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Created: 2014-06-02

7,745 / 18,000

104h 34m


There are many many things in BF4 that wind people up. The philosophy of the DNA server is fun so our rules are set to avoid any acrimonious exchanges.
You will have noticed that the language enforcer restricts greatly what you can say, but only in the wider public area. This is not to avoid the use of bad language per se but to prevent arguments and insults from being thrown. Nothing spoils fun more than someone mouthing off in chat. Sometimes enforcing the rule will seem unfair, but remember I can only deal with what I see. If I see a rule break I will take action. Being killed by an admin is a heads up that you are doing something wrong, it is not a penalty, the kill does not count on your stats. Being kicked is a punishment if warnings are ignored and there are so few rules that remembering them should not be a problem. People who cheat will always be banned, people who ignore warnings and persist after being kicked will be given the oportunity of a short holiday from playing on the server.
If you could also remember that a too often used tactic can wind people up. I would ask that if this happens that you just take a step back and perhaps try another tactic for a while, the whole idea of the server is to have fun, not become incandescent with rage.
9 years ago • 1 Like
"the whole idea of the server is to have fun, not become incandescent with rage." Hmm, You are the exception though, when you become incandescent with rage the ban hammer comes falling!
9 years ago
I apologize for my bad English
9 years ago • 0 Like
Don't know why but Althaus, what's your problem with me? You switched and killed me a few days ago like you wanted to via adminboard, today you switched me without a reason when it was 7 to 6 Players. What's the problem with you? Can't stand there's someone killing you? this sucks a lot. It's always a bunch of fun on the server but everytime you abuse your admin rights.. this sucks a lot!
Shall I remember you, when you switched all players 2 tickets before you were losing the round to our winning team? All you said was:Oh, don't know how this could happen...

Try to think about your decisions.

My mate and I are regular players on the DNA Golmud Server but this sucks a lot!
9 years ago • 0 Like
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I only step in and move players when the teams are unbalanced by more than 2 and the autobalance is not working for whatever reasons (there are limits) I do not balance at the end of the round when players leave as it is very common for players on the losing team to do just that. If I move a player they stay moved, I will not tolerate them moving back. I have no memory of your case at all which means that to me it was purely routine.
9 years ago
hm, why there is the rule NO BASEATTACK when you don't respect it?

Oh, to help you

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/battlereport/show/1/619626020703096704/187521722/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

And NO, you weren't just joining... ;) Dude, this sucks really ;) Remove the rule or respect it! You're the admin ;)
9 years ago
The autobalance does not work particularly well, mainly because we are a small server, from time to time if I am on the server or just monitoring with Procon I will manually balance the teams if they get too unbalanced.
If you are killed by an admin directly or because you are moved that death does not count in your stats. It therefore follows that being killed by an admin is not a punishment, merely a heads up that you are doing something you should not be. Being kicked or banned is a punishment. In most games I have to do nothing at all except play, that is how I prefer it to be. We have very few rules so it should be easy to remember them. I view all breaches as deliberate and deal with them accordingly..
9 years ago • 0 Like
To clarify rule 4. This only applies to an attack helicopter IN FLIGHT. If it is sitting on the ground then either seat can be occupied.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi. I was called a cheater. admin said this too. Can I get a reason WHY I should have cheated with a round 17:23?

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/battlereport/show/1/593541537896219776/187521722/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Where's the cheat?
9 years ago • 0 Like
I have absolutely no idea, at some stage in the game there must have been something wierd with your stats. If I thought you were cheating I would boot you, I didn't so I can only conclude you were not.

9 years ago
12324_D_N_A YOU fucking piece of shit lamer,banning me for killing you with a AA?you such lame admin noob,btw for shit like this this server is going down soon.

10 years ago • 1 Like
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Having looked at the relevant logs you have never been banned from the server. Based on what I have seen here if you appear on the server you almost certainly will be
9 years ago
Sure thing,I will also make sure to take it down at the right time.

