[RIP] Resistance Pack ELITE

  • Founder
  • Leader

View all Members (4)

Created: 2014-04-22

4,225,286 / 3,306,000

1638h 8m




RIP trains and leads dedicated, well disciplined and team-based squads.RIP has a to game purpose adapted semi military structure.RIP is dedicated to the love of tactical and strategic FP-Shooter entertainment.HAVE FUN!!! -

Resistance Pack is an ELITE and EXCLUSIVE platoon. RIP prepares itself to challenge the best clans available. We allow only 12 members in our ELITE platoon ( Founders and Leaders Included ).


Being a member is agreeing to know, apply and respect the clan rules

RANK: Exclusive for ranks 140

Only PREMIUM ( or all maps )

Play in the same RIP game/team/squads unless being all by yourself

Only the officer with the highest platoon rank does the game invites

members can only be in one clan

using the Battlelog as communication platform is part of the deal

players need mike and proper English

All members use RIP-tag and emblem

Check inbox and reply to each PSN message with at least 10/4 or copy and be able to use the Battlelog at any time.check and like all battlelog posts to confirm you have read them

Attend the official platoon meetings every Thursday. Can not join? Post it on the Battlelog at least 24h up front.Exceptions only when reasonable.

Respect and defend the RIP-tag at all times

Stay loyal and don't be friends with our enemy's

Respect the Platoon Hierarchy and follow orders

CURRENT HIERARCHY = Who all earned their position thanks to Loyalty,Dedication and Support ( in Socom4 and BF4 ) and who eventually became personal friends.
Players that try to subvert our Rules,Hierarchy or Friendship, disrespect a member in any way; lie or cheat to us;they will find themselves as enemy's of us ALL.

- Platoon Commander and original Founder of RIP = noorman333

Enlistment introduction

Only members, personal friends, clanwar and server related friends stay in our psn friendlist

RIP was born in Socom4, is currently active in BF4 + BF1 and will continue to be active in Future games.Earn your spot among us and maintain your platoon position through multiple games! If you are loyal to us = We stay Loyal to you!


Apply on the platoon according to ur rank and ambition without clan attachement. If you apply, you confirm and except our terms.


Recruited players need our tag and emblem to start their probation time. RIP Platoon Commander will invite them to play in his Squad so they can be tested on social and team-based skills and following orders.Probation time = max 3 weeks.( Players on probation - who have our tag and emblem - will not be kicked from our squads.)

NOTE: ALL of our members have to agree before you can join.


OFFICIAL MEETING EVERY TUESDAY 22PM UTC on ps4 BF1. every Sunday 22pm utc on bf4 ps4.


1.The name of our platoon means to fight back when everybody else walk away. We don't care about stats if it comes to making a stand. By playing against the best we become the best. Any player will be tested on his resilience to fight greater numbers and better players.No matter how this effects our stats.

2.Orders will not Always be given in order to win the game. They are often given to test players, for training purposes or to harden a squad by simulating impossible situations.
Therefore we only allow players that don't care about stats or kill death ratio to much. Neither do we allow players that hold on to the ways of other platoons, the way of the " run and gunner" or other well intended individual ideas. Orders are followed no matter what. If we see you are not really into the ways of our platoon or not genuinely interested to learn; the clan- tag will not or no longer be granted. That's why we say "you have what it takes or you don't"; we don't train anybody to become the player we look for.The profile we seek should be part of who you've become already.



RIP vs ACE ( battle 2 ) – 4 official rounds: august 15th 2016

NOTE: I am proud of the perfomance of RIP. Eventhough we had a man short ourselfs, we still allowed ACE to reinforce their ranks by 2 THC members, making them outnumbering us by one.Originaly we planned 8vs8 but ended up starting the battle with 7 RIP vs 5 ACE+2 THC. RIP won only one round out of four. We do accept the outcome of the battle.

