[RRP] Random Reddit Platoon
Website: www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_4/ •
Created: 2015-05-03
3,947,468 / 3,306,000
1720h 7m
Founded by members from the Battlefield 4 subreddit, this Platoon is open to all players, regardless of skill or platform (but we do mostly play on PS4), as long as you PTFO and most importantly, have fun!
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Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
Battlefield = BATTLELOG = Battlefield
@xxxx[{::::::::::::> predatory bird ARNIS
https://youtu.be/mNyr5VQgtjg [youtu.be]
3 years ago • 0
Applying for ps3 and ps4.I need a platoon to rep, I'm a very active player. My skill level at one point was over 9,000 and work best under pressure. A few friends of mine are in this platoon the recomended I'd join. I know I can be a great addition to the team if you just give me a chance, I promis you won't be disappointed.
8 years ago • 0
Applying for PC. I want some good people to PLD lase for. I'll be willing to lase or gun for anyone who mains a vehicle.
8 years ago • 0
Applying for PC. My K/D blows because i was using a controller for a wile
8 years ago • 0
Applying for PC, I PTFO even though my K/D ratio sucks ,,, I blame my age!
8 years ago • 0
I just re-applied to be in this platoon again. I tried a couple other platoons recently and found that the grass ISN'T greener on the other side.
8 years ago • 1
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Have you moved from PS3 to PS4 yet? I'm sorry if you're not getting much platoon action on PS3, but I play pretty regularly on PS4 so when you switch over let me know! Lots of fairly active players here
8 years ago
Hell, if youre not finding people on PS3 you can add me. im on quite a bit and i usually have a few random friends i squad up with. my PSN is Mrkitty_Gaming. cheers
8 years ago
Looking to join an active Platoon on PS4. Just picked up BF4, used to play BC2 all the time on the PS3. My K/D is bad, I'm bad (really rusty at FPS, haven't played in years) But I PTFO. Last night was my first night on BF4, and even with horrible K/D I was taking Top 3 per round for points.
Have a mic, not always able to use it however, depending on if someone in the house is sleeping (I tend to get loud, sorry).
Preferred game mode is Conquest, used to play rush as well, have no experience with the other 74 game modes there seems to be now.
Have a mic, not always able to use it however, depending on if someone in the house is sleeping (I tend to get loud, sorry).
Preferred game mode is Conquest, used to play rush as well, have no experience with the other 74 game modes there seems to be now.
8 years ago • 1
like this
Hey there, add me, Black_Gotenks, I play fairly often on PS4, along with a few other people from the platoon every now and then. Most of our members are on PS3, but we're looking to get more PS4 players! I've just approved your request to join, look forward to playing with you!
8 years ago
I am applying to join this Platoon. I would like to play together as a team and help you guys. I am ranked 104. I usually play Blood Money, Conquest and Heist. I have a win loss ratio of 49% and a k/d ratio of 0.87. I have both Criminal Activity and Robbery. I hope to hear from you guys and would like to work with you.
9 years ago • 0
I presume you mean hardline? Sorry to say but I think nobody in the platoon has it (or at least actively plays it), we all focus on BF4 (however I am thinking of picking up hardline now it isn't stupidly expensive)
9 years ago
2 / 3 comments
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It's on the operation outbreak map, just lying in a corner. You can get in no matter what server you're on. Even if its empty.
9 years ago
Yep^ I dont know if its still there but there is a crate in the little tunnel area by the town. Thats where i got mine. i heard it was moved but i havent actually checked
9 years ago
wow....your clan fucking sucks.lol If you wanna join and new clan, that has an emblem that doesn't suck ass feel free to message me for the clan's standers. If you're younger than 16 don't waste my time, if you're older than 20 don't waste my time either. my clans k/d is 3.89 and is growing daily. if you become part of the clan it will be the best clan you've ever been in. lol Your k/d must be higher or at 1.20 man iv'e said this shit so many times...after all the clans ive seen not a SINGLE one was close to as good as mine is...ridiculous.
9 years ago • 0
You have two people in your platooon. We have 60. Please go away and come back when your platoon isn't made up of a pair of children.
You guys tried to recruit me (Black_Gotenks) back in like, July, and since then your platoon has not increased in size
You are a joke.
You guys tried to recruit me (Black_Gotenks) back in like, July, and since then your platoon has not increased in size
You are a joke.
9 years ago
I'm looking for anybody on PS3 to go to the elevator with me.
PSN: Inkman647
I have Hnagar 21, Giants of Karelia, and Hammerhead dogtags.
PSN: Inkman647
I have Hnagar 21, Giants of Karelia, and Hammerhead dogtags.
9 years ago • 0
Hey reddit folks, you interested in a driendly match 16v16 conquest small?
9 years ago • 0
We would be but sadly we mostly play on PS3, we have the occasional PC player but that's it. Maybe when we all upgrade up to PS4 then we'd have that match :D
9 years ago
A bunch of pussy spammers nothing more. Every single time I meet this clan you get raped because you're pulling spam. Cowards with mortars basically. Girls would rather use an M142 than actually meet someone on the field of battle because each and every time you do... you get fucked up. I reiterate: Cowards. "PTFO"? Wow think you need to reassess who you're letting in your fucking clan. Pussies.
9 years ago • 0
So you get raped by whatever and then decide to jump onto battlelog and make a CoD style rage message?
Here's a heads up - the mortar was heavily nerfed, good luck getting a kill with it. M142 spam? So what? If someone from my platoon wants to do that then so be it because I ain't going to tell him/her how to play.
Also you do realise only 1 person can use the M142? What do you think the other members in are platoon do? Sit around and play tag?
Now it sounds like you need to stop taking this so seriously, there is always someone out there who can easily beat you - take me for example, I'll absolutely rape a enemy team with a attack boat/tank/scout heli but won't be pissed if I get killed by a better pilot/driver - it's a fucking game.
Anyway, it's nice knowing you bump into us around the place but aside from Rush, I'm pretty sure no one spams shit.
Here's a heads up - the mortar was heavily nerfed, good luck getting a kill with it. M142 spam? So what? If someone from my platoon wants to do that then so be it because I ain't going to tell him/her how to play.
Also you do realise only 1 person can use the M142? What do you think the other members in are platoon do? Sit around and play tag?
Now it sounds like you need to stop taking this so seriously, there is always someone out there who can easily beat you - take me for example, I'll absolutely rape a enemy team with a attack boat/tank/scout heli but won't be pissed if I get killed by a better pilot/driver - it's a fucking game.
Anyway, it's nice knowing you bump into us around the place but aside from Rush, I'm pretty sure no one spams shit.
9 years ago