[OwL] Owl Air Recon Unit

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Website: n/a currently • Created: 2015-07-24

2,292 / 11,000

9h 52m
http://i.imgur.com/dhqrz1r.png [i.imgur.com]

Owl Air Recon Unit is a clan that is based on the ideals of stealth as well as recon and quick and successful attacks. Being an air recon unit, the focus would be on air-centered attacks and entry into the battlefield; e.g. having a spawn beacon placed, and a whole squad spawning on the point, allowing for dynamic entry.
Our platform that we will play on is PS3, and when there's enough support, we will have a PS4 branch.
-You must have a Kill/Death Ratio of above 1.00, and be willing work to grow that number.*
-You must have a Skill Level that is usually above 200*
-You must have a mic or way of communication with squad members(Skype, Google Hangouts, etc)
-You must be an active player. >1 times a month.
Make sure to join! We want to have a great time with the battlefield community!


A clan event will occur on MARCH 14TH!!! we will join into 2 squads, and go to either 1) a sniper only server 2) a conquest dlc server(depending on who has what), or 3) a tdm match to wreck each other. i will give you further details as we progress!!!!!
Make sure to be there, and bring a mic!
9 years ago • 0 Like
I am SharkSniper. As you can obviously see, my name has the word "sniper" lmao
I love to play Recon so much, I have two accounts, one is banned for being hated so much (redheadshark)
with both my accounts combined, I have a total of 144 M98B service stars and holding #11 in the U.S for Sniper Kills. I hold a k.d of 2.80+ on both accounts and I sadly no longer have access to premium :( I'm an aggressive close and long range sniper, and would like to contribute to the clan, but id like to play a few rounds before I make my decision :) I have a mic as well

Message and add me on PSN, I am a PS3 player
8 years ago • 1 Like
Alright, we have a clan event today, so you should be able to meet us. I will make sure to invite you!
8 years ago
Hello! I would like to join an actual "stealth" platoon! My K/D ratio is only 1.1 because of bad start :3. I dont actually like sniper rifles but love flanking and killing 5 enemies unnoticed. My skill is 280-320 and because I recently got premium, I am soon going to reset my stats to make my K/D ratio real. Hope you can add me as a member!

Edit: Rank >95 and do you have an clan server?
9 years ago • 0 Like
Greetings fellow snipers! I am a soldier of elite standards. I am division 1 in recon score and in a few other categories. My KD may not be up to standards but I am willing to work hard to get it up there with all the rest of you. I am quite the shot and I enjoy sniping very much. I have a passion for it, so I always try to do my best to be the best I can be. I hope that I am accepted and that we all can play very soon.
My PSN is: The_Game_Pro_TGP
9 years ago • 0 Like

Anyone who wants to join, check out our requirements, and apply! There are exceptions for things, but only for the first few! Also, this is not just a recon clan; it is for all classes, but we are focusing on stealth and dynamic entry by air, which usually means spawning on a beacon, or parachuting from very high points on the map, so recon is suggested(Also just because i am biased and i like snipers, XD). So, the whole gist of the matter is to check us out. Make sure that if you join(somewhere up @ the top right of your screen), click the "use clan emblem and tag" (somewhere near the middle left of the screen). Thanks guys (and gals).
9 years ago • 0 Like