[BoS] Brotherhood of Steel

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Website: www.brotherhood-of-steel.eu • Created: 2014-08-02

6,034,085 / 3,306,000

2964h 20m
Independent Players und Sons of Steel
Nach langem vereintem Battlefield Spielens,
haben wir uns entschlossen beide Clans zuvereinen.
Wir wünschen allen BoS| Membern und allen Besuchern
unserer neuen Homepage und den BoS Servern viel Spass
und man sieht sich im Kampfgebiet.
Der Platoonbeitritt ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit dem Clanbeitritt.
Wir suchen ständig Kanonenfutter !!!


Unsere Server:

Stammtisch 1 Defuse
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/servers/show/pc/6bc637cc-fcc6-40c8-8a55-b4d5fe9a583b/BoS-Stammtisch-Demolition-Party-HC/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Stammtisch II
Stammtisch III


No Retreat, No Surrender / 2 / MISFITS
https://youtu.be/MZmNCVkoR20 [youtu.be]
2 years ago • 0 Like
(BoS) d3r_j0e ; Fuck Rotznasen Platoon
6 years ago • 0 Like
Same thing again with this noob XeroX2020. Switching side and teamkilling/shooting teammates..just awesome.
7 years ago • 0 Like
CAVAREZ joined to them. Teamkilling and shooting teammates.
7 years ago
XeroX2020 teamkilling once again. It's pretty much daily now.
7 years ago • 0 Like
Hello there BOS
Your server is going to die at some point if this goes on for long. Teamkilling again tonight by couple of guys and the XeroX2020 was the worst killing teammates at spawn or shooting them to get the health low..Not good, at all.
7 years ago • 1 Like
Yo guys.
You should check your server sometime. There's now few dummies frequently teamkilling us if they lose few rounds and of course we have to eliminate them to get to play which leads to punish. MrMehan is the worst now and today the XeroX2020 was doing the same.
7 years ago • 3 likes
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translation of Xerox's phrase
7 years ago
I'm agree about "mrMehan". Burhah, please, just ban him permanently.
7 years ago

Wie ihr sicher schon mitbekommen habt, suchen wir wieder interessierte Teams für die nächste 5vs5 HC Season! Falls ihr Interesse habt, meldet euch einfach bei mir.
Hier noch ein kleiner Einblick in Matches der aktuellen Season:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLTvpcIWL_4&list=PLpNTX4CFltP_QkqLaN266UadqOLqusUDF [youtube.com]

LG Freepolo
8 years ago • 0 Like
F4pStory ты че охренел? только пришел и и кикнул.
8 years ago • 0 Like
Noob team, ban me for cheat ? are you serious ? if that can reassure you...try learn play or use a tank instead od kicking like 12yo admin.....
8 years ago • 0 Like
Доброго дня бойцы.

Взвод "F A N T O M" приглашает вас на наши сервера :
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/c689ec29-c958-4ef1-a61f-5beba1c1941d/FM-FANTOM-1-HARDCORE-BEST-MAPS-OPEN-24-7/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
и пехотный
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/341399e7-7909-4993-9ac7-28ad26b68858/FM-FANTOM-2-hardcore/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Заходите рады всем !
Всем удачной игры !
С уважением к Вам!!! "ФАНТОМЫ"

Good day fighters .

Platoon "FANTOM" invites you on our servers
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/PC/c689ec29-c958-4ef1-a61f-5beba1c1941d/FM-FANTOM-1-HARDCORE-BEST-MAPS-OPEN-24-7/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
and infantry
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/ru/servers/show/pc/341399e7-7909-4993-9ac7-28ad26b68858/FM-FANTOM-2-hardcore/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Come welcome everyone !
Good luck everyone !
With respect to you !!! " Phantoms "
8 years ago • 0 Like
Guten Tag,
burhahnyilmaz verhält sich als Leader nicht gerade Vorbildlich.
Beleidigt Gäste auf eurem Game Server.
Und sowas wird von euch unterstützt.
Burhahnyyilmaz ist eine Schande für die komplette Zockergemeinde und sollte dementsprechend bestraft werden.

MfG Zusatzcoffein
9 years ago • 0 Like
Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: Kicked by administrator

Grund gibt kein. Mutwilliges einsetzen von Administrativen Kräften.
tz tz :D
9 years ago
hey Leute!
Wir hatten schon einmal das Vergnügen ein Clanwar gegeneinander zu spielen, wollte eigentlich nur mal fragen ob Interesse an einem Rematch besteht? Wär auch auf euer TS gekommen, aber aus eurer HP ist das Password nicht ersichtlich. Bei Interesse meldet euch doch einfach!

n-KlngPiN aka Basti
9 years ago • 0 Like
Warum bin ich denn auf euren Server gebannt?!
Es spielen nunmal auch Leute Bf, die eine höhere KD als 1 haben als ihr :P

Schönen Abend die Herrn! ;)
9 years ago • 0 Like
This is the most noobiest clan ever, banning/kicking people without reason.. Im not finished with you guys, You guys will get D-dos for sure, so keep you're eys open..
9 years ago • 0 Like
Gues this was an automatically Ban/Kick, we have 3 Anticheat Programs on this server
9 years ago
Hi, I was kicked from your server 30 miniuts ago for "no reason",

I know it is hard when your being outplayed on your own server, but it is a shame you feel the need to resort to kick/ban players because of this.
9 years ago • 2 likes
2 / 3 comments Read more
Because they are noob to the max.
9 years ago
Hey Spartan, Thgnx for your Feedback. in my opinion we never kicking player for that reason. Can you give me moren Informations ?
9 years ago
very nice defuse server :)
9 years ago • 1 Like