[MWAF] Militant With Attitude
Created: 2015-10-22
3,344,526 / 3,306,000
901h 44m
lol hes left you all because if he was a real leader he wouldn't leave yah hahaha lmfao blood money clan im ded! come join a real clan lol that actually plays all game modes and has a positive kd!
7 years ago • 0
You sound super butthurt homie. Mwa shits on you
eli stop talking shit bro
!1st Off I wanted to Say ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING job to everyone on the last few Days of GAMEPLAY!! AM SO FREAKING PROUD of you all And our new additions have made us to be most FEARED PLATOON to date !!! OMG !! My head is still trying to wrap around the fact that JJERSEYY2727 is a GIRL THAT IS PUTTING UP RIDICULOUS KILL FEEDS!! I'm so PROUD OF YOU ALL!!! JACKSON OR HANDO8 Wlil be posting the new ranking and required Camo outfits for ALL MWA members shortly. Again, Much Love to you ALL!!!
8 years ago • 0
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Oh really look in the fucking mirror mate maybe you'll get one look at yourself
8 years ago
Oh and wheezy you say 'your clan is trash' were so bad I dont give 2 fucking shits, feel me? And you say you want a clan war but your too fucking scared that you lost your bollocks to ask us for a clan war. Who the fuck are you? Mary and her 3 fucking sheep?
8 years ago
Niko plaese accept this clan war from this little bitch FpSxWEEZYx or im gonna leave MWA,
I give u 1 week for this. u cant just ignore a fucking noob that says ur 'clan is trash'.
Come on man get this shit together.
I give u 1 week for this. u cant just ignore a fucking noob that says ur 'clan is trash'.
Come on man get this shit together.
8 years ago • 0
srry for not responding bro, i said that i diddnt had my pc at the time so i couldnt do anything, anyway u are invited so accept it and change ur tag to MWA1
8 years ago
guys why da fuck do you ignore that little bitch FpSxWEEZYx, he clearly wants a clan war.
8 years ago • 0
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you're clan is trash. come play my clan and get wrecked! Pussy all you play is blood money with all the noobs lmao you're the worse clan leader i've ever seen. you're clan KD is awful
8 years ago • 0
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t62 is trash i agree weezy ur trash and so is abby and lightning u guys cant even kill me in rescue or conquest lol shame on t62
8 years ago
yh i can take down t62 have before 5v2 me and my partner beat yall shit t62 clan boy
8 years ago
to all of u guys, T62 clan is trash so if u see them in game on a server, Tbag the hell out of them
8 years ago • 0
Please Join me in congratulating the following for their TEAMWORK, LOYALTY and COMMITMENT TO COACH, LEAD and DEVELOP WINNING TEAMS to execute our tactical strength and positions within our ranks of MWA...
MrJackson0323 Promoted to LIEUTENANT Tag = MWAL
Humbly and Respectably,
Original Founder, Head Commander and Chief,
If Nothing Changes, Then Nothing Changes
MrJackson0323 Promoted to LIEUTENANT Tag = MWAL
Humbly and Respectably,
Original Founder, Head Commander and Chief,
If Nothing Changes, Then Nothing Changes
9 years ago • 0
Please Join me in congratulating the following for their contribution to the platoon, leadership and the vision to help support the growth and improvement of our brother hood.
Insanely Psycho Promoted to General (Founder) Tag = MWAG
PlayaMademexi20 (AKA SpreadMoney) Promoted to General (Founder) Tag = MWAG
ionickitten420 Promoted to Sergeant Tag = MWA2
lou1233mm Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
Shooter8164 Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
EarthBro Land Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
JPANG Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
UMadBro8913 Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
RadLeon120 Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
Thank you all and congratulations. We are looking to make better changes (including myself) to make 2016 even better. Please remember to add each one of the platoonsman and leaders to your friends list in order to expand your player contribution to the platoon by having a wider network of MWA to join in on to help WIN the game!!
Humbly and respectably ,
Head Commander and Chief, Original Founder,
Insanely Psycho Promoted to General (Founder) Tag = MWAG
PlayaMademexi20 (AKA SpreadMoney) Promoted to General (Founder) Tag = MWAG
ionickitten420 Promoted to Sergeant Tag = MWA2
lou1233mm Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
Shooter8164 Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
EarthBro Land Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
JPANG Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
UMadBro8913 Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
RadLeon120 Promoted to Private 1st Class Tag = MWA1
Thank you all and congratulations. We are looking to make better changes (including myself) to make 2016 even better. Please remember to add each one of the platoonsman and leaders to your friends list in order to expand your player contribution to the platoon by having a wider network of MWA to join in on to help WIN the game!!
Humbly and respectably ,
Head Commander and Chief, Original Founder,
9 years ago • 0
MWA Basic Game Play Rules and Conduct
1. Always Support and and assist your MWA platoon brother at all times while in game play.
2. The Game objective is always PRIORITY #1 ,!! Example: Blood Money = Money to the vault !! Protect whomever is running the MONEY if you are not running it back yourself.
3. If a game is full and you cannot join your MWA brother, try to become hacker, then switch to your MWA brother team if possible. If that is not possible, message or party chat your brother and let them know you are trying to enter to play and assist.
