[2142] BrigGens

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Website: briggens2142.forumprod.com/ • Created: 2014-02-27

7,289,460 / 3,306,000

7409h 39m
**** We Now Accept Donations via PayPal . To Donate Simply Click the Link Below . Thank You !! ****

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=donations%402142briggens%2ecom&lc=GB&item_name=%5b2142%5d%20BrigGens%20Servers&no_note=0&currency_code=GBP&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest [paypal.com]

**** To Apply To Join Please Add pervy2high as a Friend .*****

***** Platoon Rules . Wear the Badge , Wear the Tag , Help Start the Servers when Required and The Obvious , No Cheating , Glitching or Hacking of any Kind !! *****


***** We are UK Based and as such most Members Only speak English . Please Only Apply if you have a Firm Grasp of English .To Apply Add pervy2high as a Friend and he'll walk you through Application Process .Mind check each servers rules when you join by typing !rules *****

***** JOIN US ON TEAMSPEAK 3 , *****

***** Server Details : This Server is Provided by ( www.gameservers.com ) . It is Paid For and Maintained By Squeeze and pervy2high *****

***** BANS AND APPEALS *****
If you'd like to appeal a ban initiated on this server Contact pervy2high or Squeeze !


hello 2142 team. Not sure if anyone would remember me but i used to play on your server about a year ago then had a break from bf4. Your locker server was the only server i really enjoyed playing due to the great admin work keeping it fair and friendly. Does your locker server get used still and if not and if it was any help to you i would not mind staying on the server along with the member which does so it stays in the active list and it would only then require 2 more joins to start an active game.
One or two members might remember me as i always complemented the work the admins done :)
6 years ago • 0 Like
gaz ^^ may remember me :)
6 years ago
Hi There 2142.. i was wondering i cant get play on your server it say no pro pilot? maybe a mistake.
7 years ago • 0 Like
number13number is a cheat
7 years ago • 0 Like
you have to ban this guy, he played on your server and only shot in the head shot,thx

http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/es/user/Leon28061/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
7 years ago • 0 Like
Banned, "no pro players" lol. Second time for me, still slightly confused because it didn't happen whilst I was playing and didn't get exactly have any "pro" rounds... Sorry to see this guys, enjoyed playing here. Later!
7 years ago • 0 Like
admin can you send me a massage?
7 years ago • 0 Like
I remember when this server used to have the admins saying funny things on screen in the middle of games, being free of care allowing for some pretty awesome games. Since then the admins seem to have been hacked and their accounts taken over by complete lunatics who just rain the ban hammer down on anyone with a K/D over 0.00005 They told me my stats didn't add up for the kills I was getting in that game. I have owned battlefield 4 since release day on PC. A time when My internet was so shit I had to buy it on disk just to download it. I used to think controller was easier and I used to use a joystick to fly jets because I thought it was cool. Then I got bored of falling dead to gunfire...I moved game...got rid of the controller and left battlefield for good. After playing lots of other FPS games I got bored. I missed the action and fun of battlefield and decided to play 4 again. I played briggens a lot along with a set of servers run by 'BFI'. I played well.... I got bored of BFI because the servers were losing players but I still played briggens and every now and then would hang about with my friends in a conquest and mess about. I kept playing briggens until I got accused of hacks by a few players. I told them to spectate me because then they would know I wasn't hacking. We were spawn raping the enemy and my kills went up and up as they went down. The next round came and the admin made it clear to the lobby that I 'am using something'. As a legitimate battlefield player I thought he was joking, like the admins used to do. I joked about how I was now playing bad because we were being spawn raped....and then I got banned. I have never been so disappointing in a server after this ban. I loved the server and to my disappointment when I contacted the admins I was met by them saying "Video doesn't prove anything" which baffled me as how else was I supposed to appeal my ban like they say on their website and their clan page? Instead of getting a polite conversation I just got stomped down just being called a hacker and getting told that I, the person with proof of my innocence, was wrong. I urge any players that enjoy playing battlefield to not get attached to this server. Don't treat players you meet in the server like friends, they will just stab you in the back and leave you in the dark, unable to play your favourite server with people you enjoy ever again. Incredibly disappointed at the injustice, inconsideration and the general child like way they handled the entire situation...not happy boys...not happy one bit
7 years ago • 0 Like
why I have ban on your server ?
7 years ago • 0 Like
Admins are sucked, no skill, no honor, only small crying pussy
7 years ago • 3 likes
7 years ago
Hey ! You banned me from server for suspect cheat/macro. Can you eplain me, because i don't understand you suspect me. I play on your server from many months, any problem. I am not a cheater. Look this http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/856160448565519744/355173589/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]

I can't do a cheater with 25/25 ???

