[EV] Exiled Veterans

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Created: 2014-03-01

208,535 / 221,000

1022h 21m



Dear all,

Kindly pls take note that Synarchy-Freek, Synarchy Xypher and forsakenblox are found guilty of performing DDOS. The affected servers are those in Singapore and Hongkong. They had also accused Ignite E sports of mass DDOSing the servers while they are the actual ones masterminding such disgraceful and illegal acts. Therefore Synarchy-Freek for forsakenblox had been expelled from LOFR. Recently they took revenge on us by reporting a mumber of LOFR members to BF4db for stat spading.

Please see the evidences in the following links.

http://moonradiance.imgur.com/ [moonradiance.imgur.com]

Read in the sequence
1) Confession of DDOS attacker on bf4 servers
2) Evidence of Synarchy insider on Synarchy-Freek
3) Other Evidences performed by the DDOSer
4) Interogation and conclusion of Synarchy-Freek
5) Verdict on Synarchy Freek by LOFR Council

Most of the communities in Asia are gathering together to boycott
Server Address: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/PC/cff9d0c1-9411-43e2-a8b7-40cece287f04/Synarchy-DOMINATION-NO-SHOTGUN-C4/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Please do your part for the communities in BF4 arena and for standing up against such disgraceful and illegal acts.
10 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
I just want to state something additionally that everyone has their self interest and tends to take different perception. For this I'm not bothered but yet I may not be totally right. But we know who are the hypocrites. People can go judge by themselves and whatever conclusion they want. I'm not bothered. But for certain crooks, actions need to be taken against.

I also understand when situation like these comes I just gotta act and I cannot be too bothered all time with different conception of others. Some take interest while some don't.. some takes either friends side or my side. some even tried to create more chaos within the present situation and enjoying it... as there are all sorts of people out there. For me I do wot I need to do.. dats all. End of story.
10 years ago
Never Join this server (24/7 Operation Rocker Pistols Knife Only! SG HK TW JPN CHN KOR) when u killed tag u get killed by admin and banned .
Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'BloodyWolf91' ... BC2! Permanent BAN no Release"
10 years ago • 0 Like
10 years ago
WatashiwaXiao Impossible stats Hs/K 71.0 % Lmao
10 years ago • 0 Like