9 years ago
I have installed a ping checker on the server. Currently set to 200 and will only operate if more than 10 people on the server. Takes 20 samples to get kicked.
I have also installed a language admin. Currently the list of bad words is long. I will prune over time when people have learned that bad language and insults have no place on a fun server.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Be warned, use of words used to insult almost always result in auto admin action. There is no warning for use of racist words.
9 years ago
We only have four rules:
1 No deadzone/base camping. That is to say camping in your own base area, in a vehicle or on foot is not allowed. Players taking no action, ie taking a break will not be penalised. The deadzone means any area where the opposing team do not have access.
2. No baserape/firing into enemy base. You must not fire on vehicles/players who have spawned in a base until they leave the base area. This rule does not prevent players who have returned to the base to escape, from being fired on. Aircraft above the base may be engaged. Aircraft on the ground at the base may only be engaged if they have returned there.
3. No clan rape. This is to prevent a single clan coming onto the server en mass and making life miserable for all the other players in a cynical way. It does not preclude members of a clan playing together on the server providing they act in a reasonable way. Remember the purpose of the server is to provide fun.
4. Attack heli seat switching is not allowed. The practice of moving to the gunner seat while in flight is banned. If you want to use the TV missile get a gunner. Pilots who require gunners to leave their heli will be treated as seat switchers.
Punishment for all the above, Kill, Kick or ban, depending on degree. Failing to heed a warning will almost certainly result in action being taken.
9 years ago • 0 Like
althalus401 abusing his admin powers and kicking because he can not take in game banter its all good i have puts some good clips on youtube to promote this server but i can also do the opposite
10 years ago • 1 Like
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I can take banter, I gave you fair warning, I told you to stop. You ignored that so I gave you 24hours off to think about it. Players do not want to be bothered with constant whining and abuse, as 12324_D_N_A says we are a fun server, and winding up others is not fun.
9 years ago
One question Mrjingles14, do you need more than 24 hours off to learn how to behave? I can arrange for you to have more time if that is what you need.
9 years ago
There is a guy called Althalus401 who told me in main chat about banning me if I switch seats while I'm using the attack helicopter,I mean wtf?Is this a new rule he just made up or because he got mad at me for killing him a few times?Please explain.

Thank you.
10 years ago • 1 Like
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i agree i have played with dna 1234 good player and fun this kid needs to learn to have a thick skin as an admin but i guess that is why the server is half full most of the time
10 years ago
mingles you got a 24hr ban for bad mouth don't swear and don't upset athalus and you will be fine . it is a fun server, if you could read hatefuleight the rules are in the chat lines all of the time please read them and respect them. I think you may be wrong about the half full bit I usally have to kick to be able to join . have fun

9 years ago
if your is dna searve i like it it not hard core but it not easy so thank you for leting me play on it
10 years ago • 2 likes
Thanks for the comment . We are a fun server so we don't want it to be hard core and we don't want lots of clans we just play for the fun of it.
10 years ago
12324_D_N_A can´t handle a lose so he ban ppl that have mad skillz as my friend purpelheart just for having a 29-0 kill streak... this is just lame and u should have a talk with 12324_D_N_A if u see yourself as a serious Platoon
10 years ago • 0 Like
https://www.youtube.com/user/DAriusss4 [youtube.com]

there so you wont need to ban for this crap: Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: aimbot
10 years ago • 1 Like
Found you, I've just been banned from your server. When i tried to reconnect I noticed it says NO AA NO AA - I never saw this before and was surprised to see it since ive been playing on it for a couple of months. I love playing on your server, i populated it twice alone today. I'm sorry i didnt notice that particular server rule. If admin was trying to chat using the comms i didnt see it - i dont tend to look when im busy playing. Can you please remove the ban? If not - it was nice to play on the server.
10 years ago • 1 Like
OK, yet again ive been banned by 12324_D_N_A - this is unfair treatment. No clan or platoon will become popular with bully admins who can't take losing so they kick and ban people.
10 years ago
Looking to join as a member. I mostly play Golmud and like a small server
10 years ago • 1 Like