4.The goal for MWA is to be at full force as a UNIT and DOMINATE the full side of a game with ALL MWA members on a 12 on 12, This may not be possible in certain situations. An attempt MUST be made to switch sides to join and team up with your MWA platoonsman, If this not possible due to auto-balancing or other server restraints, PLAY ON!! MWA Platoon receives points and advancement of the platoon the more of the platoon that plays on the same ranked and official servers.
5. EMBLEM and TAGS are required to be used at all times while in game.
6. if in a game that has a full MWA squad, create another squad and message the squad leader of the full squad to have 2 members join your squad. This will also allow other MWA members to join in to assist.
7. Never ridicule, disrespect , name call or use racial inflammatory or offensive talk to ANY MWA member via Chat, Chat boards, messenger, Message boards, In game chat or private chats.
8. Strategic and effective communication during game is the key to wining , Limit empty chats that don't offer helps during game that will help OUR PLATOON WIN!!
9. While in game play, always look for top talent to add to our platoons growing success, if you got wrecked by someone who is not in a platoon, send them a message and recommend them to a squad leader for consideration.
11. If you enter a game with a MWA player (2 or more MWA players on same server game, Points,Kills and cash earned are impacted to our platoons score and advancement. Bottom line, If you enter a game and only one MWA player is in and the score is totally to the opposing team to win, LEAVE the game immediately. No need to take the loss when you could not assist to win the game.
12. Try to always be available online(be seen) so MWA members can see you to try to team up with you, playing alone doesn't how the Platoon. Requires atleast 2 players on same game server to get credited points.
13. If you represent another platoon, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE (NONE) Are you allowed to play against your MWA platoon representing either MWA or the other PLATOON you may represent. MWA is the representation and standard to be represented with Emblem and Tags to be represented at all times. The only time that it will be acceptable is if members from both platoons have agreed upon a private battle on a non-ranked(private server)
MWA Basic Game Play Rules and Conduct
1. Always Support and and assist your MWA platoon brother at all times while in game play.
2. The Game objective is always PRIORITY #1 ,!! Example: Blood Money = Money to the vault !! Protect whomever is running the MONEY if you are not running it back yourself.
3. If a game is full and you cannot join your MWA brother, try to become hacker, then switch to your MWA brother team if possible. If that is not possible, message or party chat your brother and let them know you are trying to enter to play and assist.
4.The goal for MWA is to be at full force as a UNIT and DOMINATE the full side of a game with ALL MWA members on a 12 on 12, This may not be possible in certain situations. An attempt MUST be made to switch sides to join and team up with your MWA platoonsman, If this not possible due to auto-balancing or other server restraints, PLAY ON!! MWA Platoon receives points and advancement of the platoon the more of the platoon that plays on the same ranked and official servers.
5. EMBLEM and TAGS are required to be used at all times while in game.
6. if in a game that has a full MWA squad, create another squad and message the squad leader of the full squad to have 2 members join your squad. This will also allow other MWA members to join in to assist.
7. Never ridicule, disrespect , name call or use racial inflammatory or offensive talk to ANY MWA member via Chat, Chat boards, messenger, Message boards, In game chat or private chats.
8. Strategic and effective communication during game is the key to wining , Limit empty chats that don't offer helps during game that will help OUR PLATOON WIN!!
9. While in game play, always look for top talent to add to our platoons growing success, if you got wrecked by someone who is not in a platoon, send them a message and recommend them to a squad leader for consideration.
11. If you enter a game with a MWA player (2 or more MWA players on same server game, Points,Kills and cash earned are impacted to our platoons score and advancement. Bottom line, If you enter a game and only one MWA player is in and the score is totally to the opposing team to win, LEAVE the game immediately. No need to take the loss when you could not assist to win the game.
12. Try to always be available online(be seen) so MWA members can see you to try to team up with you, playing alone doesn't how the Platoon. Requires atleast 2 players on same game server to get credited points.
13. If you represent another platoon, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE (NONE) Are you allowed to play against your MWA platoon representing either MWA or the other PLATOON you may represent. MWA is the representation and standard to be represented with Emblem and Tags to be represented at all times. The only time that it will be acceptable is if members from both platoons have agreed upon a private battle on a non-ranked(private server)
9 years ago • 0
GREAT TEAM PERFORMANCE and WIN STREAK on BLOOD MONEY LAST NIGHT!! Just needed to say what a way to close out the night team, we simply DOMINATED the boards last night, thank you all that were present. WE WENT on a 18 game win streak. One game that we played on, good lord!! we scored over 4,592 platoon points with Steller contributions from our Platoonsman, UMadBro6913, DRIVINxOPTIMUS, BroTastical, INSANE PSYCHO, Tainted PK, and of course me that actually finished positive on the K/D, lololol with a 18-14 ratio, lol. Great job everyone.
Humbly and Respectably,
Founder and Head Commander and Chief,
Humbly and Respectably,
Founder and Head Commander and Chief,
9 years ago • 0
As a reminder, MWA is still open for recruitment. If you are interested, please click on the link below or have your prospect follow link below and apply.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/platoons/view/3381953506280145407/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Humbly and respectfully,
Founder and President, NicoRico131026
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bfh/platoons/view/3381953506280145407/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Humbly and respectfully,
Founder and President, NicoRico131026
9 years ago • 0