[PHX] Phoenix

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Created: 2014-09-15

46,982 / 141,000

822h 40m
Welcome to Phoenix Gaming ____________________________________________________

"One day in the beginning times, the sun looked down and saw a large bird with shimmering feathers. They were red and gold--bright and dazzling like the sun itself. The sun called out, "Glorious Phoenix, you shall be my bird and live forever."

Phoenix gaming is a community with members playing many games not just battlefield 4. We're looking to build a friendly and dynamic clan with our team speak server at its heart. The clan is managed by its core members with no one person able to make decisions hopefully this will lead to a stable and open environment. We rent a multi game server with 28 slots to use in clan wars and for our own entertainment.

Battlefield 4 We're not looking to build a large clan of occasional members but one where active battlefield 4 players can work together, PTFO and become effective team mates.

The other games No need to wear our clan tags. Counter Strike Global Offensive, Arma II and III, Pay Day 2, Dirty Bomb, Star Citizen, ARK, World of tanks and really the list is almost endless.

Find us on steam at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/phoenixphxg/ [steamcommunity.com]

Rules over 18s only and Respect. If you're the type of person that needs a list of things not to do in order to behave then we don't need you. As in real life you will be Judged by the things you say and do.

Recruiting We're open to new members, But to fit in you're going to have to be an obsessive gamer, an active member on ts. All new recruits will have to join us on ts (you will need a headset with mic).

Donations are voluntary. PHX Gaming simply would not exist without the financial support of the members, thanks guys.

Team Speak 3 server : phoenixgaming.4np.de password is "coregaming"


hey everyone ...Hope you are all well? wondering if you are playing BTF V?
5 years ago • 0 Like
7 years ago • 0 Like
(PHX) Phoenix ; Fuck Cheater Platoon.
7 years ago
7 years ago
can someone invite me? pls
7 years ago • 0 Like
Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, cancelled,
made nothing?
Are you willing to be made nothing?
dipped into oblivion?

If not, you will never really change.

The phoenix renews her youth
only when she is burnt, burnt alive, burnt down
to hot and flocculent ash.
Then the small stirring of a new small bub in the nest
with strands of down like floating ash
shows that she is renewing her youth like the eagle,
immortal bird.
9 years ago • 2 likes
Find us on steam at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/phoenixphxg/ [steamcommunity.com] or join us on our Team Speak 3 server : phoenixgaming.4np.de password is "coregaming" and full members can find us on face book.
8 years ago
Phoenix has a Twitch Channel now ! We still have a little fine tuning to do on the profile page but it works and we need some content. We are looking for members interested in streaming live game play or if anyone has recordings showing our members skills in game we could use. Here's the link http://www.twitch.tv/phoenixgamingcommunity/profile [twitch.tv] . Please contact me or Cornerm3n for passwords and help getting your stuff on there. Much thanks to Cornerm3n for the time and effort in setting this up
9 years ago • 1 Like
Update on the Twitch channel: Stil looking for ppl to start streaming or show interest to do so in the near future. atm there,s not much animo in the clan to work with Twitch/Youtube streaming and thats a shame after ppl were very exciting on the latest clan meeting we had! We will leave this offer open for another 2 weeks to see if we can get ppl exciting or interested in uploading/streaming video,s on our PHX twitch channel. For those who are interested and have no knowledge about how to setup or use twitch/stream i made 3 different profile,s of settings to use that will get everyone in the clan sorted and streaming without any problems. Hit me up if you need help/ advice on the matter
9 years ago
I have tried my best to get everyone into streaming/uploading their vids but there is no interest in it it seems , realy sad to see after all the interest on the clan meeting and work i have put it but its the way it is.
Thanks to the ppl who did show interest and helped setting it up
9 years ago
9 years ago • 0 Like
Regular clan practice every Thursday and Sunday night at 830pm uk time. All clan members are invited and it's an ideal chance to welcome new members get to know each other. We can play PHX v PHX unranked, seed our server ranked or squad up ptfo on public server. Work on our coms, tactics, squad play and occasionally a friendly scrim. It will also be an opportunity to take care of clan business when needed.
9 years ago • 1 Like
pheonix you added me as a friend but you're full list
9 years ago • 2 likes
Hey guys, I'm with the OP platoon, we're interested in setting up a scrim in the near future for some fun. Add me or post on our public page if you're interested. Thanks.

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/1533532292396456981/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
9 years ago • 1 Like
Hey :)

You guys look like you have some pretty good players, and I see you're into playing a few scrims now and then!

I'm not necessarily looking for a match but I thought you may be interested in some 8v8 CQ Competitive gaming :) It's a lot of fun (although don't expect to win when you're starting out)! If you want more info speak add me, or just look on the BNL website :)

http://www.nordicleague.se/ [nordicleague.se]
9 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for the invite Pandavia. Looks good mate, going to get guys to take a look this and lets see what they think.
9 years ago
Hi chaps,

Here's the footage from our clan war earlier this sunday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37cwX179V_E&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]

Was good fun, Cheers :)
9 years ago • 2 likes
AWOL: SirGoldenBro, SirJakeTheSnake, Phased87 and ShyamaHD44 , if your name appears here then in the next few weeks it's our intention to remove you for the clan. Its not personal only that you've not been around much on ts. Please let us know what you're up to or reapply when you have more time.
9 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
thanks for getting back to me. Phoenix is a community based on friendship so the amount of time in team speak with the rest of the group is what really counts. Its true you guys play together most nights and earn us xp points, but as you don't join us in ts, no one else knows who you are or even played a game with you. when you have time please join me on ts and we can talk a little more about this. As It says in the post its not personal.
9 years ago
ok ok no problem we'll join more often :D
9 years ago
sorry guys have to leave the platoon going to camp no internet provider hope you guys understand and kick ass
9 years ago • 1 Like
all the best dude
9 years ago
good luck mate, look us up when your back.
9 years ago
slysteve666, your friendlist is full. Clear it up, please
9 years ago • 1 Like
thanks for getting back to me
9 years ago
hey i would like to join n im decent enough. want to try me lolol (sounds wrong). dont worry about my skills i just dont try cuz im using a controller.
9 years ago • 1 Like
damm it never mind u guys play on different server.
9 years ago
so close to whooping ur ass jkjk lolol xd.
9 years ago
Want to play 16v 16 cq small
9 years ago • 1 Like
we would love to but your ps3 and we're pc :(
9 years ago
Steve added me on battlelog, but his friends list is full, so I can't add him to figure out what he wants.
9 years ago • 1 Like
AWOL: LeleeJJ , if your name appears here then in the next few weeks it's our intention to remove you for the clan. Its not personal only that you've not been around much on ts. Please let us know what you're up to or reapply when you have more time.
9 years ago • 0 Like
Hi Phoenix clan!

We are looking for Clan vs Clan matches and we saw your Forum post.
Contact Me if you are interested, and we'll discuss further details.
9 years ago • 1 Like
I have added you, Sounds good. Always up for a clan match.
9 years ago
AWOL: trojon00000, kriss9111, prophet127, SinaiDnB, NocturnalDiesel and Guly49 , if your name appears here then in the next few weeks it's our intention to remove you for the clan. Its not personal only that you've not been around much on ts. Please let us know what you're up to or reapply when you have more time.
9 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
yes indeed its the time difference! You and Kriss are always welcome to join us on ts and have a game when ever our paths cross. sorry guys
9 years ago
its cool man. Thanks for the invite.
9 years ago