[NOV] November PC

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Website: novembersquad.iclanwebsites.com/ • Created: 2014-08-19

17,251 / 23,000

262h 51m
November PC Players

We are November Squad focussing on bringing back a community and a family a band of Brothers AND Sisters.
We mostly focus on a friendly community but we also want to play hard.

So we play tactical strike hard and destroy to enemy.

For now happy hunting and bright killstreaks coming your way. Feel free to take a look at our website http://novembersquad.iclanwebsites.com/topic/website-i5g [novembersquad.iclanwebsites.com]
Our elite team NOV1 http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3309272860870307818/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

Our Teamspeak address is nov.ts3.nfoservers.com or nov.ts.nfoservers.com
Please join us and chat while we squad up and crush alot!!!


Origin is having "Game Time" on BF4 right now so I'll be DLing it tonight to see how I do, but I still wont be playing until Saturday and Sunday morning, 4am PST - 8am PST. Any one on at that time on Sat & Sun? I'm going to need some tips, big time.
10 years ago • 2 likes
Let me rephrase that, tips on button mappings and easier ways to control things with a mouse and keyboard.

By the way, for those who aren't familiar with my goofy ass, I'm from November.
10 years ago
lol i use the basic lay out nothing too fancy for me bro.
10 years ago
Hi guys i'm a leader from November (ps3) and a couple months ago i decided to build my own pc ( because i was sick off all the crashes on ps3). and i built it yesterday.
I had battlefield bc2 in my origin library and i thought why don't I give it a try, Damn the frame rate, smoothness, precision... I'm very impressed with pc gaming. So in a couple weeks i will be buying bf4 on the pc.
Hope to see you guys then!
10 years ago • 3 likes
glad to have you on board!! please let us know what times you'll be on and we can catch up!!
10 years ago
Finished fixing my computer today. Needless to say, I wont be getting much sleep for a while.
10 years ago • 0 Like
I like the emblem
10 years ago • 0 Like
thanks!!! i left it like purpose same but different!! we all think it looks better color wise
10 years ago
Looks like my motherboard went bad. Hopefully that is the last thing I have to replace. I fixed my laptop so I am able to communicate with you guys but for now i wont be able to play.
10 years ago • 2 likes
hurry up!!
10 years ago
10 years ago • 0 Like