[SWBA] Silver Woods PMC
Created: 2021-04-29
145h 33m
Silver Wood Ballistic Arts is an international Private Military and Security Company founded in 2019.
The company is comprised of few members that knows each-other for years; their deployments, usually mixed among regular troops from Russia, America and China, have been noticed around Shanghai, the South China Sea, Russia and Europe.
Nowadays the contractors mostly fight where they are needed, offering their services to the highest bidder, sometimes even facing themselves on the field.
Mostly comprised of former or active military, the PMC constantly hires new troopers; but the recruitment process is difficult and focuses on teamplay and coordination between contractors.
Contact Vedalkenmage or ||Grimalkin|| for details.
The company is comprised of few members that knows each-other for years; their deployments, usually mixed among regular troops from Russia, America and China, have been noticed around Shanghai, the South China Sea, Russia and Europe.
Nowadays the contractors mostly fight where they are needed, offering their services to the highest bidder, sometimes even facing themselves on the field.
Mostly comprised of former or active military, the PMC constantly hires new troopers; but the recruitment process is difficult and focuses on teamplay and coordination between contractors.
Contact Vedalkenmage or ||Grimalkin|| for details.