Winds burnin'
raisin' flames'n
pain from the shadows
The fear in ya eyes is
Starting to show
Ya better make way
For the beasts from below
Gotchya surrounded by the shadow
We'll make ya pray for the sun
Ya better drop that gun and run
Once the clouds begin to roll
and the reaper creeps upon ya soul
Klay' takin his toll
When he picks and hits ya on the run
Chambers the round,
And picks out another one
Grippin' his gun,
Max pushin' to the max
Stoppin' ya dead in ya tracks
You never saw him attack
Just put away that impact
Rockin', knockin' 'em one by one
Checkin' and steppin'
til the job is done
Hear the boom, feel the shake
That's Dynamite, the man-made earthquake
Rockin' the rocket in his back pocket
Ya think ya got the kill
Then boom! The Dynamite's got it
Look out for the
ghost with green laser beam
Springsteen keepin' it
Nice clean with
The tightest burst ya ever seen
Pop pop pop and ya back to
The load out screen
The lightning strikes
and it's gone quick as ya life
Under the thunder
No one will hear ya scream
Emergin' from Paracel's surgin' sea
Lurkin' in the shadow of ya darkest dreams
It's thee for all
and all for thee
We're the Cerberus
We're the #1 team
11 years ago • 0