I play BF since 2007, so i am not a unskill player.

Thanks for reading, and i hope you unban me.

ps : sry fot my english :/

7 years ago • 1 Like
2 / 5 comments Read more
Admin on this server, banned all who play better than he :D:D
7 years ago
7 years ago
Good afternoon . I'm banned from you on the server. I never used cheats and marosses. I've been playing on your server for a long time. I myself am fighting against cheaters. I ask you to dilute me on your server, I'm honest about the game. Here's the record as I play on your server
7 years ago • 0 Like
2 / 3 comments Read more
the same for me !
7 years ago
7 years ago
hi i'm banned on yr server for over a year and half the admin say to me in midlle of the game sry then ban me the messeage say sus cheating
since i bought new mouse my aim has improved then my accuracy as well when i play without any of my frinds i use m26 mass and acwr look at that https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=Shinso2255&game=BF4&sub=Check+Player [i-stats.net] u will see that m26 is the higher accuracy but that doesn't mean i'm cheating pls admin unban me
i was playing on yr server for over a year if u dont bellieve me ask torreh or 22sas-maty or huggsy or chasis25 or imsebia about me and i was No. 5 on yr server rank
Thank You Best Regards
7 years ago • 0 Like
7 years ago
Banned because I played better than the admin ...
7 years ago • 1 Like
7 years ago
Dear BrigGens server admins!
I was banned 1 month ago with reason "sup cheating".
You need to know I'm competitive 8vs8 player, and I'm not cheating.
If you can unban me please.
7 years ago • 0 Like
the same here man evry good player get banned dont know why
7 years ago
7 years ago
I remember when this server used to have the admins saying funny things on screen in the middle of games, being free of care allowing for some pretty awesome games. Since then the admins seem to have been hacked and their accounts taken over by complete lunatics who just rain the ban hammer down on anyone with a K/D over 0.00005 They told me my stats didn't add up for the kills I was getting in that game. I have owned battlefield 4 since release day on PC. A time when My internet was so shit I had to buy it on disk just to download it. I used to think controller was easier and I used to use a joystick to fly jets because I thought it was cool. Then I got bored of falling dead to gunfire...I moved game...got rid of the controller and left battlefield for good. After playing lots of other FPS games I got bored. I missed the action and fun of battlefield and decided to play 4 again. I played briggens a lot along with a set of servers run by 'BFI'. I played well.... I got bored of BFI because the servers were losing players but I still played briggens and every now and then would hang about with my friends in a conquest and mess about. I kept playing briggens until I got accused of hacks by a few players. I told them to spectate me because then they would know I wasn't hacking. We were spawn raping the enemy and my kills went up and up as they went down. The next round came and the admin made it clear to the lobby that I 'am using something'. As a legitimate battlefield player I thought he was joking, like the admins used to do. I joked about how I was now playing bad because we were being spawn raped....and then I got banned. I have never been so disappointing in a server after this ban. I loved the server and to my disappointment when I contacted the admins I was met by them saying "Video doesn't prove anything" which baffled me as how else was I supposed to appeal my ban like they say on their website and their clan page? Instead of getting a polite conversation I just got stomped down just being called a hacker and getting told that I, the person with proof of my innocence, was wrong. I urge any players that enjoy playing battlefield to not get attached to this server. Don't treat players you meet in the server like friends, they will just stab you in the back and leave you in the dark, unable to play your favourite server with people you enjoy ever again. Incredibly disappointed at the injustice, inconsideration and the general child like way they handled the entire situation...not happy boys...not happy one bit
7 years ago • 0 Like
admin pls can you add me
7 years ago • 0 Like
Why you guys banned me?
Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: SUSPECT CHEATS + SUS ON ISTATS
You guys should check this:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/imRoni-_/stats/1763526134/ps4/ [battlelog.battlefield.com]
No point to hack.
7 years ago • 0 Like

I've sent you a friend request, please accept. I recorded 3 hackers today. 1080p 60fps video evidence of clearly using aimbot, no sign of human aim.

I will upload but I don't want to publicly share the link.
7 years ago • 0 Like
I also caught someone using spread and/or fire rate macro in spectator.
7 years ago
Bath from the fact that the admin so wanted http://image.prntscr.com/image/5cfe67930bdb4bf99434698f5c441812.png [image.prntscr.com]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub45lWcYabM [youtube.com]
7 years ago • 0 Like