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Created: 2014-02-27

10,956,765 / 3,306,000

3763h 1m
To keep your favorite server running donations are welcome :) for more info ask Mohawk73.!!!
If you wanne join us, feel free to ask.,Be >18 years , don't cheat and have to play bf4.We are a dutch clan but we also speak english and a little bit of german,we have our own server(#NL.The Walking Dead Only Rush) . Our TS ip is . So feel free to join us on TS.Our
Discordlink is : https://discord.gg/dXE4JtC [discord.gg] Feel free to join :)


mohawk, your friend list is full
5 years ago • 0 Like
How about not banning people for "possiblecheat" with no proof. You should have even talk to me before ban.
6 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 4 comments Read more
Well i saw 1 guy complaining my gameplay and he's very famous about calling skilled people as cheaters. I didn't know my battlereports were hiden but you can still see them, go to my profile --> stats --> reports. I have about 2000h in this game so i know what to do. I also play a lot fps games so my aim is stable and i gather infomration in many places like map, sounds etc. so thats why i might look pretty suspicious.
6 years ago
oke you saw 1 but there where more but that a side now i have more information about you ( i quess this is your second account then) and that's making more sence about the way you play so i wanna apologize for this miss understanding and the ban you got from me like i allready said off and i hope we will see you again on the battlefield :)
6 years ago
Why I was banned, if we agreed that I do not go to the server while evil-noob is playing there? Today I just did not see that he was there, and was banned. Why do you give the admin rights to an inadequate "player"?
Other admins do not deal that bullshit.
7 years ago • 0 Like
sangastar noob cheater we dont like you. not only my the holl bbq team ..and we pay so get your on server and cheat over there oke bb
7 years ago
show me video from spectator if i cheat. i have video-proofs my clear game from 3rd person. and i tell mohavk "i can give any proofs my clear game to bbq admins if someone think what im cheat", cause i dont have cheats, macros or other shit.
7 years ago
Evil-monk, can't accept your invite because it says your friend list if full. You need to kick some friend out :D
7 years ago • 0 Like
hahahah oke
7 years ago
Kicked from server a lot. Why? 'Baserape'. I dont shoot into the red zone, do no red zone runs or similar. If u r good, DONT join this server. They wish u would camp in your spawn (as defender) behind the mcoms and u only shoot when the attacker is arming the mcom. Much whining instead of using smoke / defib / teamplay on this server.
It's a pitty... one of the 4 last good rush servers. Unfortunately with very unskilled (m320, irnv, rgo in HARDCORE) and childish players / admins.
7 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 7 comments Read more
I dont mean it rude anyways.. but (the last comment here) i asked ur team several times WHERE (for YOU) the base begins / one can start shooting... and u NEVER told me (neither your clanmates)... so... there is NO reason to complain. make the rule WHERE one can start shooting / go and it is ok. say / write nothing --> DONT COMPLAIN. As easy as that. There is no 'general' rule where 'base' is... ;)
7 years ago
again main reason for kicking was not your baserape but your aditude in our chat like you do wright now keep it friendly and don't complain so much that keeps the game much more fun
7 years ago
nice to meet you !
8 years ago • 0 Like
hi nice to meet you too. we donot speak france but your welcom on ts if you speak english
8 years ago
he geen comment's meer we moeten wel iets goed doen.
8 years ago • 1 Like
FAO Mohawk, you added me but your list is full.
8 years ago • 0 Like
lol oke thanx i cleaned it up a little bit :-)
8 years ago
Was seid Ihr denn für Bullshit Admins ? Kick mich Ohne Grund ! Lasst den Aimbot noob spielen aber kaum man sagt etwas ! Dann ist man gekickt ! .... Noch peinlicher ist , FLIR ist bei euch verboten aber selbst spielt Ihr NUR mit FLIR Visier ! ... Erbärmlich ! Kein Wunder dass euer Server dauer leer ist ! ..
9 years ago • 0 Like
we try to scan every one. if we find nothing we think is is good. read the rules flirx2 is not allowed but inrvx1 is allowed. we try oure best we learning al the time how we have to run the server. and it is still running verry well.
9 years ago
You wrote to me about the fact that I'm killing on the base! and he not you see how your team is on our database! we do not complain, and play! I beg you! whether adequate admin!
9 years ago • 0 Like
Sorry for my English! it is very bad!
9 years ago
sorry about our late responds. but we have a big discussen about this what is base and if they shot from base do you shot back. but if you spwan and get killed. i think that is spwan raping. and if someone pas the red aere that is not the way the game is played. and some times we have to disced of what oterher people tel us. so sorry if you feel it's not fear but we try.
9 years ago
@muhevana......you banned me from my favorite server 4 baseraping? it was a 2on2 wtf and I killed you while spawning at your squad member........how is that baseraping???
9 years ago • 0 Like
I dont care is 2 vs 2 or 18 vs 18 you was in wrong area. Ban removed have a nice night.
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago • 0 Like
9 years ago
9 years ago
ik wil er ook bij
10 years ago • 2 likes