I was.
6 years ago • 0 Like
This clan was founded in 1999. Originally, We played Star Lance Close Quarters Combat ladders for as almost as many years as it existed. We were originally founded as a Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear gaming clan. We were in Mplayer, Gamespy, and any other method to compete in that ladder. It was our home. We have now found a way to rejoin with old members and the new. We like to have fun online nowadays. I appreciate any challenge brought forth from any clan. I'm sure they would enjoy the challenge as well. It's just for fun. We have fun with all of it. Please see one of my officers for a a clan challenge at anytime. We will try to schedule something with you. We look forward to direct competition.

That's where I also met GeneralBob. He has been my 2nd in command and friend for quite some time. We agree completely on how a clan should be run. We do believe in fair games an fun for all involved. We will continue do so as advisers with veto powers. We have placed full confidence in Agapitos and SlipandSlideSam as active leadership. Please address all concerns, requests, and or complaints through them. Both are considered Generals the Legion Of Doom by Bob and myself. Any requests should start with Stang or Sam. However, We will be involved if needed.



Legion Of Doom
9 years ago • 0 Like
http://youtu.be/ETzEwIwsMp4 [youtu.be]

LOD Represent!
9 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago • 0 Like
=U= ROCK DOM (64 player) no longer exists :'( Sad dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
10 years ago • 0 Like
Toadwin If you would like to join. Please see Agapitos or Sam. If you would like to talk about respect. Please send me a message. I'll be happy to speak with you about it.
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
Thanks, should of been done 20 weeks ago.
10 years ago
Thank you sir. We were getting annoyed by invites to your scrim every week. You should probably do the same for anyone else not in your clan. You will probably know better who that is than us.
10 years ago
by any chance did LOD ever play Trackmania? I remember a group named Legion of Doom from Canada
10 years ago • 0 Like
no sir
10 years ago

Do you ever want to take a nice walk on the beach without underwear? I feel like it would really air my balls out. maybe i could dip them in your mouths?
6 hours ago • 0 hooahs
Hooah! Subscribe
I walk around my house naked.
6 hours ago
I do as well, the neighbours don't appreciate it because of the dangling genitals.
6 hours ago
I don't walk around the house naked. However, I really am fond of underwear.
6 hours ago
10 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 6 comments Read more
Its all the events that lead up to you leaving is what got you banned. Agapitos all your business was done with Exile once you left. No need to be in our forum after that. Our clan is moving on from all the drama so should you guys. You guys left no need to be inviting our members to game with you all the time. If you wanted to game with us you shouldn't have left. Our clan is tired of the games so please leave us to our gaming. Focus on your clan instead of ours. Peace Toad
10 years ago
Wouldn't call it gaming. Also stop emailing us.
10 years ago