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Website: www.fpsnews.net • Created: 2015-08-26

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Site d'actualité des jeux de tir.

Retrouverez plus d'une trentaine de serveurs sur plusieurs jeux dont Battlefield, des infos en exclu, du contenu téléchargeable et bien plus !

Notre site : http://www.fpsnews.net [fpsnews.net]

Actuality website of shooter games.

Find over thirty servers on several games including Battlefield ,exclusive informations, downloadable content, best community and more!

Our Website : http://www.fpsnews.net/en [fpsnews.net]

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thx donald noob for the easy kills ^^
5 years ago • 0 Like
Is it normal that members of your platoon (donald_2020_kag) join other server an than in chat abuse admins because server rules?
5 years ago • 0 Like
tummp-papa= unmature racist scumbag
7 years ago • 1 Like
6 years ago
FPS_Persianb: Fuck Idiot
8 years ago • 3 likes
2 / 50 comments Read more
-TheGhostLeader- : Trottel
7 years ago
(LGBT) TRUMMP-PAPA : Fuck Cheater Platoon--Game Hack & Aimbot Cheater
7 years ago
There where a hacker at your server. pls ban him....


THX a lot
8 years ago • 1 Like
Nice to farm this garbage server.
8 years ago • 2 likes
Nice obliteration server!
9 years ago • 2 likes
you should try the ctf one it burns !
8 years ago
Add votekick to your servers. Some modes allow baseraping. Thanks
8 years ago • 1 Like
Why I got a kick from your Admin INACTIVE-Persian for punishing him for a teamkill? I put 1 c4 on his tank by accident (didnt blow it up) and he shot me. We are playing on your excellent server since half a year but this is really a abuse of his admin rights! Just saying....
9 years ago • 1 Like
Hi ! Hum thank you for your feedback. And sorry for this kick.
9 years ago
Playing alot on FPSNews.net #13, it need some city maps from the Dragons Teeth DLC.
9 years ago • 1 Like
Any comments on that?
9 years ago
Hi, sorry for the late response. The server 13 is only vanilla maps. A new rush server coming.
9 years ago
Bunch of hardware whores 8)
9 years ago • 4 likes