Lancandam: RIP WON with 17 tickets
Zavod: ACE WON with 207 tickets
Rogue: ACE WON with 163 tickets
Locker: ACE WON with 356 tickets

Players removed from of our ELITE section right after the battle:
1. Galundroh: New to our elite section (1st official battle as an Elite soldier ) removed for not showing up.
2.MariJo_smb: New to our elite section ( 2th official battle as an Elite soldier ) removed for not following orders + leaving the ranks + moraly not being supportive to the platoon.
8 years ago • 3 likes
RIP players who were there: ( 8 vs 8 battle )

1 noorman333
2 PawPawTJ
3 Shakepseare-111
4 Slydogger
5 mariJo_smb
6 ja_nisam_srbin
7 Vejukess4
8 years ago
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RIP vs ACE ( battle 1 ) – 4 official rounds: august 18th 2016

Siege: RIP WON with 31 tickets
Locker: ACE WON with 302 tickets
Rogue: ACE WON with 202 tickets
Hainan: ACE WON with 3 tickets

THe battle was won by ACE winning 3 out of 4 rounds. Congrats ACE.We had a great time! Let's do this again next week august 25th.same time! maps will be Zavod, Locker, Lancandam and Golmud. Take care ACE!
8 years ago • 3 likes
RIP players who were there: ( 8 vs 8 battle )

1 noorman333
2 PawPawTJ
3 Shakepseare-111
4 Slydogger
5 mariJo_smb
6 Galundroh
7 Vejukess4
8 mrjens
8 years ago
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RIP vs MERC ( casual meeting/battle 2 ) – 4 official rounds
RIP players:
noorman333 140
PawPawtTJ 140
Shakespeare-111 140
Slydogger 140
Swivol 140
Edgemara 66
Bling-Boy09 104
Bat828 132 = present only in round 1

MERC players ( battlereports now show 5 of them without the MERC-tag.That’s because 5 of them left MERC right after the battle )
XTheldesofmarchX 140 - left MERC after battle
Ladyoffoz2 140 - left MERC after battle
Zippydragon 123 - left MERC after battle
VeteranRanger4934 109
Brileyman78 140 - left MERC after battle
ShadowingCarnage 113
AudiBrain 119 - left MERC after battle

1) Empty slots were taken by random-non platoon members on both sides.
2) Nobody was prepared 4 the battle.We impulsivly decided to join their server and challenge them.They stayed to defend their honour.
3) k/d didn’t make us win all 4 games, but it surley made us stand out in all 4 games.Check out our best performance posted on my battlefeed to have an idea.Good work RIP!

Battle results june 17-2016: left hand side = RIP – right hand side = MERC

Won: RIP
Ace squad: RIP
Tickets: 314-0
Platoon-score: 1309-1305
Platoon kills:23-43
Platoon k/d:2.43-0.86
Platoon skill:+6.65- -10.2

Ace squad:MERC
Platoon kills:47-66
Platoon k/d:2.04-1.13
Platoon skill:-2.47-+5.98

Ace squad:RIP
Platoon-score: 2725-4439
Platoon kills:79-98
Platoon k/d:6.9-0.68
Platoon skill:+19.11- -6.95

Ace squad: MERC
Platoon kills:78-113
Platoon k/d:1.36-0.85
Platoon skill:+1.0- +4.52
8 years ago • 0 Like
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Casual skirmish meeting on FYC-server.22pm UTC.


no rules regarding amount of members

just for fun

platoon members play on same team

regular BF4 maps
8 years ago • 1 Like
Note: RIP had 1 squad of ( 5X rank 140) - FYK had overal less players and not all rank 140 ) they compensated with switching the higher non-RIP ranks to their team.Therefour it wasn't an equal match and the outcome of the skirmish can't be taken serious.I just post it to give an impression of how fun it was an how close some games ended.

1 Locker: RIP lost 0-284
2 Siege: RIP won 88-0 + RIP ace squad
3 Langcandam: RIP lost 0-42 + FYK ace squad
4 Zavod RIP lost 0-145 FYK ace squad
5 Hainan RIP wo: 72-0 RIP ace squad
6 Flood zone: RIP won 354 - 0 RIP ace squad
7 Locker:RIP won 60-0

= RIP won 4 games - FYK won 3 games
= RIP 3x ace squad - FYK 2x ace squad

it was 3-3 before we started the last game in wich we both agreed that was the final game before RIP left the server.
8 years ago
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