[Fire] The Dragons
Created: 2014-03-08
4h 27m
Founders : Luptons,
The Dragons is a Platoon looking for active players. If you are an active player, and a good teammate, then this is the platoon for you! In this Platoon you will be put into a squad that fits your liking We only ask that you,
-If you have a mic, please use it and be Friendly
-Be active on Battlefield and Battlelog.
-Respect Team leaders and other members.
-Friend the Founders, and everyone on the squad you are put on.
To be promoted, a leader has to suggest you to the founders. you will most likely be promoted if you have High K/D, High W/L, and your stats are good. Cheack out are web site at http://luptonspl.wix.com/the-dragons- [luptonspl.wix.com] wesite is being changed and is not running now.
The Dragons is a Platoon looking for active players. If you are an active player, and a good teammate, then this is the platoon for you! In this Platoon you will be put into a squad that fits your liking We only ask that you,
-If you have a mic, please use it and be Friendly
-Be active on Battlefield and Battlelog.
-Respect Team leaders and other members.
-Friend the Founders, and everyone on the squad you are put on.
To be promoted, a leader has to suggest you to the founders. you will most likely be promoted if you have High K/D, High W/L, and your stats are good. Cheack out are web site at http://luptonspl.wix.com/the-dragons- [luptonspl.wix.com] wesite is being changed and is not running now.